if you add this method,
def cookie(name)
@cookies[name.to_s].value if @cookies[name.to_s] &&
to the CookieJar class in the cookies.rb file
you would be able to access the entire cookie array.
=> ["first", "second"]
Szczepan Faber wrote:
> Hi
> According to rdoc: value - the cookie''s value or list of values
(as an
> array).
> So, I can use arrays, briliant.
> But.... It does not work (at least on webrick)
> I wrote a controller:
> def check_cookies_first
> cookies[:chef] > {:value => ["first",
"second"], :expires =>
> Time.local(2020)}
> render_text ":)"
> end
> def check_cookies_second
> begin
> render_text "cookies class is: " +
> + " value: " + cookies[:chef]
> rescue Exception => e
> render_text "Why this don''t work? exception: "
+ e.to_s
> end
> end
> Started server:
> get check_cookies_first ---> ":)"
> get check_cookies_second ---> "cookies class is: String value:
> What is wrong? Is it a webrick issue?
> Thanks a lot,
> Szczepan
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