wyrosdick wrote:>
> Why is that in so many plugins I see people using (including
> acts_as_taggable by DHH):
> # init.rb
> ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ActiveRecord::Acts::SomeModule)
> # lib/some_module.rb
> module ActiveRecord
> module Acts
> module SomeModule
> def self.included(base)
> base.extend(ClassMethods)
> end
> module ClassMethods
> def acts_as_something
> # code
> end
> end
> end
> end
> end
> why go through all that rather than just call:
> # init.rb
> ActiveRecord::Base.extend ActiveRecord::Acts::SomeModule::ClassMethods
> and skip the self.included method?
I guess the use of self.included paves the way for more complex things
to be done when the module included. It also allows the module to be
included into a single AR model or a class of AR models, rather than
into all of AR itself.
If you definitely want to apply the module to all of AR an even shorter
alternative is:
# lib/some_module.rb
class ActiveRecord
def self.acts_as_something
# code
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