search for: signin

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2006 Jul 07
Rails Recipes Book: Authentication
...enticating Your Users and Chapter 32: Authorizing Users with Roles of Chad Fowler''s Rails Recipes looks reasonable and adequate. However, when I ran the Chapter 31 code, I get the following error: Username or password invalid And I am not even given the chance to sign in; that is, the signin form does not appear at all. Has anyone tried this code and encountered the same error message and how did you correct it? Thanks for the help, gk -- Posted via
2006 Mar 31
I feel stupid - help with
...for that, but I haven''t been able to get a response in the #prototype/#javascript/#ror channels, nor find anything via Google. I have a form element that I want to be hidden when the page first loads, and appear when a user clicks the link. Here''s the code: <div id=''signin-link''><%= link_to ''Sign In'', ''#'', :onclick => "''signin-form'')" %></div> <div id=''signin-form''> <%= start_form_tag(signin_url)%> <%= text_field_tag :userna...
2007 May 03
no route found to match "/application/signin"
...39;'t locate it via the keywords I was using. Hopefully my Subject line will help more people find this solution. PROBLEM: I upgraded from Rails 1.1.6 to 1.2.3. When I did something that required me to sign in, I got: ActionController::RoutingError (no route found to match "/application/signin" with {:method=>:get}): SOLUTION: Details posted here: In summary, it seems that the newer versions of Rails enforce that ApplicationController is not used to contain actions. It should just contain utility methods that you want your other con...
2006 Jul 05
RuntimeError with Rails Recipe "Authenticating Your Users"
HI, I''ve gotten this Rails Recipe running fine (a bit before I completely understand it) except when the signin is incorrect I return an error(below). All I want is to either have the incorrect signin redirected to "store" rhtml or to a refreshed and empty signin. Any clues??? TIA Chas ######From Browser ##### http://localhost:3000/admin/signin RuntimeError in AdminController#signin Username...
2007 Aug 21
Signin to LinkedIn
Hi, Does anyone have the formula for getting logged into LinkedIn? Here''s my current attempt: require ''rubygems'' require ''mechanize'' agent = home_page = agent.get('''') signin_page = home_page.links.text(''Sign in'') puts "\nSIGNIN PAGE" pp signin_page login_form = signin_page.form(''login'') login_form.session_login = ''LOGIN'' login_form.session_password = ''PASSWORD'' w...
2006 Aug 01
How to retrieve :web when redirecting to an Instiki page?
Hello, I am currently working on implementing some authentification code onto Instiki (0.11.0). I am encountering a problem in this situation : When I try to access say http:/localhost:2500/orz/show/Test , where orz is an instiki web name, I am redirected to my signin form screen (which is what I want) but then upon signing in I get the following message: No url can be generated for the hash {:controller=>"wiki", :action=>"show", :id=>"Test"} Now if I then type in http:/localhost:2500/orz/show/Test in my br...
2006 Apr 21
Catch authentication result from a model in a controller
...hexdigest(password + user.password_salt) != user.password_hash raise "user or password wrong" end user end end #controller--------------------------------------------- class AdminController < ApplicationController before_filter :check_authentication, :except => [:signin_form, :signin] def index render "admin" end def check_authentication unless session[:user] session[:intended_action] = action_name redirect_to :action => "signin_form" end end def signin_form render "login_form" end def signin session[:user] = User....
2007 Jan 06
ApplicationController common view
I created a user login system in ApplicationController. There is a def called signin. It needs a view file, signin.rhtml I have a couple of other controllers inheriting from ApplicationController. Where can I place the view file so it is viewable across all controllers? I tried the root view folder but that didn''t work. Right now, I would have to copy and paste the signi...
2008 Mar 16
form_for error
Hi all, I have the following code in my application layout: <div id="utility"> <% if logged_in? %> <%= link_to "Sign Out", logout_path %> <% else %> <%= link_to_function "Sign in", "$(''signin'').toggle();$(''signin_link'').toggle()", :id => "signin_link" %> <%= form_tag login_path, {:id => "signin"}, {:style =>"display: none"} %> Log In<%= text_field_tag ''login'' %>...
2007 Oct 05
Stories VS Scenarios
...hard time knowing when I should break requirements up into separate stories or keep them as scenarios. I am currently trying to write a story (stories) for the registration process of a site. The registration process is a multistep process that changes based on the type/role of user that is signing up. So depending on the user''s role (given by the user on the first step) I will be asking different questions. Should I write stories for each of these roles or should these just be scenarios of the following story: Story "Signin process", %{ As a person I want to si...
2007 May 25
form_remote_tag :condition
...sses, go ahead and continue and push the form information via an AJAX call. This is what I have: <% form_remote_tag :update=>''nothing'', :url=> {:action => ''create''}, :condition =>''validateMe();'', :html=> {:id=>''signIn''}, :success =>''Modalbox.hide();'' do %> so the HTML that is generated is: <form id="signIn" onsubmit="if (validateMe()) { new Ajax.Updater(''nothing'', ''/fc/create'', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, onSucces...
2006 Jun 30
before_filter: nil vs. true vs. false
...t would return nil if there''s a user in the session. Does nil count as true? before_filter :check_authentication def check_authentication unless session[:user] session[:intended_action] = action_name session[:intended_controller] = controller_name redirect_to :action => "signin" end end Thanks, Joel --
2012 Feb 03
ruby on rails 3 tutorial book chapter9 Signin Failure
Hi I have problem trying to pass the signin failure test. This is the test code of the sessions_controller.rb def create user = User.authenticate(params[:session][:email], params[:session][:password]) if user.nil?[:error] = "Invalid email/password combination.&quot...
2006 Jul 11
assert_redirected_to not recognizing routes
I''m getting a weird error in a call to assert_redirected_to in one of my functional tests. Here is the test: def test_signin admin = users(:adminuser) post :signin, {:login =>, :realpass => @password} assert_redirected_to :action => ''list'' # failure happens on this line assert_equal, session[:user].id end The error is: 2) Error: test_signin(UserContro...
2008 Jan 14
Controoler/View problem build an application with an authentication method, I''m using the Recipe from the book "Rails Recipes". The thing is that i wrote the procedure inside the Login controller class, but when i try to access it I got an exception that say "couldn''t find Login With ID=signin" (signin is the method name) and it then show an error, here is the trace: d:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.0.2/lib/active_record/ base.rb:1267:in `find_one'' d:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.0.2/lib/active_record/ base.rb:1250:in `find_from_ids'' d:...
2006 Apr 14
SHA2 Issues
Hello all, Thank you in advance for your help with this. I am trying to implement the user authentication method from Ruby Recipes which calls for the use of SHA 2. Here is the code for the password: def password=(pass) salt = [{rand(256).chr}.join].pack("m").chomp self.password_salt, self.password_hash = salt, Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(pass + salt) end I open
2013 Jul 09
routes for devise in rails4
...devise models.the devises are client,admin,employee. when i login into client then it will go to clients dashboard, when i login into admin then it will go to admins dashboard, the employee also has the employee dashboard. if i do not enter any login then the common dashboard body message is please signin. please let me know how to write routes for them. Thankyou. -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, sen...
2013 Jan 09
Rails 3.2.10 and Rspec Tests that Fail?
...3.2.9 and now 3.2.10 they fail. I have the following tests in(I am only showing the first two tests): spec/features/authentication_pages_spec.rb require ''spec_helper'' describe "Authentication" do subject { page } describe "signin" do before { visit signin_path } it { should have_selector(''h2'', text: ''Sign in'') } it { should have_selector(''title'', text: ''Sign in'') } ... .....
2005 Apr 20
MySQL and dovecot
Hi, I have some problems with my connection from outside to POP3/IMAP... As far as I can see every should be set corret. Currently I use version 0.99.11-1.FC3.4 installed from an RPM-file. I tried to debug the signin process. It's always saying bad password... What encryption can DoveCot read? Currently my password is encrypted with md5crypt... Regards Anders
2006 Dec 01
You are being redirected message
Ticket #3082 details a fix to add a body to redirect pages. This seems like an old patch, but only now is it biting me. I have an authentication scheme like this: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter :check_authentication, :except => [:signin] def check_authentication return true if session[:user] session[:return_to] = request.request_uri if request.request_uri !~ /login/ redirect_to(:controller => ''admin'', :action => ''signin'') # **** return false end The problem...