I keep some sensitive information encoded using MySQL''s ENCODE and DECODE commands in the database table. -- example SQL: SELECT *, DECODE(ccnumblob, ''salthere'') AS ccnum FROM customers WHERE id=2; UPDATE customers SET ccnumblob = ENCODE(''4321432143214321'', ''salthere'') WHERE id=2; INSERT INTO customers (name, ccnumblob) VALUES (''Bob Dobalina'', ENCODE(''4321432143214321'', ''salthere'')); How, in that case, would I pass that DECODE and ENCODE commands into the SQL? I don''t think a find_by_sql will do it. Since transforming the encoded data out of that database table will be essential to ALL CRU(^D) on that table, I was hoping to have it be a more integrated part of the model itself, instead of used only in special find_by_sql situations. Any tips?