Displaying 20 results from an estimated 93 matches for "start_dat".
Did you mean:
2006 Jun 21
Simple range question
I have a model with a datetime field called start_date. I''d like to do
a find on the model so that it returns only records with the start_date
equal to the current day.
Something like this:
@foos = Foo.find(:all,
:conditions => //?? start_date equal to today''s date
??// ] )
Thanks in advance for any...
2006 Feb 28
Problem with paginate, include and foreign keys
Hi all,
Solaris 10
Ruby 1.8.4
Rails 1.0.0
Postgres 8.1
postgres driver 0.7.1
I''m having a problem with getting paginate() to properly pick up an FK
constraint properly.
I don''t seem to have this issue with ActiveRecord, however. Consider:
create table start_dates (
id bigserial,
start_date date unique,
max_slots int default 40,
primary key (id)
create table schedules (
id bigserial,
start_date_id int,
foreign key (start_date_id) references start_dates (id),
primary key (id)
class StartDate <...
2007 Jul 08
datetime_select, is creating an instance of the Time class
It seems that datetime_select, is creating an instance of the Time
class. Why would that be?
I found this while building a site where people can create vigils
(prayer vigils, peace vigils, etc). When I added a validation method
that compared start_date to created_at, it generated the error:
ArgumentError (comparison of Time with DateTime failed):
I was able to put a breakpoint in the create action of my vigil
controller and found that @vigil.start_date.class returns Time type.
I''m running Rails 1.2.3 on Ruby version 1.84.20 on a...
2006 Feb 28
Working with date_select ...
...allows for the entry of year,
month and date information. If I just leave it at that, great!
But what if now in the controller, I want to work with the date information. I
actually want to take the user input date and compute a new date some number of
days in the future.
How should I use "start_date(1i), start_date(2i), start_date(3i)" in a
controller to fill in a new SQL date column?
Does there exist helpers to convert from "start_date(1i), start_date(2i),
start_date(3i)" to a Ruby Class like Date or Time?
Page 203 of "Agile Web Development with Rails" implies that...
2006 Apr 15
Multi-parameter assignment
I''m trying to submit data from text boxes on a form to one variable in
my controller, in the same way that datetime_select has date(1i),
date(2i), etc for day, month, year, etc...
I''ve named my variables event[start_date(1i)] event[start_date(2i)] and
event[start_date(3i)] but this doesn''t seem to work and
event[:start_date] is blank ... any pointers would be useful! Can''t
seem to find any docs for this!
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2007 Apr 09
help with ActiveRecord joins
...of ActiveRecord.
I have an events table with quite a lot of data, with has_many relations
to categories, age_groups, and event_images. In my first naive
implementation, each event had a date, so to load all upcoming events
efficiently, I''d do:
Event.find(:all, :conditions=>[''start_date >= ?'', Date.today],
:includes=[:categories, :age_groups, :event_images])
This works well, and returns all data in one query which is good, but is
perhaps inefficient in that the amount of data in the events table
dwarfs that in the categories, age_groups, and event_images tables. It
2007 Sep 11
How to search with range when I am using AAF
acts_as_ferret :fields => {
:name => {:},
:desc => {},
:start_date => {}
def start_date
Now that I am strong start_date in YYYYMMDD format, I want to search for
all event in between 20070506 and 20070809
What will my query look like when I am using aaf. This one doesn''t work
2006 Mar 28
Fastest way of adding " " around multiline text in RADRAILS
contacts.com_branch_id = 241 and
employees.contact_id = contacts.CONTACT_ID and
contacts.expired=0 and
timesheets.id = items.timesheet and
activities.id = items.activity and employees.id=timesheets.employee and
divisions.id=employees.division and timesheets.status = 3 and
timesheets.start_date >= ? and timesheets.start_date < ? group by
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2013 Mar 30
How to use group in nested associations
The below query fails:
sum(time_entries.worktime) as total").group("timesheets.start_date")
The models have the following relations:
Timesheet < AR
has_many :activities, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :timesheet
has_many :time_entries, through: :activities
accepts_nested_attributes_for :activities, allow_destroy: true
class Activity < AR
belongs_to :timeshee...
2011 Apr 20
[test message] Can R replicate this data manipulation in SAS?
...iods of time and decides whether that constitutes
HAART or not.
To me, this is a pretty tricky data manipulation in SAS. Is there
any way to get the equivalent result in R?
**** SAS syntax for coding HAART in HIV patients;
**** Read in test data;
data haart;
input id book_class $ start_date :mmddyy. stop_date :mmddyy.;
format start_date stop_date mmddyy8.;
1004 NRTI 07/24/95 01/05/99
1004 NRTI 11/20/95 12/10/95
1004 NRTI 01/10/96 01/05/99
1004 PI 05/09/96 11/16/97
1004 NRTI 06/01/96 02/01/97
1004 NRTI 07/01/96 03/01/97
9999 PI 01/02/03 .
9999 NNRTI 04/05/06 07/08/09...
2013 Jan 29
Count entries in postgresql grouped by date
...ts with a visited_at: attribute which is a datetime
field. They seem to be stored as UTC. Now I want to count all visits each
day and return something like:
2013-01-01: 8,
2013-01-02: 4,
2013-01-07: 9,
So, I did it like this which kind of works...:
def self.total_grouped_by_day(start_date, end_date)
visits = where(visited_at: start_date..end_date)
visits = visits.group("date(visited_at)")
visits = visits.select("date(visited_at) as date, count(visits.id) as
visits = visits.order("date ASC")
visits.group_by { |v| v.da...
2010 Jun 08
type conversion with apply or not
I have a data frame consisting of a (large) number of date columns, which are read in from a csv file as character string. I want to convert them to Date type. Following is an example, where the first column is of integer type, while the rest are type character.
> head(df)
1 250897 7/1/2010 7/31/2010 PSTRUCT Z
2 250617 8/1/2010 8/31/2010 PSTRUCT Z
3 250364 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 PLR Z
4 250176 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 PLR Z
5 250176 4/1/2011 6/30/2011...
2007 Jun 19
Problems translating should_render from 0.8.2 to 1.0.5
...to figure out which file is being rendered instead), but the big problem is that when testing actions that render a partial (mostly for ajax calls) we need to test the locals that get passed into the template.<br><br>here''s a typical spec:<br> specify "the :start_date should equal the date passed in" do<br> @mock_event_calendar_data = mock(''Mock event_calendar_data'')<br> EventCalendarData.should_receive(:new).and_return(@mock_event_calendar_data)<br> &a...
2024 Oct 30
Extracting wind direction and wind speed from wind rose plot
Dear all;
I am searching for a way to extract wind direction and speed from a wind
rose plot. I have a graph and I want to make a dataframe of 5 years with
hourly intervals.
> start_date <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-01 00:00:00")
> end_date <- as.POSIXct("2023-12-31 23:00:00")
> time_sequence <- seq(from = start_date, to = end_date, by = "hour")
> df <- data.frame(
year = as.integer(format(time_sequence, "%Y")),
month = a...
2008 Jun 24
Question on passing arguments inside a view.
I''m running into an issue undefined local variable or method
`directoryid'' for #<EditorialsController:0x23f1bf8>
I have two Models on a legacy database and only one controller called
editorials with two actions index and display.
I''m trying to pass in a parameter from the results of my search and
getting the above error.
two tables one is editorial the
2004 Nov 08
Matrix Indexing
...B, the prices.
Thus, for example, the file looks something like this ->
1/31/04 2.5
2/1/04 2.6
4/12/04 3.5
Basically, I use the function inputframe = read.csv( )
which reads the csv file into the inputframe.
My question is, how can I make a function that has, as inputs, start_date
and end_date,
so that the inputframe would not return all of these prices but only the
ones during the
period I input?
For example, if I input 3/1/04 and 3/11/04, the inputframe only contains the
prices for
this period.
Any help is appreciated!!
2012 Oct 12
Adding Time when Blanks
...know if there is
anything else you need. Thanks for your time.
I have Start_of_Experiment in POSIX format for time calculations from the
data$Start_of_Experiment=as.POSIXct(strptime(data$start_time, "%m/%d/%Y
Here is a subset of my data.
ID group Start_date Time_of_experiment Time_of_end
1 20209 4 02/02/2009 12:38:00
26 30209 3 03/02/2009 12:40:00 13:32:00
27 31609 4 03/16/2009 11:28:00 12:26:00
28 40609 4 04/06/2009 11:17:00
53 42709 4 04/...
2006 Mar 13
Pagination attributes
...onditions :
@timesheets_pages = Paginator.new self, count, 30, @params[''page'']
@timesheets = Timesheet.find :all,:include
:conditions => ["employees.location=?
and employees.division=? and start_date>? and end_date < ?
:order=> "timesheets.start_date
:limit =>
:offset =>...
2008 Nov 11
Every other week recurring event
I have the code for computing a weekly event:
(start_date..end_date).select{|d| d.wday == wday}
but I am wondering if anyone has any ideas for using this to figure
out a recurring event for every other week. Is it possible to somehow
specify every other within the .select method? Any other
implementation ideas?
2007 Jan 16
Can't pass parameters to Ziya controller using url_for
..._chart() helper. However, I can''t
seem to pass more than one parameter through to the action.
<%= gen_chart( "overview_graph",
url_for( :controller => ''graph'', :action => ''graph'', :graph_id =>
GraphController::GRAPH_OVERVIEW, :start_date =>
@report_params[:budget_period][:start_date].to_f, :end_date =>
@report_params[:budget_period][:end_date].to_f, :size => 300 ),
300 ) %>
This just doesn''t work, however. The start date is passed through to
the underlying action, but th...