Dav Coleman
2005-Dec-02 01:49 UTC
using in_place_editor and overlib js popup hoses up browser rendering
Hi, I''m having a problem. I am using overlib to create popups on my rails app. The popups contain HTML and everything was working nicely until I tried including in_place_editor-generated javascript within that popup HTML. I''ll try to give a rough overview here. Hopefully someone else has run into this already and figured out how to mix these two together. The popup is created in the browser when the user mouses over an image <% popup = profile_popup(sidebar_user) # gets the HTML for the popup popup = escape_javascript popup # converts any '' to \'', any newlines to \n img_url = sidebar_user.thumbnail_url("50x50") img_html = "<img src=\"#{img_url}\" ALIGN=\"LEFT\" onMouseOver=\"return overlib(popup_html_#{sidebar_user.id}, CAPTION, ''Profile for #{sidebar_user.login}'', FGCOLOR, ''#999999'', BGCOLOR, ''#333333'', BORDER, 4, CAPTIONFONT, ''Garamond'', TEXTFONT, ''Courier'', CAPTIONSIZE, 4, MOUSEOFF, STICKY, FIXX, 100, FIXY, 75 )\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\"/>" %>