Rails spinoffs - Dec 2005

Friday December 30 2005
7:25PM 0 Prototype and script.aculo.us IRC channel
3:13PM 5 scriptilicious autocomplete
2:57PM 2 unwanted scrolling
8:25AM 2 Crashing Firefox when updating the same div
Thursday December 29 2005
12:00PM 2 Ajax.Request: onLoading executed after onComplete in IE
Wednesday December 28 2005
9:54PM 1 Problem with IE
5:39PM 3 Sortable - can we make one or more elements in a list sticky?
3:25PM 6 Custom tooltip component?
5:51AM 6 Sudden Javascript Console noise in firefox
4:38AM 0 InPlaceEditor background image only shows first time?
Tuesday December 27 2005
5:14PM 2 can I load javascript inside a ''try'' block?
7:37AM 2 wiki down
Saturday December 24 2005
7:49PM 8 Prototype OOP example
6:11AM 0 sortableTree update?
Friday December 23 2005
7:33PM 3 RE: Scriptaculous and Prototype based Rich TextEditor
6:17PM 1 floating layer following the mouse
10:12AM 1 Deconstruct
9:29AM 0 script.aculo.us some tests
Thursday December 22 2005
8:52PM 2 using slidedown and slide up in a multiple level menu
7:13PM 0 RE: Re: ajax - multiple updates on singlexmlhttprequest
1:04PM 6 Scriptaculous and Prototype based Rich Text Editor
9:55AM 0 Clone Sortable item
Wednesday December 21 2005
7:38PM 1 RE: Prototype: correct useage of onCompletewithAjax.PeriodicalUpdater
7:17PM 1 RE: Prototype: correct useage of onComplete withAjax.PeriodicalUpdater
3:12PM 0 Prototype: correct useage of onComplete with Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater
1:34PM 5 ajax - multiple updates on single xmlhttprequest
12:14AM 3 IE/CSS issue using Sortables....but only on the first drag
Tuesday December 20 2005
3:25PM 9 Performance issues with Prototype
8:48AM 0 swap css class
3:20AM 0 non-ajax in-place editor?
Monday December 19 2005
4:51PM 0 Page like others
4:07PM 1 Submiting list - preserving order
3:00PM 0 sortables with revert
4:46AM 4 Observing Ajax Requests?
Sunday December 18 2005
7:41PM 3 JavaScript question
Saturday December 17 2005
11:18PM 0 New project again
5:38PM 17 problems with quotes and escaping
5:43AM 0 hoverclass doesn''t seem to be set from Sortable.create
Friday December 16 2005
11:30PM 0 Bug in script.aculo.us Draggable in 1.5
10:34PM 3 ''floating dialog'' class
9:40PM 0 http://qooxdoo.oss.schlund.de/
1:50AM 6 extending prototype''s classes
Thursday December 15 2005
11:29AM 3 Generic Question about the way code is written
10:01AM 1 Some handy methods - perhaps cool enough to be committed some time
Wednesday December 14 2005
11:33PM 1 [scriptaculous] scroll down to show full auto completion list (w/ possible patch)
7:55PM 11 Prototype 1.4 bug?
4:51PM 1 Problem stopping default event in Safari
3:59PM 2 RE: Form.serialize and Ajax.Request->fileserialization and encoding
3:51PM 1 RE: Form.serialize and Ajax.Request ->fileserialization and encoding
3:35PM 1 RE: Form.serialize and Ajax.Request -> fileserialization and encoding
10:28AM 0 Jumpiness in effects
3:37AM 0 Form.serialize and Ajax.Request -> file serialization and encoding
Tuesday December 13 2005
11:54PM 0 script.aculo.us V1.5 final
10:36AM 2 Ajax.Request onComplete
12:57AM 10 new classes
Monday December 12 2005
5:09PM 2 PeriodicalExecuter passing variables to the callback function
4:29PM 7 possible opera+prototype bug in evalscripts?
Sunday December 11 2005
9:39PM 0 setValue() and sliderValue not affecting Slider
Saturday December 10 2005
1:07PM 1 submit ajax form through javascript
Friday December 9 2005
11:52PM 0 How to use JavaScript in link_to_remote?
9:48AM 5 Prototype Enumerable, Array and Hash Documentation
1:06AM 0 Element.setOpacity issue in script.aculo.us effects
Thursday December 8 2005
3:10PM 0 Slider problems in IE6
1:10PM 3 Uncomplete hiding on Firefox 1.5
10:05AM 6 What does mean $(element) ?
8:49AM 6 Bug in Effect.Highlight ?
7:46AM 0 Scriptaculous and DWR
7:19AM 2 Prototype.js Hash Methods
5:38AM 4 AutoCompleter afterUpdateElement
2:44AM 3 Choppiness in FF v1.5
1:56AM 2 bounce effect
Wednesday December 7 2005
9:29PM 5 InPlaceEditor update of page contents ?
9:24PM 3 Addressing a class, rather than an id?
7:37PM 0 ff 1.5 / xml status problem
12:46AM 3 update_element_function fail gracefully?
Tuesday December 6 2005
8:19AM 9 script.aculo.us AutoComplete Woes
6:46AM 0 inspect Function
Monday December 5 2005
5:44PM 3 Effect.Highlight on Ajax.Updater
12:42PM 0 Prototype Form.serialize and mutli selects
3:06AM 1 Scriptaculous conflict with TinyMCE
2:19AM 3 Multi-level drag and drop in scriptaculous?
Sunday December 4 2005
7:16PM 2 Adding sortables dynamically
10:12AM 5 Javascript Logging
Saturday December 3 2005
7:09PM 1 SlideDown/SlideUp question
1:37PM 0 dragdrop patch that enables dragging from and to divs with overflow:scroll
Friday December 2 2005
11:58PM 1 script.aculo.us site mostly down
10:36PM 0 script.aculo.us effects
8:23PM 0 Resizeable DIVs
5:48PM 1 Can I pass options to these effects to control the speed?
7:59AM 0 Prototype Hash#map & #each
Thursday December 1 2005
11:48PM 2 drag&drop multi
10:40AM 0 AutoCompleter message div not hiding