monit is right up to your needs
On 22 фев, 13:43, Tim Conner
wrote:> Hi,
> As part of a web application that I am writing I need to have something
> listening for any packets that are received on a particular port and
> then process the packets using some of my Rails models, hence I start
> the script via the ./script/runner command.
> This script always needs to be running, if it exits for any reason, I
> need it to start up again very quickly. Hence, I was considering
> writing a simple script that gets called every minute via a cron job.
> This script will check to see if anything is currently listening on the
> particular port, and if not, call the script/runner command to start the
> listener script again.
> Does this seem like a reasonable way of making sure my listener script
> is always running or is there another/better way?
> Thanks
> T
> --
> Posted via
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