i have change my db to utf8-general-ci, now all the characters are correct in
the database, i need this for exporting to pdf en excel. now i can also import
from csv, characters like éàï....
But the display is then fucked up. i get wierd symbols
Another situation:
I have seen a post here to add to environment.rb:
$KCODE = ''UTF8''
require ''jcode''
and to application.rb:
before_filter :configure_charsets
after_filter :fix_unicode_for_safari
def parse_errors(obj)
return nil if obj.nil?
str = "<ul>"
obj.errors.each_full do |msg|
str += "<li>" + msg +"</li>"
str += "</ul>"
return str
def configure_charsets
@headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html;
suppress(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) do
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute ''SET NAMES
then the display is correct but when i export to pdf and excel i get the wierd
characters again. and when i want to import form csv, u can read here
but i need all correct characters in the database, cuz i also work with xml and
soap and ajax.
I prefer to use the 1st solution (correct import and export, incorrect display)
and find a solution for the display.
Can anyone help me??
thanks in advance