Craig White
2006-Feb-15 21:33 UTC
[Rails] Confused by this error when trying to use ''pagination''
Trying to create stuff without resorting to scaffold command. I have a list view in my login_controller.rb file... def list_users @user_pages, @users = paginate :users, :per_page => 14 end I have a command in my list_users.rhtml file which undoubtedly calls this pagination... <% odd_or_even = 0 for user in @users odd_or_even = 1 - odd_or_even %> and instead of being presented a list (like those that I started out with scaffold commands...I get this error. Unknown action No action responded to #<ActionController::Pagination::Paginator:0xb7ab570c>/ Wiki says... Pagination is included automatically for all controllers. What gives? Craig