On Mon, 2010-11-08 at 08:54 +0100, Roger Bivand wrote:> Hi,
> I installed F14 on release, but was diquieted to note that my symlinked
> GotoBLAS (http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-admin.html#Shared-BLAS,
> foot of paragraph) prevented R (compiled from source, no special configure
> options) from loading - everything had been fine on F < 14. It seems
> cat /selinux/booleans/allow_execstack
> is 1 1 on my RHEL systems, but became (?) 0 0 in F14. Could anyone with
> F < 14 check its value there?
It is 1 1 on both my F13 and F12 boxes (Time to upgrade at least one of
those I guess...) but I haven't used any BLAS other than the one
supplied in the R sources.
> The "fix" on F14 is:
> System -> Administration -> SELinux Management -> (root password,
> then Boolean -> global | allow_execstack | Allow unconfirmed executables
> to make their stack executable [tick]
> The comments suggest that this is not a good policy! Following the
> adjustment, the booleans are 1 1, and R loads with symlinked GotoBLAS on
> F14.
> Roger
Dr. Gavin Simpson [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
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