Listas escreveu:> Hi All
> Is there any way to pass a dynamic parameter do AutoCompleter URL?
> I want to pass the current text on autocompleter input field plus a
> parameter "last", with data from field "last"
> When i try to use "parameters" option, they get only first value
> field "last", not dynamicaly.
> Thanks.
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Well, i don''t know if is there any other way, but i got this working
with some hacks! :D
i really don''t know NOTHING about javascript, so it''s my first
block :)
changes on controls.js:
about line 56, add:
this.options.jparms = this.options.jparms || null; // in
the future, this will be a array alowing multiple dynamic parameters.
about line 332:
new Ajax.Request(this.url, this.options);
add this:
// Hacked by Jonis
if (this.options.jparms) {
var jtmp = document.getElementById(this.options.jparms);
this.options.parameters += ''&'' + +
''='' +
So, when you create a new autocompleter object, you have new option
called ''jparms'', wich is a (string) id of element that you
want to pass
value dynamically to request.
Well, works for me :)