Is there any reason why a picture would be related to more then one
file or show? It seems the has_many :films is out of place in the
pciture class. A belongs_to :film would make more sense I think. (to
me anyways)
Doing it this way removes the join table you have, and simplifies the
model. AND in the picture you can also do to get the film
Also might be handy if you post the structure of the pictures
table.>From the look of it, a picture can be related to other pictures?
(attr_writer :parent_id) But its incomplete because you dont have any
other relationship defince for this. If this is the case you cans
simply put:
belongs_to :parent, :class_name => "Picture", :foreign_key =>
which gets you all the methods you need to add child pictures (there
are other macros too, such as acts_as_tree that give you similar
Hope this helps!
On 1/9/06, Patrick Clery <>
wrote:> I am creating a database for movies (films) and television shows (shows)
> that will have has_and_belongs_to_many relationships with the pictures
> table.
> CREATE TABLE screenshots (
> id serial NOT NULL,
> filename character varying NOT NULL,
> content_type character varying NOT NULL,
> primary key (id)
> );
> CREATE TABLE films (
> id serial NOT NULL,
> name character varying NOT NULL,
> has_subtitles boolean NOT NULL,
> is_censored boolean NOT NULL,
> episode_no integer NOT NULL,
> length character varying NOT NULL,
> description text NOT NULL,
> release_date date NOT NULL,
> file_url character varying NOT NULL,
> size double precision NOT NULL,
> picture_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES pictures(id),
> primary key (id)
> );
> CREATE TABLE films_pictures (
> film_id integer NOT NULL,
> picture_id integer NOT NULL,
> "position" integer NOT NULL,
> primary key (film_id, picture_id)
> );
> Here''s the Ruby:
> film.rb:
> class Film < ActiveRecord::Base
> has_and_belongs_to_many :pictures, :join_table =>
> attr_writer :uploaded_files
> attr_reader :uploaded_files
> validates_presence_of :name, :description, :has_subtitles,
> :is_censored
> end
> picture.rb:
> class Picture < ActiveRecord::Base
> has_many :films
> has_many :comics
> acts_as_list :picture_id
> attr_writer :parent_id
> attr_writer :type
> validates_presence_of :filename, :content_type
> def after_save
> p self.inspect
> # If a file was uploaded, save it
> if @temp_file
> # Check the existence of the dir before writing
> #item = get_parent
> #upload_dir = File.expand_path(UPLOAD_PATH) +
> "/#{item.class}/#{}/"
> upload_dir = File.expand_path(UPLOAD_PATH) +
> "/#{@type}/#{@parent_id}/"
> if !File.exists? upload_dir
> Dir.mkdir upload_dir
> end
> # Save the file to /films/123/foo.jpg
> destfile = "#{upload_dir}/#{filename}"
> p destfile
> logger.debug "saving ''#{destfile}''"
> FileUtils.copy @temp_file.local_path, destfile
> #assert File.exists?(destfile), "File upload failed"
> end
> end
> def uploaded_file=(incoming_file)
> self.filename = incoming_file.original_filename
> self.content_type = incoming_file.content_type
> @temp_file = incoming_file
> end
> def filename=(new_file_name)
> write_attribute("filename", sanitize_filename(new_file_name))
> end
> private
> def sanitize_filename(file_name)
> # get only the filename, not the whole path (from IE)
> just_filename = File.basename(file_name)
> # replace all non-alphanumeric, underscore or periods with
> underscores
> just_filename.gsub(/[^\w\.\-]/,''_'')
> end
> end
> films_controller.rb:
> class Admin::FilmsController < ApplicationController
> ...
> def create
> @film =[:film])
> # Add each file to the film
> params[:pictures].each_with_index {|upload,i|
> ss =
> ss.uploaded_file = upload
> ss.position = i
> << ss
> }
> if
> flash[:notice] = ''Film was successfully created.''
> redirect_to :action => ''list''
> else
> render :action => ''new''
> end
> end
> ...
> end
> Film should actually have a has_many relationship with Picture since
> there can be only one film per picture, but I am using bridging tables,
> and rails only uses the "join table" when there is a habtm
> This seems to work okay, though.
> The problem arises when saving the uploaded picture. The pictures are
> added to film
> The "pictures" table holds the info for all the files that are
> Each time a file is uploaded, I would like to save it to
> "#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{picture_type}/#{parent_id}" where
"picture_type" would
> be either "film" or "show" and "parent_id"
would be the ID of said film
> or show object.
> Seemingly I have no way of passing the film''s id to the picture.
> is called, I need to be able to 1) Save the film 2) Pass the
> parent_id and picture_type of the film to each 3) Use
> that id and type to create the save path:
> "#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{picture_type}/#{parent_id}". I''m not
able to do that
> because the film''s id is generated in, but all the
> are also saved in this method.
> What I''m wondering is: is there a way to modify each of the
> after the film is saved, but before the pictures are
> saved (so that I may use the id and picture type).
> Thanks to anyone who has read this far :)
> --
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