> I''m using Oracle to back my Rails app, and I noticed somewhere
along the
> line that if my ID is declared as NUMBER then it wants to show up as
> "123.0" whenever I ask for it (i.e. link_to and other things).
> didn''t seem to be a problem, so I was ignoring it.
> Recently upgraded to Rails 1.2, however, and now that doesn''t
> anymore. Is there some place where I can set this on a more
> application/global level so that I don''t have to go through every
> rhtml page and add stuff like @plan.id.to_i to everything?
In your models you could add the following:
def to_param
id.to_i rescue id
And you could set things up so that that all your models inherit from this
model or you could make this a module and include it, or just paste it
into all of your models.
Note this will only work if you link_to using :id => @plan *not* :id =>
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