instead of escape()
> :with => "''terms='' + escape(value)",
use encodeURIComponent(), which should work fine with UTF8:
encodeURIComponent(''?????????'') =>
2006/1/29, Mikhail Shevchuk <>:> Hello gentlemen,
> I''ve forced to such unicode problem:
> I have:
> <%= text_field_tag ''search'', nil, :id =>
''search'', :size => 10 %>
> <%= observe_field ''search'',
> :url => {:controller => ''article'', :action =>
> :with => "''terms='' + escape(value)",
> :update => ''search_results'',
> :loading =>
> :loaded =>
> %>
> in my article view, after sumbitting I get sequence like
> u0444u0438u043bu043eu0441u043eu0444u0438u044f in controller
> How can I convert it into normal unicode? I am using UTF-8 as encoding.
> Thanks,
> Mikhail
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