Displaying 20 results from an estimated 43 matches for "onblur".
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2006 Apr 06
problem with IE
hello there, im having a little problem with Internet Exploiter, im doing
//// CODE ////
var m = $(''XYZ'').cloneNode(false)
m.setAttribute(''id'', ''XYZ_2'');
m.value = '''';
var onblur = "alert(''hola'');";
m.setAttribute(''onblur'', onblur);
//// CODE ////
where "XYZ" is an input text and y6 is a TD cell, this works perfectly in
firefox, but i dont have idea why doesnt work in IE, any clue??
thx in...
2006 May 22
how HTML_Option works?
Hi all,
all the form helpers can take a serie for options but I cant find any
documentation about them. Any one can point me toward one?
Or at least tell me how I can for example add a function that would be
call with the onblur event from a input box?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2007 Oct 08
onblur to work with select
I need a method to be called upon an ''onblur'' event when a select list
is no longer the focus - ideally, I would like it to work when the
''Enter'' key is hit. But, I am just trying to get the onblur to work,
here is what I got:
<%= select( "airlinemembership", "membership", Airline.find( :all,...
2006 May 03
form :onblur => ''this.form.submit()'' doesn''t do AJAX
...@person, :url => { :action => "save" },
:update => ''form'' do |f| %>
<label for="person_fname"><span class="req">*</span>Name</label>
<div class="form_el">
<%= f.text_field :naam, :size=>50, :onblur => ''this.form.submit()'' %>
<% end %>
This doesn''t work though, it submits the form using a plain old POST.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance,
2005 Oct 05
InPlaceEditor crash on Safari
Quick question..
I often crash my Safari when using ''Enter'' on InPlaceEditor''s for
Works fine on firefox(win & Mac) - no javascript errors.
Anyone else seen this behavior?
(Maybe it is just my alterings of InPlaceEditor :-)
Best Regards
Michael Krog
2008 Apr 09
submitting an ajax form via javascript not rendering
for some reason the controller is parsing everything fine, but the
return is a page instead of code execution. I have other ajax forms no
listed that are also running fine on this same page.
there are supposed to be 3 ajax events:
onblur event that calls a function to submit - doesn''t work.
There is a submit button at the end of the form - works
there is a delete image that removed the row when clicked - works
I have also tried the onblur event just as this.form.submit();
Either case, I get the following which looks OK, j...
2006 Feb 07
in place edit, save on blur
I thought I''d seen some discussion on this, but can''t find it. I have
a text area that I''d like to save on blur unless the user clicks
cancel. Anyone got a nice example of this? It''s non-obvious to me
how I force the submit via javascript. Thanks,
Parker Thompson
2006 May 01
RE: Leak in the Autocompleter, with scrollable result-div ?
Hi Ed
The reason it adds a new onblur is because when you click the scrollbar the
event is gone. I dont know why and how to prevent it, but without adding it
back the onblur does not get triggered and the layer does not hide when you
click somewhere else on the page. If anyone finds a better solution, please
provide a patch.
I still h...
2006 Mar 07
rjs and partials
I''m trying to update a list, and having a hard time applying visual effects
to the latest element created. Here is what I''m doing.
1) Creating an "item" via an action, then rendering the RJS template
2) RJS template looks like this:
page.insert_html :top, ''items'', :partial =>
2006 May 01
RE: Leak in the Autocompleter, with scrollable result-div ?
Every time the Autocomplete results is blur()'d, it adds another onblur
event observer (because of "Event.observe(this.update, "blur",
this.onBlur.bindAsEventListener(this),true); // make sure blur is still
around on") which leads to a performance problem / memory leak.
(Commenting it out seems to fix this problem.)
I was wondering why it was ther...
2006 Jan 05
InPlaceEditor and textarea
new Ajax.InPlaceEditor($(''ipblock''), ''tools/admin_save.php'',
{ ajaxOptions: {method: ''get''},
callback: function(form, value) { return ''op=ipblock&value='' + value},
onBlur: function(request) {Element.show(''indicator'')},
onComplete: function(request) {Element.hide(''indicator'')}
I try to write 2 row, but when the form is submit I have only one row
after send success.
I must add some code to JS for u...
2006 Apr 20
The Autocompleter, with scrollable result-div
fixIEOverlapping: function() {
- Position.clone(this.update, this.iefix);
+ Position.clone(this.update, this.iefix,
this.iefix.style.zIndex = 1;
this.update.style.zIndex = 2;
@@ -176,6 +176,13 @@
onBlur: function(event) {
+ // Dont hide the div on "blur" if the user clicks scrollbar
+ if(Element.getStyle(this.update, ''height'') != ''''){
+ if( Position.within( this.update , Event.pointerX(event) ,
Event.pointerY(event) ) ){
+ Event...
2006 Mar 16
This is driving me crazy!!!
...inputs = document.getElementsByTagName(''input'');
inputs = $A(inputs);
inputs.each( function(input) {
try {
if(validInputs.indexOf(input.id) != -1) {
//input.onblur = this.alertBox.bindAsEventListener(this);
} catch(e) {
2006 Jul 26
Ajax and onsubmit
I''ve worked through the depot app and would like to use the ajax submit
ability, but call it from a textbox''s onblur event. By using onblur I
can submit the form, but the ''onsubmit'' part isn''t fired.
Is there a way to either fire the onsubmit event, or to copy that code
into a text_field? I tried a direct copy from the source of the form
just to test it out without success.
the f...
2007 Feb 23
Vanishing Globals
I have what I thought was a simple scenario, but IE seems to have
found a way to make it difficult: I am creating pairs of drop-downs of
times of the day (9:00, 9:15, ...) on the fly (using AJAX) and want to
be able to adjust the displayed difference between them in hours
onChange and store this information in a global hash.
Straightforwardly enough, I simple use Event.observe to set up an
2006 May 26
scriptaculous - auto complete textbox with a drop down
I''m using scriptaculous to provide an auto complete textbox - and it
works perfectly - but I was wondering if there was anyway to let users
navigate the choices using the keyboard i.e the curor keys as opposed to
having to use the mouse? Apart from that it''s perfect! :)
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Jun 19
Autocompleter enhancement feature request
...utocompleter to show the
options immediately when the field gets focus. Right now at least one
character must be typed for autocomplete to kick in.
I have also made some code changes directly in the script
Event.observe(this.element, "blur", this.onBlur.bindAsEventListener(this));
Event.observe(this.element, "keypress", this.onKeyPress.bindAsEventListener(this));
Event.observe(this.element, "focus", this.onKeyPress.bindAsEventListener(this));
The last line is what I have added.
And then I have commented some code:
2007 May 24
Help with Create and Update with options_for_select in a select_tag
<%=select_tag ''access_control[]'',
options_for_select($types, ''@types''), {:multiple => true, :size
=> 5, :id => "access_control_value",
:onfocus=>"fixedtooltip(CONTROL_MSSG, this, event,
'''')", :onblur=>"delayhidetip()"}%>
<%= error_message_on :service, :access_controls %><br />
#create works but is this the best way?
def create
if params[:access_control]
params[:access_control].each do |value|
control = AccessControl.ne...
2006 Jun 12
Passing parameters to ''remote_function''
I am trying to use the ''remote_function'' helper method from the
PrototypeHelper class on a the onblur event of a text_field for filling
a form with data via AJAX.
How can I get the value of the text_field for making a query to the
database in the controller action?
<%= text_field("item", "code" ,
:onblur => remote_function(:update => ''mydiv'',...
2009 Feb 24
How do I clear values from text_field_tag after browser refresh????
...rowser, seems like a very simple
thing, however I''m having hard time finding the answer.
After I input some values, how do i reset the value to nil or empty??
my code is below
<%= text_field_tag ''login'', @login, :class => "input-text",
:onblur => "loginFieldOnBlur(''login'')",
:onfocus => "loginFieldOnFocus(''login'')"
Any help or tip will be greatly appreciated.
I tried removing @login from text tag, setting @login to null or
empty..setting params[:login...