Hello, I''ve been using several plugins and engines and almost all of them are in English, so, being Spanish my language, one of the first things I must do is translating them to Spanish. I''ve been checking things like Globalize (http://globalize-rails.org/wiki/), Internationalization (http://wiki.rubyonrails.com/rails/pages/Internationalization) and MultiLingualRails (http://wiki.rubyonrails.com/rails/pages/MultiLingualRails), but I haven''t really tried any of those yet. In cases like the User Engine or the Login Engine, for example, I created views folder in my app folder, and copied there only the views I wanted to translate. In cases like the Riki Engine this didn''t worked, so I had to translate the views directly in the vendor/plugins/riki_engine directories (I suppose this would give problems if I wish to upgrade the code from the Riki repository, in the case of future releases). In any case, I was wondering if any of you have faced this same situation, and what have you done? Is there something like a "best practice" for this? Would it be better to "globalize" the plugins and engines I download in the future, or just translate them directly in the code, as I did? What are your thought about this? Thanks, Jes?s Dugarte.-