On 3/30/06, Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@gmail.com>
wrote:> Anyone got a script to share that:
> 1. Creates a trunk directory
> 2. Creates a trunk/vendor directory
> 3. Adds the above to svn
> 4. Modifies trunk/vendor to use a certain rails revision (i.e. trunk or
> 5. Runs trunk/vendor/rails/.../bin/rails to generate a rails directory
> 6. Modifies the svn:ignore for the logs and config/database.yml
> 7. Moves config/database.yml to config/database.yml.sample
> 8. Adds a script/reload_everything.sh.sample script to scripts/ that
> 8a. Drops the dev and test database
> 8b. Reloads the dev and test database
> 8c. Performs migration on the dev and test database
> 8d. Runs rake load_fixtures (to populate the dev database)
> 8e. Runs rake to run the tests
> 9. Ignores script/reload_everything.sh
> I think that''s it. Just wondering if anyone''s done
something like
> that before I make my own. That''s generally the process I follow
> creating a new Rails project.
Fine, be that way. I made my own. Haven''t given it extensive testing
yet, and there''s little in the way of error checking.
Process: Create a svn repository, check it out, cd into it. And then
run this script. Should do most of the above. Hopefully it won''t
erase your system.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
puts "This will create a Rails project for you!"
puts "You need to be in an (probably empty) svn project when running
this command"
puts "What''s the name of your project? (used for database
db_name = gets.chomp
puts "Do you want to track:
a) Rails 1.0
b) Rails 1.1
c) Edge Rails"
case gets.chomp
when ''a''
rails = :one_oh
when ''b''
rails = :one_one
when ''c''
rails = :edge
puts "You suck"
exit 1
puts "Creating directories and doing a svn checkout of Rails"
case rails
when :one_oh
svn = "svn export
when :one_one
svn = "svn export
when :edge
svn = "svn propset svn:externals \"rails
http://dev.rubyonrails.org/svn/rails/trunk/\" trunk/vendor"
system "mkdir trunk"
system "mkdir trunk/vendor"
system "svn add trunk trunk/vendor"
system "svn commit -m ''initial import''"
system svn
system "svn up"
system "ruby trunk/vendor/rails/railties/bin/rails trunk"
system "svn add trunk/* trunk/vendor/*"
system "svn commit -m ''adding rails stuff'' trunk"
system "sed ''s/trunk/#{ db_name }/g''
trunk/config/database.yml >
system "mv /tmp/database.yml trunk/config/database.yml.sample"
system "svn del trunk/config/database.yml"
system "svn add trunk/config/database.yml.sample"
system "svn commit -m ''removing database.yml and adding a sample
system "svn propset svn:ignore database.yml trunk/config"
system "svn del trunk/log/*"
system "svn commit -m ''removing logs'' trunk/log"
system "svn propset svn:ignore ''*'' trunk/log"
reload_everything_script = <<-EOF
echo " *** Dropping the database..."
echo ''drop database #{db_name}_development; '' | mysql -h
localhost -u root
echo ''drop database #{db_name}_test; '' | mysql -h localhost -u
echo " *** Creating the database... "
echo ''create database #{db_name}_development;'' | mysql -h
localhost -u root
echo ''create database #{db_name}_test;'' | mysql -h localhost
-u root
echo " *** Running the migration scripts..."
rake migrate
echo " *** Loading the test fixtures... "
rake load_fixtures
echo " *** Running the tests"
rake default
File.open("trunk/script/reload_everything.sh.sample", "w")
do |f|
f << reload_everything_script
system "chmod +x trunk/script/reload_everything.sh.sample"
system "svn add trunk/script/reload_everything.sh.sample"
system "svn propset svn:ignore reload_everything.sh trunk/script"
system "svn propset svn:ignore ''*'' trunk/db"
system "svn up"
system "svn commit -m ''committing everything'' trunk"
system "cp trunk/config/database.yml.sample trunk/config/database.yml"
system "cp trunk/script/reload_everything.sh.sample
puts "You should be ready to go! Enjoy! send feedback to Joe Van Dyk
at joe@pinkpucker.net"