You are correct. The first way would limit the find to only the items
within that user''s library. Another way would be to use the
:conditions param in your second example to restrict the query, such
as (untested):
Item.find(params[:id], :conditions => [ "library_id = ?", ])
Depending on your implementation, you could just keep track of the
"current" library id somewhere such as in the session.
But your first way seems fine.
On 5/22/06, <>
wrote:> I have what I hope is a simple question regarding a security practice
> I''ve been using in my first Rails app. I want to know if
> worthwhile or if the extra typing isn''t worth it.
> I have 3 models that are related to each other.
> class User < AR:Base
> has_one :library
> end
> class Library < AR:Base
> belongs_to :user
> has_many :items
> end
> class Item < AR:Base
> belongs_to :library
> end
> In my library_controller, most of the actions should only be
> available to a logged in user. Using the acts_as_authenticated plugin
> I have setup the appropriate pieces and use a before_filter to
> require the session to be that of a logged in user. So far, so good.
> Here''s where things (finally) get interesting. When my controller
> needs to edit an item, I typically do this:
> def find_user
> @user = User.find_by_login(session[:user])
> end
> def find_library
> find_user
> @library = @user.library
> end
> def edit_item
> find_library
> @item = @user.library.items.find(params[:id]) <--- necessary?
> # other processing
> end
> It''s that second line in my #edit_item action that I''m
curious about.
> It works just fine if I do:
> def edit_item
> @item = Item.find(params[:id])
> # other stuff
> end
> However, that second method looks insecure to me since I suppose it
> is possible for a logged_in user to get malicious and try
> substituting in some different :id values to see what gets returned.
> The second action let''s that user essentially have access to the
> entire table whereas the first action constrains their possible set
> of choices.
> Am I right? (Be gentle, I''m a rails nuby.)
> cr
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Tom Davies