To properly get automatic subfolders like this, you need to put your
controllers inside a scope.
For example, if /app/controllers/accounting/accounts_controller.rb is
supposed to be mapped to accounting/accounts, that file needs to define
a class like so:
class Accounting::AccountsController < ApplicationController
Similarly, you want to define your employees controller as:
class Hr::EmployeesController < ApplicationController
Just be aware that linking between scopes is a little tricky sometimes,
but you should be able to get it with some trial and error (also, tests
are your friend)
The other option if you don''t have many controllers would be to hard
code some routes with the longer controller name.
- Jamie
On Sat, 2005-12-17 at 21:34 +0100, PWills wrote:> After about a week playing with Rails, I have built a couple of apps but
> am still unable to get one thing to work: subfolders. (I am probably
> using the wrong term here, but oh well...)
> I would like my rails application to have controllers logically grouped
> into folders. So for instance:
> Here''s how I have tried to accomplish this:
> 1. Create folder ''accounting'' in /app/controllers/
> 2. In /app/controllers/accounting, create
> class AccountsController < ApplicationController
> def index
> end
> end
> 4. Create folder ''accounting'' in /app/views/
> 5. Create folder ''accounts'' in /app/views/accounting/
> 6. In /app/views/accounting, create ''index.rhtml''
> <h1>Testing accounting accounts index</h1>
> 7. Create folder ''accounting'' in /app/helpers/
> 8. In /app/helpers/accounting, create
> module AccountsHelper
> end
> Then if I fire up WEBrick and navigate to URL
> localhost:3000/accounting/accounts, I ge the following error:
> LoadError in <controller not set>#<action not set>
> Already loaded file
> but ''AccountingController'' was not set, perhaps you need
to rename
> Any help would be appreciated. Right now I have resorted to having ALL
> of my controllers in the same directory and using grotesquely long
> names, i.e.
> which violates the principle of pretty urls.