I do it because: 1. Different retrieved records use different variations of the same template, and may want more/fewer/different queries and present them differently. Plus templates can display whatever they want and not have to rely on the controller to assign it data. e.g. index1.rhtml can retrieve and display categories, news, calendar; index2.rhtml can retrieve and display categories, news, users; etc. I don''t know of a simple way to do this in the controller. 2. Queries inside cache blocks aren''t executed (right?). I don''t know of a way to do this inside a controller. e.g. <% cache ''abc'' do %> <% for item in Stuff.find(:all, :conditions=''abc=123'' %> ... <% end %> Any thoughts? Thanks CSN __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com