Also, You should consider fixing your naming to match the Ruby/Rails
naming conventions.
> class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
> has_one :countrydescription
> end
> class CountryDescription < ActiveRecord::Base
> belongs_to :country
> end
This reply was almost right, but I think it should be:
has_one :country_description
Class names should be camel case with the first character upper case and
the each word upper.
Example: SomeClassName
Attribute names and method names should be all lower case with
underscores separating each word (consider table column names to be
Example: some_attribute_name
ncancelliere wrote:> First - your models should be singularly named. Use Country instead
> of Countries, as your model is of a single country not a group of
> countries.
> class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
> has_one :countrydescription
> end
> class CountryDescription < ActiveRecord::Base
> belongs_to :country
> end
> I''d be curious why you''re storing the description of the
country in a
> separate table instead of along with the Country model? Even if
> meta data I would think this is better kept with the Country model,
> and just have a text field called "description" it''d
keep things
> simpler.
> Nicholas
> On Aug 20, 4:39�am, Remco Swoany
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