I have created a pagination with my own conditions : @timesheets_pages = Paginator.new self, count, 30, @params[''page''] @timesheets = Timesheet.find :all,:include =>{:employee=>[:location,:division]}, :conditions => ["employees.location=? and employees.division=? and start_date>? and end_date < ? ",@location.id,@division.id,@start_date,@end_date], :order=> "timesheets.start_date desc", :limit => @timesheets_pages.items_per_page, :offset => @timesheets_pages.current.offset Where is the best place to store the filter parameters (@location,@division,@start_date,@end_date) of the find? Each time the find is run it must recall the params of the find. I''m currently storing them in the session. What is the best way? Thanks, Chris -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.