Friends- Here is another plugin hot off the presses of the three day weekend ;) Its a role based authorization system. I have been talking with Bill Katz about this system so it ties in with his recent announcement as well. Its just my implementation. Its an acl/role type system that can sit on top of the acts_as_authenticated login system or any login system that implements a few requirements. You just need to make a roles table in your db that habtm your User or account model. And you need to have a controller method ''current_user'' that returns the currently logged in user. The acts_as_authenticated plugin already implements this and this is what this implementation is built on top of, but it can be used with any user authentication system that has the two features mentioned above. Lets see the candy here fist. This is what it looks like to use this to protect your controller actions using roles and & | ! to define complex permissions. class PostController < ApplicationController before_filter :login_required, :except => [:list, :index] access_control [:new, :create] => ''(admin | user | moderator) & ! blacklist'', [:update, :delete] => ''(admin | moderator) & !blacklist'', :approve => ''admin & (!moderator | ! blacklist)'' ) # rest of controller actions end And then we have a controller/view helper that can be used to build conditional menu''s and such: <% if permit?("(admin | moderator) & !blacklist", current_user) %> <%= link_to "Admin & Moderator only link", :action =>''foo'' %> <% end %> In the permissions logic strings you can use as many nested parens and logic as you want to define what roles have permissions to access which action. The plugin contains a small recursive descent parser to parse the permissions logic strings. If you want application wide protection for certain actions then you can put this in the application.rb. The one thing to remember is to put the access_control macro after the login_required before filter. This plugin is for authorization and assumes that the user is already logged in. Here is a link to the announcement on my blog where I go into more detail about how to use this in your applications: The main goal of this implementation is to be lightweight as as non imposing as possible. It does what it does and gets out of your way. Right now it only works for protecting your controller actions. I am working on the next version that has a similar protection scheme for protecting specific model records with similar permissions flexibility. I will release this part very soon. I appreciate any feedback that anyone has about this system. It works well for me in the app that I built it for and I am eager to get more feedback to further improve things. You can get it from svn here: OR script/plugin install acl_system/ Cheers- -Ezra Zygmuntowicz Yakima Herald-Republic WebMaster 509-577-7732