search for: odd_or_even

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "odd_or_even".

2005 Dec 31
Dynamic form? Not really!
...t; ''update_contact'', :id => @contact %> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <th>Field</th><th>Contents</th> </tr> ### First part - My ''manual'' coded stuff <% odd_or_even = 0 %> <tr class="ListLine<%= odd_or_even %>"><td>Company</td> <td> <select name="contact[company_id]"> <% @companies.each do |company| %> <option value="<%= %>"> <%=
2006 Feb 03
Because I''m very slow - trying to use console
I can''t see how to use variables so I am using console to test things out... clients table - a column named first_name My very brief console session... >> clients = Client.find_by_sql("select * from clients where first_name = FN") ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: RuntimeError: ERROR C42703 Mcolumn "fn" does not exist Fparse_expr.c L1034
2006 Jun 25
Zebra Striping a Collection of Partials
...of partials, where each partial is a table row. Is it possible to zebra-stripe the table using this method i.e. alternate table rows get a different CSS class? I can''t work out how each row partial would know whether it was odd or even. In the normal scheme of things I could do: <% odd_or_even = 0 for asset in @assets odd_or_even = 1 - odd_or_even -%> <tr class="line<%= odd_or_even %>"> <td... </tr> <% end %> However, it would be nice to replace the above with: <%= render :partial => ''asset'', :col...
2006 Feb 25
Help with DRY: too much code in my view, not too much problem there. But where I''m having trouble is figuring out where to place some code I have had to write to get info from multiple tables into one view. For example, for a list view of "projects" (main table), I have this code in the list.rhtml: <% odd_or_even = 0 for project in @projects @project_translations = ProjectTranslation.find( @business_unit = BusinessUnit.find(project.business_unit_id) @requestor = User.find(project.requester_user_id) @vendor_projects = VendorProject.find_by_project_translation_id(@project_translations...
2006 Mar 27
update subset of my data
...ler to their own images by assigning each dealer their own albumid. I list their images with: in my controller: def list @dealers = Dealer.find_all @dealer = current_user.albumid @popp_image_pages, @popp_images = paginate :popp_images, :per_page => 10 end in my view: <% odd_or_even = 0 for popp_image in @popp_images odd_or_even = 1 - odd_or_even %> <% if (@dealer == nil) || (@dealer == popp_image.albumid)%> this works fine. I am stuck on updating multiple pop_images i.e the whole six in the album (dealer) here''s what I have: def update # @dealer...
2006 Feb 15
Confused by this error when trying to use ''pagination''
Trying to create stuff without resorting to scaffold command. I have a list view in my login_controller.rb file... def list_users @user_pages, @users = paginate :users, :per_page => 14 end I have a command in my list_users.rhtml file which undoubtedly calls this pagination... <% odd_or_even = 0 for user in @users odd_or_even = 1 - odd_or_even %> and instead of being presented a list (like those that I started out with scaffold commands...I get this error. Unknown action No action responded to #<ActionController::Pagination::Paginator:0xb7ab570c>/ Wiki says... http://wiki...
2006 Feb 02
basic ''find'' question
...r="client_first_name">First name</label><br/> <%= text_field ''client'', ''first_name'' %></p> <%= submit_tag ''Find'' %> <%= end_form_tag %> Which I presume calls list2.rhtml which has... <% odd_or_even = 0 for client in @clients odd_or_even = 1 - odd_or_even %> then a table/row/cell definitions and then list the clients <td><%=h (client.wholename) %> <% end %> and within my clients_controller.rb I have def list2 @clients = Client.find(:first, :conditions =&gt...
2006 Jan 26
ruby script/generate scaffold Product Admin hangs
Hi I am running Mac OX tiger with the installed ruby 1.8.2, and mysql5 (I checked that it was running in preference). I tried to run the various fixes recommended in agileweb. I am stuck on page 57, script/generate scaffold... > Could you paste in your database.yml file, from the > "config" folder inside your Rails app? If you have any > passwords entered there, you should
2011 Dec 05
jquery - word is not defined
Just starting out with a beginner book on jquery and the very first thing I am trying fails (has to be me) Rails 3.1 - other jquery things working including a poor example of drag & drop that is my ultimate target here but just simply trying to get every alternating row in a table to have a different css class So I''m using... app/assets/javascripts/ and put in...
2006 Mar 09
Need help PLEASE!!! - updating collection from form
...emrec'' end ---------------------- end controller code ------------------------- ------------------ view code -------------------------------- <%= form_tag(:action => "update_illness") %> <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <% odd_or_even = 0 for @illness in @illnesses odd_or_even = 1 - odd_or_even %> <tr valign="top" class = "Listline<%= odd_or_even %>"> <td width="200"> <%=h @illness.illness %> </td> <td width="200">...
2006 Feb 04
Can I reset the cycle helper?
...ry now and then there is another type of line, a section header line. I''d like to be able to start the line after a section heading always as one of the two classes the cycle helper is cycling between. Is it possible? If so, how? bruce PS. I realise I could do this with ''odd_or_even'' or the %2 method (mod function), but I do love the cycle helper - it is terse without being unintelligible :-)