Displaying 20 results from an estimated 46 matches for "encodeuricomponent".
2005 Dec 30
AJAX Drag and Drop Detecting Drop Coordinates
This one''s kicking me in the *(&#^. All I want to do is create a draggable
item and then detect the coordinates where it is dropped. So my first
approach was to just use the draggable_element with :revert => false, like
<%= draggable_element "my_element", :revert => false %>
That works great and lets me drag stuff all over the place. In the
2008 Jan 16
GET Using encodeURIComponent
In my site I use the GET method in Ajax.Request. The problem is that I
make an encodeURIComponent in my personal JavaScript and call other
personal method called "f_ajax" that implement the Ajax.Request. Then
happens 2 encodeURIComponent with my params. Why the GET method make
the encode? Could have an option in Ajax.Request to disable the
encodeURIComponent in prototype (toQueryPair...
2005 Oct 04
sorting error "Error: item.id has no properties"
...nt = $(element);
var sortableOptions = this.options(element);
var options = Object.extend({
tag: sortableOptions.tag,
only: sortableOptions.only,
name: element.id
}, arguments[1] || {});
return $A(element.childNodes).collect( function(item) {
return (encodeURIComponent(options.name) + "[]=" +
<---------error occurs here!
Any ideas?
2005 Oct 04
...nt = $(element);
var sortableOptions = this.options(element);
var options = Object.extend({
tag: sortableOptions.tag,
only: sortableOptions.only,
name: element.id
}, arguments[1] || {});
return $A(element.childNodes).collect( function(item) {
return (encodeURIComponent(options.name) + "[]=" +
2006 Apr 21
how-to pass other values to InPlaceCollectionEditor?
...fied some rows controls.js to line 782 from:
this.editField = this.cached_selectTag;
if(this.options.loadTextURL) this.loadExternalText();
this.options.callback = function(form, value) {
return "value=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
var extra_param = this.options.extra_param; //a.alonzi
this.editField = this.cached_selectTag;
if(this.options.loadTextURL) this.loadExternalText();
this.options.callback =...
2006 Jan 29
field sets and unicode
Hello gentlemen,
I''ve forced to such unicode problem:
I have:
<%= text_field_tag ''search'', nil, :id => ''search'', :size => 10 %>
<%= observe_field ''search'',
:url => {:controller =>
2007 Apr 20
Double URL Encoding of multiple selects (or any array in toQueryParams)
It seems that if you call form.serialize on a multiple select, and it
double url encodes the values... culprit seems to be (v.1.5.0) line
649/650. It calls encodeURIComponent twice.
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2006 Apr 24
dragdrop.js problems - workaround here
...js - well it seems that someone arbitrarily
changed part of my implementation and has broken the functionality
with rails:
864 serialize: function(element) {
865 element = $(element);
866 var options = Object.extend(Sortable.options(element),
arguments[1] || {});
867 var name = encodeURIComponent(
868 (arguments[1] && arguments[1].name) ? arguments[1].name :
870 if (options.tree) {
871 return Sortable.tree(element, arguments[1]).children.map
( function (item) {
872 return [name + Sortable._constructIndex(item) + "=" +
2006 Jan 11
Prototype & Cookies
Has anyone written any "cookie" class using prototype?
Basically, what I am looking for is if there is an easy way to store mutiple cookies in a single cookie using hash or something - easy writing and retrieval (updating the cookie value).
For eg -
If I had 25 cookies for my domain 5 of the cookies would either get dropped or not be set (as there is a limit of 20 cookies per domain).
2008 Dec 06
jQuery Rails Functions
I was wondering if anybody who used jQuery with rails could help me
out. I have a droppable that fires a simple function, shown below:
accept: ".item",
hoverClass: ''droppable-hover'',
drop: function(ev, ui) {
But how could I get this to fire a Rails funciton in the
2009 Feb 22
dynamically changing a form from POST/CREATE to PUT/UPDATE
For the life of me I can''t figure this one out, although I can''t find
anyone else who''s attempted to do this, and probably with good reason.
Context: blog using AJAX
What I''m trying to do: when the user initially saves a blog entry, or
when auto-saving, I want subsequent saves to not create a new blog
Why I can''t just reload the partial:
2006 Aug 10
Ajax In place edit with Struts
...First of all my apologies if this is not a correct place to post it.
Please direct me to correct place. I am using scripataculous inplace
edit with struts framework. I am having some text with double quotes and
single quote. If the user types it normally then in the callback
function i am doing encodeURIComponent before doing a post and
everything works fine. I have the encoding set to UTF-8. But if the user
copy/paste from MS Word then i am having issues. It becomes Weird
characters. When I tried this in ROR framework everything worked fine. I
dont know how ROR handles the encoding. Please let me know...
2006 Feb 14
Firefox java script error in prototype.js
Line: 1280
and the javascript code at prototype:
Form.Element = {
serialize: function(element) {
element = $(element);
var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
var parameter = Form.Element.Serializers[method](element);
if (parameter) {
var key = encodeURIComponent(parameter[0]);
if (key.length == 0) return;
if (parameter[1].constructor != Array)
parameter[1] = [parameter[1]];
return parameter[1].map(function(value) {
return key + ''='' + encodeURIComponent(value);
2006 Feb 08
Get id of object being dragged
...'ve been able to get
heaps done.
My one problem is that I can''t seem to get the id of the object being
Here is the code I am using:
= encodeURIComponent(element.id)}});
yet the way I reference the id works for a droppable:
Droppables.add(''IdeaPad'', {onDrop:function(element,dropon){alert(''id:'' +
encodeURIComponent(element.id) + '', dropon :'' + dropon.id + '', pos:'' +
2006 Feb 09
Autocompleter Request depends on other field
Hi list,
First, I have a textbox "username". I also have an Autocompleter'd textbox
called "products".
Is there a "built in" way to have the Autocompleter's Ajax Request pass the
value in the "username" field ?
(I tried adding "parameters: $F('username')" to the Autocompleter's options,
but, that grabs the initial username
2005 Sep 28
Logging to the server
...ototype.js (of course) and
Logger = {
loggingUrl: ''/myapp/admin/log'',
debug: false,
log: function(msg, level) {
if (!loggingUrl) {
try {
new Ajax.Request(Logger.loggingUrl, {
parameters: ''msg='' + encodeURIComponent(msg) +
''&level='' + encodeURIComponent(level),
method: ''post'',
asynchronous: true
} catch (e) {
if (Logger.debug) {
alert("Logging error\nMessage: " + msg +
"\nError: " + Objec...
2010 Sep 21
Upload form with uploadify jquery plugin
...lt;%= max_size %>) {
alert(''The image'' + fileObj.name + '' is too large.'')
return false;
scriptData : {
''format'': ''json'',
''<%= session_key_name %>'' : encodeURIComponent(''<%= u
cookies[session_key_name] %>''),
''authenticity_token'' : encodeURIComponent(''<%= u
form_authenticity_token if protect_against_forgery? %>'')
2009 Jun 14
Unable to make observe_field work
new Form.Element.EventObserver(''friend'', function(element, value) {new
Ajax.Request(''http://mysite.com/friendships'', {asynchronous:true,
evalScripts:true, parameters:value + ''&authenticity_token='' +
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2007 May 05
Problem with escape
I have a little problem with the escape function.
Here is my code:
function saveData()
new Ajax.Request("post.php",
If I have the escape function in my script I can''t post some
characters e.g. ä,ö,ü,ß but if
2008 Jul 17
Problem with link_to_remote, RJS and jRails
Hi, everyone,
I''m trying to update the content of a div using link_to_remote and RJS
Everything works fine if I use the default Prototype/Scriptaculous
libraries, but I want to use jRails ''coz other parts of my application
use a lot of jQuery.
Here are the steps I done:
1. inside StatesController.rb I defined the following action:
def update_view
# do nothing just