search for: logged_in

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 84 matches for "logged_in".

2006 Dec 11
Does mongrel look at the Rails page cache?
Hi all. I''m trying to skip the Rails page cache if the user is logged in: --- # Rewrite index to check for static RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*logged_in=yes.*$ RewriteRule ^/$ /index.html [QSA] # Rewrite to check for Rails cached page RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*logged_in=yes.*$ RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [QSA] # Redirect all non-static requests to cluster RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ balancer://m...
2007 Feb 11
Specing Rails Views
Hello - I''m currently trying to write some specs for my rails views. My views depend upon the restful authentication plugin method logged_in? Like so, <% if logged_in? %> <ul id="product-admin-nav"> <dd><%= link_to "create a new product", new_product_url %></dd> </ul> <% end %> However, when I have the following in my specification: render "products/show&quo...
2006 Jul 13
Acts As Authenticated - smarter login box
Hi, I''ve got AAA loaded and working. I now want to put a smarter login form on the sidebar of my site. If the user is not logged in, I''d like to display a typical form in the sidebar that collects the user ID/password and allows the user to login. If the user is logged in, the box should display something like ''Logged in user: FirstName Lastname'' and a
2007 Oct 01
how to spec views
...ew render different partials depending on authentication of the user: annon, admin, player So I I''ll write if conditionals in the view with the partials it "should render signup propaganda for annon users trying to view games" do render "/games/index.rhtml" @logged_in?.should eql(false) response.should render_template(''_signup_propaganda'') end Now for my partial I know it''ll be wrapped all in a div with a class="signup_propaganda" Should I be testing for that instead? Can I write expectations for partials similar to ab...
2007 Jun 24
howto make "logged_in?" accessible to other controllers? aaa
Greetings, I am new to act as autenticated and was wondering how i can check if the user has been logged in from their account. i would like to do this so i can show things a member can do in the main site (vote, comment, etc) thanks! -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the
2010 Jan 22
Rails Render Issue
Hi, I am adding login functionality to my app which has two controllers users and photos and i am having some trouble. In my users/index view <%if logged_in? %> <%=render "photos/index"%> <%else%> .... Home page With login..... <%end%> In my photos/index view <%if logged_in? %> .... Welcome page ..... <%else%> <%=render "users/index"%> <%end%>...
2008 Jan 30
Where can I get "authenticate_with_http_basic"?
...ion Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/easyrx/lib/authenticated_system.rb:102:in `login_from_basic_auth'' /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/easyrx/lib/authenticated_system.rb:12:in `current_user'' /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/easyrx/lib/authenticated_system.rb:6:in `logged_in?'' /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/easyrx/app/controllers/ register_controller.rb:41:in `start'' How can I troubleshoot this? Below is the code for my autehnticated_system.rb file, installed by the plugin. - Dave ====================begin authenticated_system.rb========================...
2007 May 29
Trouble defining a stub method for a controller
Hello, Not sure if I am doing something really wrong (let''s not say stupid for now), but I haven''t been able to stub a controller method like: controller.stub!(:logged_in?).and_return(true) Please help, this is driving me nuts ;-) -- An?bal Rojas
2008 Aug 08
template.expect_render fails when partial is rendered from a helper
My spec; describe ''subnav rendering while logged in'' do before do template.stub!(:logged_in?).and_return(true) template.stub! (:current_profile).at_least(:once).and_return(mock_profile) end def do_render render "/homepages/show.html.erb" end it "should render the logged in partial for homepages" do template.expect_render(:partial =&g...
2006 Apr 23
Check if current route == some route
...pplicationController in which I want to check if the current location is the same as a certain route, so that I only redirect non-logged in visitors to the "join" page if they''re not on that page already. The code I came up with is a bit ugly: redirect_to join_url unless (@logged_in or action_name == "join") I''m pretty sure there is some nice way of doing this, along the lines of ... current_url == join_url but I can''t seem to find it on Google, nor does #rubyonrails know. Anyone? Another way to solve this would be :exclude on the filter, but...
2008 Jun 13
before_filter order of execution
...oller, but only users with a access_level higher than 2 can view specific objects. My code is: ----------------------------------------------------------- IN USER_CONTROLLER before_filter :login_required before_filter :access_granted, :only => [:destroy, :new , :edit] IN APPLICATION.RB def logged_in? ! @current_user.blank? end helper_method :logged_in? def login_required return true if logged_in? session[:return_to] = request.request_uri redirect_to :controller => "/account", :action => "login" and return false end def access_granted if...
2015 Mar 17
[patch] Updated patch for pkcs#11 smartcard readers that have a protected PIN path
...index c3a112f..b053332 100644 --- a/ssh-pkcs11.c +++ b/ssh-pkcs11.c @@ -255,22 +255,30 @@ pkcs11_rsa_private_encrypt(int flen, const u_char *from, u_char *to, RSA *rsa, si = &k11->provider->slotinfo[k11->slotidx]; if ((si->token.flags & CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED) && !si->logged_in) { if (!pkcs11_interactive) { - error("need pin"); + error("need pin%s", + (si->token.flags & CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH) + ? " entry on reader keypad" : ""); return (-1); } - snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt), "Enter...
2007 Jan 04
Common setup code and naming specifications
Hello! I have a lot of contexts for testing Rails controllers, that must do something like ''session[:logged_in] = true'' in their setup. How can this be refactored? In unit tests I would simply create a LoggedInControllerTest base class, that all my functional tests would derive from. And another small question: In my controller specifications I often have to decide whether to write: specify &quo...
2006 Apr 12
acts_as_authenticated trouble
...els all work fine. The user is directed to ''/signup'' on loading, and upon signing up, everything inserts into the database correctly, but when I log in, no session is retained. In my account_controller file, I changed redirect_to(:action => ''signup'') unless logged_in? or Account.count > 0 to redirect_to(:action => ''signup'') unless logged_in? and my application is in limbo. I haven''t even attempted to get the mailer running yet, and I figure my problem is absurdly easy. But I''d like to get it out of the way. thanks...
2008 Dec 16
step definitons to check login
I am working with the authlogic gem and trying to create a simple login test from cucumber features. The feature statement is: Given the user is not logged in The step definition for this is confounding me. In the application_controller the authlogic tutorial recommends the following: private def require_user unless current_user store_location flash[:notice] =
2007 Jul 06
stubbing helper methods for View specs
Hi there I have several view specs, that include the following snippet in their "before" block to stub the methods by acts_as_authenticated before :each do @u = mock_model(User) @u.should_receive(:name).and_return("Hans Muster") template.should_receive(:logged_in?).and_return(true) template.should_receive(:current_user).and_return(@u) end this works for views / helpers like this: it "should show bla" do render "/layouts/thetool" response.should have_tag("p", "bla") end and the view (haml to...
2007 Oct 26
Examples of writing controller specs that use authentication
Hello, I''m working on specs for a controller that handles authentication using the restful_authentication plugin. I''m trying to find a resource (tutorial or examples, if possible) about the best way to go about writing mocks and specs to make sure that things like my before_filters are working correctly. Does anyone know of any good resources for this? Thanks, Les
2006 Jan 30
form_remote_tag and redirects
..._tag(:update => ''message'', :complete => evaluate_remote_response, :url => {:controller => ''login'', :action => ''login''}) %> The Action ============ if logged_in render(:text => "window.location.href = '''';") else render(:layout => false, :action => ''bad_login'') <-- which is just a template with an Effect.Shake So, is there any other way to do a redirect from an acti...
2008 Apr 30
what is .....undefined method `authenticate'
def login_submit if session[''user''] @logged_in = true else @logged_in = false end @user =[''user'']) if session[''user''] = User.authenticate(params[''user''][''username''], params[''user''][''password''])...
2007 May 17
Stubbing authentication across multiple controllers
Hi, I''m new to RSpec, so I''m not too sure of the best practises in stubbing. I was thinking along the lines of including a helper method that would stub out a users id and posts to sessions/create. It works fine when speccing SessionsController, but of course it fails when it is included into other controllers specs, because of the post. I''ve tried posting to an