search for: roles_us

Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "roles_us".

2006 Apr 15
view code regular expression
I''m lost on regular expressions to begin with... I''m trying to fix a value to one of 4 radio buttons as there will be value of either 1,2,3 or 4 in @roles_users... <TD><input type="radio" id="roles" name="case_managers[case_manager_name]" value="Case Manager Admin" <% if =~ @roles_users /1/ checked = "checked" %> /></TD> <TD><input type="radio"...
2006 Apr 16
still learning maintaining data with join tables
Class Role has_and_belongs_to_many :users Class User has_and_belongs_to_many :roles Class RolesUsers has_and_belongs_to_many :roles has_and_belongs_to_many :users According to the logs...I''m good through here @roles_users = RolesUsers.find(:all, :conditions => ["user_id = ?", params[:users_id]] ) the next section of controller code is a problem... for entry in @roles_users do entry.destroy end ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in LoginController#save_rights PGError: ERROR: rela...
2006 Jul 11
Problems using the authorization plugin from Bill Katz
...rails stuff) r = Red.find(1) u1 = User.find_by_login("ismael") u2 = User.find_by_login("ismael2") u1.has_role "proprio", r u2.has_role "proprio", r ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry ''5'' for key 1: INSERT INTO roles_users (`updated_at`, `role_id`, `id`, `user_id`, `created_at`) VALUES (''2006-07-11 13:58:35'', 5, 5, 20, ''2006-07-11 13:58:35'') I know what the Duplicate key mean, but am I using the plugin correctly or you cant have 2 users with the same permission on the same obje...
2008 Mar 23
radio buttons - how to identify record using value?
I''m making a simple questionnaire app using RoR. I''ve got a model for Questions, a model for Answers, and a third model, Qa, for matching each question to five possible answers through foreign keys. So, each qa has a question and five answers , a1-a5, through belongs_to and a :foreign_key, and then a selected_answer field for specifying which answer was selected by the user. The
2006 Aug 18
Rails is doing what I want - but I don''t understand how.
...to_many :users has_and_belongs_to_many :rights def self.names names = for role in Role.find :all names << end return names end end migration file for reference: class CreateRoles < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :roles_users, :id => false do |t| t.column "role_id", :integer t.column "user_id", :integer end create_table :roles do |t| t.column "name", :string end end def self.down drop_table :roles_users drop_table :roles end end As you can see...
2005 Mar 10
Login controller additions
I have added roles and roles_users table and updated the model so that my users can have multiple roles. ("Admin" role does always have id = 1). I have added these methods to my application controller. <code> helper_method :is_admin? helper_method :is_user? def is_admin? if @session[''user&...
2005 Oct 11
Searching an attribute in a hmabtm relationship
(Nuby to Ruby and Rails...) I''ve implemented security using the login generator in a simple app so that I have a user table, a roles table, and a join between them (roles_users). All works as expected. I now need to check if a user has a specific role, but my approach is off somehow. Here''s what I''ve tried thusfar: user_roles = @session[:user].roles user_roles.find { |r| == "officer"} When this executes, I get &...
2005 Dec 14
why would an int column in a join table be a String class in model?
...with integer columns in the database becoming strings in the model and I''m not sure why this is happening. perhaps someone can explain. given the following setup (simplified for example) tables: users ---------- id - int name - varchar(60) roles ---------- id - int name - varchar(60) roles_users (join table) ---------- role_id - int user_id - int default_flag - int data: user => 1, ''joe'' role => 1, ''admin'' roles_users => 1, 1, 1 models: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :roles end class Role < ActiveRecord::...
2006 Aug 16
Naming rights_roles join model using has_many :through and polymorphic associations
...ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :roles end class Role < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :users has_and_belongs_to_many :rights end class Right < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :roles end TABLES: users rights roles rights_roles (habtm join table) roles_users (habtm join table) All fairly standard stuff. As my application has evolved I wish to add roles to other things as well such as groups of users. What I don''t want is to have to create another join table roles_groups. I think this can be re-factored using polymorphic associations...
2006 Sep 05
rake craziness with Migrate as a dependency
..., ["static_permission_id", "role_id"], {:name=>"roles_static_permissions_all_index", :unique=>true}) -> 0.2200s -- add_index("roles_static_permissions", ["role_id"], {:name=>"role_id"}) -> 0.2400s -- create_table("roles_users", {:force=>true, :id=>false}) -> 0.0800s -- add_index("roles_users", ["user_id", "role_id"], {:name=>"roles_users_all_index", :unique=>true}) -> 0.1810s -- add_index("roles_users", ["role_id"], {:name=>&q...
2007 Aug 23
Saving ActiveRecord in PostgreSQL without id
I have a small table that is used to temporarily queue requests, as such it does not have an id field (or any other primary key), because it doesn''t make sense to have one. When I created an ActiveRecord class and tried to save it, I get: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: relation "temp_requests_id_seq" does not exist It keeps looking for the id to auto
2006 Apr 27
Role Based Authorization recipe implementation?
i got the rails recipes book, i have now an auth system for users without problems, now i want to made a role based acces for my app, im following the "Role Based Authorization" recipe of the book but i cant make it to work even when the tables created and correctly added data manually definig the roles and rights. als i dont know how to define a right for use all the actions in a
2006 Aug 11
SQL sort
...></td> #1st role is main role <td width="30%" align="center"><%= h(user.first_name) %></td> <td width="20%" align="center"><%= h(user.last_name) %></td> user and roles are joined by a many-to-many relationship (roles_users table) Its running very well... but I would like to be able to sort on the role column... when "role" then "role DESC" doesn''t work obviously I got a MYSQL error Mysql::Error: Unknown column ''role'' in ''order clause'': SELECT...
2005 Oct 13
Re: rubyonrails problem w/ multiple dbs and webrick
..., I wound up just using a single connection (for the site DB), and then overriding the table names to include the DB name ("rails"), e.g.: class User < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "rails.users" has_and_belongs_to_many :roles, :join_table => "rails.roles_users" ... There''s also probably a DRYer way of doing this (suggestions welcome!), and it may very well be MySQL-specific. but it works for me (YMMV). [0] ========================================================...
2006 Jun 26
Rake + SQL Server + Migrations == Errors. Help?!
...abaseError: Count OLE error code:8000FFFF in Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server ITransaction::Commit or ITransaction::Abort was called, and object is in a zombie state. HRESULT error code:0x80020009 Exception occurred.: EXEC sp_helpindex roles # Could not dump table "roles_users" because of following DBI::DatabaseError # EOF OLE error code:800A0E78 in ADODB.Recordset Operation is not allowed when the object is closed. HRESULT error code:0x80020009 Exception occurred. # Could not dump table "sales_lot_status" because of following DBI...
2010 Jun 05
How do you update HABTM relationships or create.
Hi, I have a User model with a HABTM relation to a Role model and vice versa. So There''s a roles_users table that references :user and :role. I''m using formtastic, and in the user.edit.html.erb I have a line that outputs the roles as a multi-select list box. But the box is not showing the roles that have been assigned to the users. Another problem is that if I select a few roles and pr...