Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D.
2019-May-13 13:29 UTC
[R] Trying to understand the magic of lm (Still trying)
John, ?The text below is cut out of a "how to write a package" course I gave at the R conference in Vanderbilt.?? I need to find a home for the course notes, because it had a lot of tidbits that are not well explained in the R documentation. Terry T. ---- Model frames: One of the first tasks of any modeling routine is to construct a special data frame containing the covariates that will be used, via a call to the model.frame function. The code to do this is found in many routines, and can be a little opaque on first view. The obvious code would be \begin{verbatim} coxph <- function(formula, data, weights, subset, na.action, ??????? init, control, ties= c("efron", "breslow", "exact"), ??????? singular.ok =TRUE, robust=FALSE, ??????? model=FALSE, x=FALSE, y=TRUE,? tt, method=ties, ...) { ???? mf <- model.frame(formula, data, subset, weights, na.action) \end{verbatim} since those are the coxph arguments that are passed forward to the model.frame routine.? However, this simple approach will fail with a ``not found'' error message if any of the data, subset, weights, etc. arguments are missing. Programs have to take the slightly more complicated approach of constructing a call. \begin{verbatim} Call <- indx <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights", "subset", "na.action"), ????????????????? names(Call), nomatch=0) if (indx[1] ==0) stop("A formula argument is required") temp <- Call[c(1,indx)]? # only keep the arguments we wanted temp[[1]] <-'model.frame')? # change the function called mf <- eval(temp, parent.frame()) Y <- model.response(mf) etc. \end{verbatim} We start with a copy of the call to the program, which we want to save anyway as documentation in the output object. Then subscripting is used to extract only the portions of the call that we want, saving the result in a temporary. This is based on the fact that a call object can be viewed as a list whose first element is the name of the function to call, followed by the arguments to the call. Note the use of \code{nomatch=0}; if any arguments on the list are missing they will then be missing in \code{temp}, without generating an error message. The \mycode{temp} variable will contain a object of type ``call'', which is an unevaluated call to a routine.? Finally, the name of the function to be called is changed from ``coxph'' to ``model.frame'' and the call is evaluated.? In many of the core routines the result is stored in a variable ``m''.? This is a horribly short and non-descriptive name. (The above used mf which isn't a much better.)? Many routines also use ``m'' for the temporary variable leading to \code{m <- eval(m, parent.frame())}, but I think that is unnecessarily confusing. The list of names in the match call will include all arguments that should be evaluated within context of the named dataframe. This can include more than the list above, the survfit routine for instance has an optional argument ``id'' that names an identifying variable (several rows of the data may represent a single subject), and this is included along with ``formula'' etc in the list of choices in the match function.? The order of names in the list makes no difference.? The id is later retrieved with \code{model.extract(m, 'id')}, which will be NULL if the argument was not supplied. At the time that coxph was written I had not caught on to this fact and thought that all variables that came from a data frame had to be represented in the formula somehow, thus the use of \code{cluster(id)} as part of the formula, in order to denote a grouping variable. On 5/11/19 5:00 AM, r-help-request at wrote:> A number of people have helped me in my mission to understand how lm (and other fucntions) are able to pass a dataframe and then refer to a specific column in the dataframe. I thank everyone who has responded. I now know a bit about deparse(substitute(xx)), but I still don't fully understand how it works. The program below attempts to print a column of a dataframe from a function whose parameters include the dataframe (df) and the column requested (col). The program works fine until the last print statement were I receive an error, Error in `[.data.frame`(df, , col) : object 'y' not found . I hope someone can explain to me (1) why my code does not work, and (2) what I can do to fix it.[[alternative HTML version deleted]]