First off, hi, I''m [obviously] new :O)
Please excuse my question as I''m sure it''s been answered, but
I can''t
find it anywhere.
I have a table of categories:
id name
1 Foo
2 Bar
I have things which belong_to categories:
id category_id subject date
1 1 my subject 07/09/2004
and Further classifications which belong_to categories:
id category_id name
1 1 More Foo
2 1 Most Foo
3 2 Some Bar
and subcategories which belong_to categories, classifications, and
id category_id classification_id thing_id
1 1 1 some item
2 1 2 another item
I want my index to contain links to those categories:
By clicking on Foo, I''d like it to display things belonging to Foo, and
expand to show classifications
- More Foo (Foo Stuff)
- Most Foo
It seems like I should be able to do this without having to create a
controller for each Foo, Bar, etc Category, but I can''t figure out how.
If the standard index page shows categories, it seems as if I''m simply
adding a filter now to say "ok, get categories, but only if they are of
type X".
Again, sorry if this is a stupid question. Thanks for any help you can
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