I am trying to create a new model from XML that contains has a has_many
relationship. Is this possible without having to write code to parse
the XML or to doing multiple POSTS? I can do a post with XML that
doesn''t contain any of the has_many elements and it works fine. It is
when I add the items from the has_many relationship that I get a bunch
of errors.
Here are the examples I am trying
This works...
<comment>This is track 3</comment>
<rfi-event-id>RFI 3</rfi-event-id>
This doesn''t
<comment>This is track 3</comment>
<rfi-event-id>RFI 3</rfi-event-id>
<lat type="float">20.0</lat>
<lon type="float">25.0</lon>
<lat type="float">30.0</lat>
<lon type="float">35.0</lon>
Error from cURL about ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in Manual
this fails too...
<comment>This is track 3</comment>
<rfi-event-id>RFI 3</rfi-event-id>
<lat type="float">20.0</lat>
<lon type="float">25.0</lon>
<lat type="float">30.0</lat>
<lon type="float">35.0</lon>
NoMethodError in Manual tracksController#create
undefined method `position='' for
Any suggestions of what I need to do?
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