search for: logged_in_user

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "logged_in_user".

2009 Apr 29
problem with nil.user
...p so that an administrator will have extra privileges (administer users, edit pages). The error is: ''Couldn''t find User without an ID'' So the app is looking for a logged in user when the homepage is accessed. Heres my code: site/index view: <% if is_logged_in? and logged_in_user.has_role?(''Moderator'') -%> <%= link_to ''Administer Users'', :controller => ''user'', :action => ''show'' %> <%= link_to '' | Edit pages'', pages_path %> <% end %> application h...
2009 Jun 05
rails 2.3.2
Hi all, I am using rails v.2.3.2 and if I put following line to my ApplicationController: include LoginSystem and I moved my login_system.rb to lib folder: module LoginSystem protected def is_logged_in? @logged_in_user = User.find(session[:user]) if session[:user] end def logged_in_user return @logged_in_user if is_logged_in? end def logged_in_user=(user) if !user.nil? session[:user] = @logged_in_user = user end end def self.included(base) base.send :helper_metho...
2008 Jan 21
undefined method error getting a NoMethodError in Pages#show Showing layouts/_menu.rhtml where line #12 raised: undefined method `new_entry_path'' for #<ActionView::Base:0x52fa56c> Extracted source (around line #12): 9: <% if is_logged_in? %> 10: <li>Logged in as: <i><%= logged_in_user.username %></i></li> 11: <li><%= link_to ''My Profile'', edit_user_path(logged_in_user) %></li> 12: <li><%= link_to ''New Blog Post'', new_entry_path(:user_id => logged_in_user) -%></li> 13: <li>...
2006 Jul 27
setting initial text field values in a form
Hi, I am trying to create a basic form in which I want one of the fields initialized before displaying it. My code (in a view) is as follows: <% if ( session[:user_id] != nil ) then logged_in_user = User.find(session[:user_id]) end %> <% form_for :suggestion do |form| %> <label for="suggestion_title">Topic:</label><br/> <%= form.text_field :title, :size => 64 %> <label for="suggestion_email">Email:</label><br/> &lt...
2006 Jun 06
Functional tests and protected actions
Hello! I have certain methods in my Application Controller, that I need to access. Namely ApplicationController#logged_in_user The problem is, that when I try to access it, I get: NoMethodError: protected method `logged_in_user'' called for #<AdminController> Any ideas how I can circumvent that? Or are functional tests really not suited for any kind of logins and session work? I don''t see why I...
2006 Mar 02
User Authentication
.../ when there is no valid session user_id. Code so far: -------------------------------------------- # controller class PublishController < ApplicationController before_filter :authenticate, :except => [:login, :login_user] def login if logged_in_user = @user.attempt_login if logged_in_user session[:user_id] = redirect_to(:action => ''index'') else flash[:notice] = ''Invalid username or password. Please try again'' end end end def...
2009 Feb 25
Secure but elegant destruction method
...ssuing: /users/1/destroy /users/2/destroy . . . /users/n/destroy But I want to give a User the possibility to delete [him|her]self. Currently the only way I can think of it is this: 1) Remove the filter (*) 2) Re-code the destroy method so: def destroy @user = User.find(params[:id]) if logged_in_user == @user or logged_in_user.has_role?(''administrator'') if @user.destroy flash[:notice] = "User deleted" else flash[:error] = "There was a problem deleting this user." end redirect_to :action => ''index'' end But,...
2006 Dec 01
Sessions in Layered Dispatching
Can you use sessions in layered dispatching? I used them in direct dispatching without any problems, but switching to layered throws an error (saying session doesn''t exist). Sorry if this is a double post, Google Groups isn''t posting my message for some reason. -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this
2006 Jan 29
RJS template problem!
hi all, i have the following controller: class UserController < ApplicationController . . . def login @user =[:user]) @logged_in_user = @user.try_to_login if @logged_in_user session[:user_id] = else flash[:notice] = "ung&uuml;ltige Daten!" end end . . . end with this rjs template: login.rjs: if @logged_in_user page.replace_html ''content'', ''welcome!'...
2006 Apr 07
Access instance variables from model?
Can I make my model methods aware of the context (preferably instance variables) where they are run, without having to pass them arguments? The app in question should be time zone aware, so something like[0].starts_in should check against rather than I could send the user as an argument ([0].starts_in(:timezoned => @logged_in_user)), but there are a number of methods where this applies, and it seems more DRY to just read it from the context. I do realize this might not be ideal MVC, so I''m...
2006 Mar 16
Handling/Catching Exceptions
Hello! I was wondering, sometimes I raise an exception in my Rails apps, e.g.: raise SecurityError unless @post.user == logged_in_user Now: is there any way to catch that SecurityError exception somewhere and render a custom template? E.g., I want to render ''app/views/content/security_error.rhtml'' Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks a bunch, Rob
2006 Jan 01
Agile book deltas
Are there deltas for the revisions of the PDF version of the Agile book? -- fxn
2009 May 20
ffmpeg + mp3 convert
Hi all, I am using paperclip plugin to upload mp3''s. Before I save the mp3 I would like to convert it to a smaller size. I am using ffmpeg library and in my Track model I am calling: before_save :convert_mp3 def convert_mp3 system("ffmpeg -i #{mp3.to_file.path} -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 64 -f mp3 #{mp3.to_file.path}") end But this fails. Am I missing something?
2006 Jan 13
Layout not rendered when render_component used
...te) with a login form. My user model is more-or-less the same as in the Agile RoR book. app/controllers/auth_controller.rb: class AuthController < ApplicationController layout false def login if request.get? @user = else @user =[:user]) logged_in_user = @user.try_to_login if logged_in_user # handle setting cookies, setting session # and redirecting to index else flash[:loginerror] = ''Invalid username/password combination'' end end end end app/views/login.rhtml <div id="lo...
2009 Feb 21
undefined method user_id
...ments controller: class CommentsController < ApplicationController before_filter :login_required def create @photo = Photo.find_by_user_id_and_id(params[:user_id], params[:photo_id]) @comment = =>, :body => params[:comment][:body]) if @photo.comments << @comment flash[:notice] = ''Comment was successfully created.'' redirect_to photos_path(:user_id => @photo.user,...
2007 Jul 20
Mozzila Logout back button issue
...ler. My login controller performs my logout and login functions. The user is a scaffold of my database table and is auto generated from rails. def process_login #Creates the user with the form variables i have not included the code #here to create the user cause its not necessary if logged_in_user session[:user_id] = flash[:notice] = ''You have been logged in.'' redirect_to(:controller => ''admin'', :action => "index") else flash[:notice] = ''Invalid user and or password combination''...
2006 Jun 13
Pass infomation between different views and controllers
Hi, I am a rails and ruby nuby :-) How do you pass data between different controllers and views? I have a page ( a quote) that I am editing url ....quote/edit/6 6 id the current id. I then go to a catalog (url....catalog) to add an item to my quote (I do this via a line_item file that the quote reads) I now want to go back to the quote. I have tried this <%= link_to ''Back to
2006 Apr 05
cookies not deleting?????
...nd "". To fix this, when i set the cookie i specified the domain to be "". However now when i try to delete the cookie cookies.delete :myapp_cookie, it wont delete. Why is that? Here is my code: when logging in - ... cookies[:myapp_cookie] = {:value => logged_in_user.get_remember_token, :expires => 1.year.from_now, :domain => ''''} ... when logging out - ... cookies.delete :myapp_cookie ... Any help would be greatly appreciated. -------------- n...
2008 Jun 14
help with collection_select
Hi, I have a table called ''users'', there is a field called ''username'' and another field called ''mobile_number'' (among other fields). In my application the user can send SMS message and can choose between his/her username and mobile number as the sender id. Both of them are of course stored in the users table. Also there is a third option which
2008 Mar 03
Admin and standard controllers RESTFully
Hello. I will appreciate the opinion. What is the standard way of separating admin functions from normal- user functions? before_filter in one controller? Use two controllers, i.e. ProductController and Admin/ ProductController? I want to use map.resources so RESTFul would be better. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to