Justin Forder wrote:
>> Xavier Noria wrote:
>> How can one figure out what is new in 4.0?
[...]> 1) there are PDF diff tools available (e.g. at www.softinterface.com)
> 2) there are many PDF to text converters - you could convert to plain
> text and use a normal diff tool, ignoring whitespace differences
> I haven''t tried either of these, but I may once I''ve got
my version 4.0
> PDF.
Well, I tried the evaluation download of DiffDoc, and I wouldn''t
recommend it to anybody... but after wading through false positives, and
possibly missing some real differences in the process, this is what I found:
- diagrams in the new PDF are greatly improved by the use of vector
fonts in place of bitmapped text
- many typos are fixed
- there are improvements in wording or punctuation in a few places,
without changing the meaning
Places where the meaning has changed are as follows:
p62: validation of the image URL now just checks for a valid suffix; it
doesn''t require the "http:" prefix
p99: text discusses the use of start_form_tag, as well as the shorter
alternative form_tag (so is consistent with the code)
p131: definition of login has changed, as follows:
@user = User.new(params[:user])
@user = User.new(params[:user_id])
if logged_in_user
session[:user_id] = logged_in_user.id
if logged_in_user
session[:user_id] = logged_in_user
p160, in the test.log content,
the shipped_at parameter has value nil, where in the previous
printing it was a date/time starting Mon May 02
and the SQL INSERT has NULL rather than that date
p203, under Reading Existing Rows,
the example has been changed/corrected as follows:
an_order = Order.find(27) # find the order with id == 27
# Get a list of product ids from a form, then
# sum the total price
product_list = params[:product_ids]
total = 0.0
Product.find(product_list).each {|prd| total += prd.total}
used to be
an_order = Order.find(27) # find the order with id == 27
# Get a list of order ids from a form, then
# sum the total value
order_list = params[:order_ids]
orders = Order.find(order_list)
count = orders.size
(the foreign key will be set to null)
used to be
(the foreign key will be set to zero)
class OrderController < ApplicationController
used to be
class OrderController < ActiveRecord::Base
p328: The Template Environment
Example changed to show content of session/params/response
rather than content of request/params/response
textilize() helper
used to be
textile() helper
def user_list
@user_pages, @users = paginate(:users, :order => ''name'')
used to have :order_by rather than :order
text_field common options - :maxsize corrected to :maxlength
Finally, we can implement the show action, which displays the comment
and the image.
used to have ''command'' instead of ''comment''
<%= render_component(:controller => ''store'', :action
=> ''cart_summary'') %>
used to be
<%= render_component(:controller => :store, :action => :cart_summary)
For example, when we edit an article
used to be
For example, when we edit a fragment
p394, bottom:
@content_for_page_scripts variable
used to be
@contents_for_page_scripts variable
that''s it!