R help - Aug 2016

Wednesday August 31 2016
11:35PM 2 How can I add text in plot and x axis of figures created in ggplot2?
10:25PM 1 R-Studio+Commander
10:09PM 1 Time format lagging issue
9:58PM 2 Looping through different groups of variables in models
9:44PM 0 Time format lagging issue
8:44PM 0 GLM output problem
8:25PM 4 Same code on Mac?
5:03PM 2 GLM output problem
4:07PM 3 Time format lagging issue
3:54PM 0 paste0 in file path
3:50PM 3 paste0 in file path
3:46PM 0 0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
3:35PM 0 source() does not include added code
3:26PM 3 source() does not include added code
3:11PM 0 source() does not include added code
3:05PM 4 source() does not include added code
11:41AM 0 plot.drm in "drc" package
10:37AM 3 0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
5:20AM 1 Number of Variables allowed in R
Tuesday August 30 2016
10:34PM 0 yuen function of the WRS2 package
9:24PM 1 Loop over rda list files and using the attach function
9:07PM 3 yuen function of the WRS2 package
8:55PM 1 plot with different symbols and colors according to the factor levels
7:24PM 0 0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
7:15PM 3 0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
7:05PM 0 0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
6:45PM 0 How to test existence of an environment and how to remove it (from within functions)?
6:42PM 0 Loop over rda list files and using the attach function
6:03PM 0 loading .rda file
5:48PM 1 plot with different symbols and colors according to the factor levels
5:35PM 0 plot with different symbols and colors according to the factor levels
5:32PM 2 0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
5:12PM 2 loading .rda file
5:00PM 0 0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
4:50PM 3 plot with different symbols and colors according to the factor levels
4:38PM 1 0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
4:36PM 0 loading .rda file
4:35PM 0 0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
4:26PM 2 Adding multiple polygons to a Leaflet map
4:24PM 4 0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
3:43PM 4 Loop over rda list files and using the attach function
3:07PM 2 plot.drm in "drc" package
2:37PM 3 loading .rda file
12:05PM 1 How to connect Microsoft Sql server from R studio using freeTDS instead of RODBC package
9:31AM 1 Second order stochastic dominance test
12:32AM 0 possible error in stem() function?
12:31AM 0 possible error in stem() function?
Monday August 29 2016
8:52PM 1 How to test existence of an environment and how to remove it (from within functions)?
7:23PM 0 How to connect Microsoft Sql server from R studio using freeTDS instead of RODBC package
6:46PM 0 new package: rpostgis
5:42PM 2 possible error in stem() function?
5:36PM 1 How to test existence of an environment and how to remove it (from within functions)?
5:26PM 2 How to connect Microsoft Sql server from R studio using freeTDS instead of RODBC package
4:48PM 1 how to prepare my data to be used in the "survey" package
4:31PM 0 Storing business hours
4:10PM 0 Plm function, error in uniqval[as.character(effect), , drop = F]
4:05PM 0 How to connect Microsoft Sql server from R studio using freeTDS instead of RODBC package
3:06PM 0 Storing business hours
2:06PM 3 Exponential population model
1:54PM 0 How to split a data.frame into its columns?
6:27AM 0 How to split a data.frame into its columns?
6:14AM 4 How to split a data.frame into its columns?
4:53AM 2 How to connect Microsoft Sql server from R studio using freeTDS instead of RODBC package
Sunday August 28 2016
2:27PM 0 package.skeleton fails
2:26PM 1 parsing the file
3:55AM 0 The modification in PSF Package
Saturday August 27 2016
8:56PM 1 parsing a complex file
3:55PM 0 Importint stata file and using value labels
2:11PM 0 Hickman models with two binary dependent variables in R
8:39AM 2 Hickman models with two binary dependent variables in R
2:35AM 0 Labelling interaction axes of a nomogram using rms
2:32AM 0 Exponential population model
1:20AM 1 Leaflet package error while adding Polygons
Friday August 26 2016
6:53PM 2 Labelling interaction axes of a nomogram using rms
6:11PM 1 Improving function that estimates regressions for all variables specified
3:05PM 3 Importint stata file and using value labels
2:11PM 0 Hickman models with two binary dependent variables in R
12:49PM 2 Exponential population model
7:11AM 0 Importint stata file and using value labels
Thursday August 25 2016
11:17PM 2 Storing business hours
10:14PM 0 Storing business hours
9:28PM 1 Scale and shape parameters of Gamma mixture distributions
7:15PM 2 Importint stata file and using value labels
7:11PM 0 Importint stata file and using value labels
5:18PM 1 help in preparing data for using the package SURVEY
4:49PM 2 Importint stata file and using value labels
4:42PM 0 Importint stata file and using value labels
4:06PM 0 Invitation to visualization user study
4:02PM 2 Importint stata file and using value labels
3:39PM 0 Importint stata file and using value labels
3:10PM 3 Storing business hours
2:48PM 1 nlme: fewer observations than random effects in all level 1 groups
12:09PM 3 Importint stata file and using value labels
10:31AM 2 Hickman models with two binary dependent variables in R
9:05AM 0 Course: Introduction to Regression Models with Spatial and Temporal Correlation
6:24AM 0 library Dplyr
5:08AM 2 library Dplyr
4:04AM 0 library Dplyr
3:01AM 2 library Dplyr
2:52AM 0 Rotating points, preferably in grid
2:16AM 3 Rotating points, preferably in grid
12:34AM 0 How do you capture warning messages from rstan package's stan() function, when running an R script that calls stan() on the command line?
Wednesday August 24 2016
10:46PM 2 lme to determine if there is a group effect
10:12PM 0 function that converts data into a form that can be included in a question to mailing list
10:04PM 1 function that converts data into a form that can be included in a question to mailing list
10:00PM 5 function that converts data into a form that can be included in a question to mailing list
8:24PM 1 aggregate
7:50PM 0 aggregate
7:21PM 2 package.skeleton fails
6:48PM 1 A question on data frame
5:42PM 0 question about cleaning up data labels on a plot3d plot
5:21PM 1 question about cleaning up data labels on a plot3d plot
5:18PM 0 Loop over folder files
5:07PM 2 aggregate
4:55PM 0 aggregate
4:03PM 2 Loop over folder files
3:54PM 2 aggregate
3:16PM 0 aggregate
3:10PM 0 library Dplyr
2:55PM 0 question about cleaning up data labels on a plot3d plot
2:48PM 0 Loop over folder files
2:47PM 2 library Dplyr
2:37PM 2 aggregate
12:41PM 2 Loop over folder files
7:07AM 1 Hierarchical Clustering in R
5:57AM 2 question about cleaning up data labels on a plot3d plot
Tuesday August 23 2016
11:01PM 0 aggregate
10:03PM 3 aggregate
9:51PM 0 transposing x and y axes in xYplot
9:42PM 2 transposing x and y axes in xYplot
8:08PM 0 Loop over folder files
8:02PM 2 Loop over folder files
5:54PM 2 Replicate
5:01PM 0 Loop over folder files
9:31AM 4 Loop over folder files
8:38AM 0 Loop over folder files
8:06AM 1 Error while fitting gumbel copula
6:33AM 1 [Friedmann test for 2 factor mixed design] I need your help.I trying to do non-parametric 2way anova
6:27AM 0 Please help me, I'm trying to update my version of R
3:45AM 0 Please help me, I'm trying to update my version of R
Monday August 22 2016
10:32PM 1 Estimated Effects Not Balanced
8:43PM 0 Estimated Effects Not Balanced
8:17PM 4 Please help me, I'm trying to update my version of R
6:57PM 0 persp fail with non-equidistant dates
5:40PM 3 Loop over folder files
5:32PM 0 Loop over folder files
4:33PM 2 Loop over folder files
3:17PM 2 persp fail with non-equidistant dates
3:15PM 4 Estimated Effects Not Balanced
1:38PM 1 Chaid Decision Tree
1:11PM 0 problem concernig Survsplit, package survival
10:54AM 0 read.xlsx function crashing R Studio
10:50AM 0 problem concernig Survsplit, package survival
10:28AM 0 Lemmatization with WORDNET package
5:06AM 2 I had 1 problem with r
1:44AM 1 Intercept in Model Matrix (Parameters not what I expected)
Sunday August 21 2016
5:30PM 3 read.xlsx function crashing R Studio
Saturday August 20 2016
8:31PM 0 problem concernig Survsplit, package survival
12:28PM 2 autocorrelation function plot in lattice
4:01AM 0 Efficiently parallelize across columns of a data.table
Friday August 19 2016
11:16PM 0 file.create issue
10:30PM 0 C/C++/Fortran Rolling Window Regressions
9:22PM 1 pheatmap breaks
6:22PM 2 Efficiently parallelize across columns of a data.table
1:47PM 3 file.create issue
1:15PM 0 file.create issue
12:59PM 3 file.create issue
11:21AM 2 problem concernig Survsplit, package survival
11:01AM 0 RJDBC - Java connection to Oracle database crashing on execution
10:13AM 1 facing problem in setting order of the levels in factor
9:41AM 1 character vector manipulation and saving
Thursday August 18 2016
10:28PM 0 remove rows based on row mean
10:21PM 0 remove rows based on row mean
10:12PM 1 package.skeleton, environment argument causes error
9:33PM 4 remove rows based on row mean
8:41PM 0 rhive with PAM
8:09PM 0 Regressing the residuals on the country dummies
6:29PM 2 Regressing the residuals on the country dummies
6:01PM 0 Retrieving data from survey in R Studio
5:41PM 1 Retrieving data from survey in R Studio
5:26PM 0 Retrieving data from survey in R Studio
4:03PM 0 Error while fitting gumbel copula
3:38PM 1 optimize the filling of a diagonal matrix (two for loops)
1:35PM 0 Announcement of optimr and optimrx packages
1:05PM 0 Need help with output of Proximus algorithm
11:48AM 1 loop function
11:00AM 0 get() within function
10:19AM 2 get() within function
9:19AM 5 Retrieving data from survey in R Studio
7:02AM 0 have a look over package "imputeTestbench"
Wednesday August 17 2016
7:37PM 1 enabling PAM in R for RODBC connections
6:24PM 2 Creating dummy variable using ifelse statement while you also retain NA's
5:05PM 1 Error in riv package
4:09PM 0 lavaan: Modification indices and intercepts
3:02PM 1 Installation of rJava fails
2:45PM 1 GGplot2 stat_summary
2:45PM 0 Error in riv package
10:23AM 3 Error in riv package
8:29AM 1 R jobs on SLURM running on a single node only
7:51AM 0 Rmpfr drives me *Rmpfr*
5:46AM 0 Rmpfr drives me *Rmpfr*
4:30AM 1 How to set the window size in rgl for full hd resolution
2:13AM 1 Problem detect cheating with CopyDetect Package
Tuesday August 16 2016
11:58PM 0 Need help with use of ROCK algorithm in R for binary data
8:41PM 2 Need help with use of ROCK algorithm in R for binary data
7:47PM 0 Error in riv package
6:51PM 3 [R Survey Analysis] Problem counting number of responses
6:07PM 2 Error in riv package
5:41PM 1 Accessing an object using a string
3:46PM 0 Accessing an object using a string
3:08PM 0 RDCOMclient copy excel chart to powerpoint
1:38PM 0 dissimilarity matrix using SAX distance
1:11PM 2 R Shiny convert into Java
12:15PM 1 effect.clm
7:16AM 0 help: about lemmatization with treetagger tool
6:43AM 4 Antwort: Re: Accessing an object using a string
6:42AM 0 Need help with use of ROCK algorithm in R for binary data
Monday August 15 2016
10:03PM 0 RQGIS 0.1.0 release
7:10PM 1 Accessing an object using a string
6:33PM 0 Accessing an object using a string
4:41PM 1 Antwort: Accessing an object using a string (SOLVED)
4:09PM 1 glmer and glht
3:28PM 2 Error while fitting gumbel copula
1:40PM 0 Antwort: Accessing an object using a string (SOLVED)
10:56AM 1 add segments from other data ggplot
9:22AM 2 Need help with use of ROCK algorithm in R for binary data
8:49AM 5 Accessing an object using a string
8:44AM 0 add segments from other data ggplot
12:48AM 0 need some help with date
Sunday August 14 2016
10:40PM 3 need some help with date
9:47PM 0 R bug when started in Windows 10
7:57PM 3 R bug when started in Windows 10
3:43PM 1 question please
11:29AM 0 Adding loess lines subsetting to each panel in lattice plot
9:23AM 2 Help with non standard evaluation and require function
Saturday August 13 2016
8:02PM 2 R Studio: Run script upon saving or exiting
1:31PM 1 Adding loess lines subsetting to each panel in lattice plot
10:38AM 0 regarding Fselector package in R
Friday August 12 2016
11:50PM 0 R Package installation
8:10PM 0 Adding loess lines subsetting to each panel in lattice plot
6:42PM 0 Parallelize lme4
6:32PM 1 glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred & glm.fit: algorithm did not converge
6:14PM 0 Help with non standard evaluation and require function
5:35PM 0 glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred & glm.fit: algorithm did not converge
4:24PM 1 glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred & glm.fit: algorithm did not converge
4:10PM 3 Adding loess lines subsetting to each panel in lattice plot
3:57PM 3 Help with non standard evaluation and require function
3:20PM 2 glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred & glm.fit: algorithm did not converge
3:18PM 0 R Package installation
3:06PM 0 glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred & glm.fit: algorithm did not converge
2:58PM 2 glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred & glm.fit: algorithm did not converge
2:53PM 1 R Package installation
2:51PM 0 R Package installation
2:48PM 0 R Package installation
2:45PM 3 R Package installation
2:43PM 0 R Package installation
2:00PM 0 glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred & glm.fit: algorithm did not converge
10:53AM 7 R Package installation
10:36AM 0 curl problem in install.packages
9:10AM 2 glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred & glm.fit: algorithm did not converge
7:24AM 0 cpquery problem
Thursday August 11 2016
9:13PM 1 structure breakpoint for panel data
9:05PM 1 Continuation-parsing / trampoline / infinite recursion problem
8:39PM 1 Conditional Execution Error
8:24PM 0 Conditional Execution Error
5:45PM 1 Appending Data to a .csv File
4:34PM 0 Reporting results from phia
3:19PM 0 Sort a data table
Wednesday August 10 2016
8:22PM 1 Continuation-parsing / trampoline / infinite recursion problem
7:18PM 1 R Listen to a Web GUI
6:39PM 0 Continuation-parsing / trampoline / infinite recursion problem
5:54PM 1 Unexpected behavior with cbind.ts
5:48PM 1 Continuation-parsing / trampoline / infinite recursion problem
5:28PM 0 Continuation-parsing / trampoline / infinite recursion problem
5:15PM 0 Continuation-parsing / trampoline / infinite recursion problem
5:10PM 6 Continuation-parsing / trampoline / infinite recursion problem
5:04PM 0 Continuation-parsing / trampoline / infinite recursion problem
5:00PM 0 TIF Mean pixel values
4:59PM 0 Continuation-parsing / trampoline / infinite recursion problem
4:53PM 6 Continuation-parsing / trampoline / infinite recursion problem
4:08PM 0 Error while fitting gumbel copula
3:58PM 0 Extracting dates to create a new variable
11:56AM 0 Continuation-parsing / trampoline / infinite recursion problem
10:22AM 2 Proving (instead of rejecting) that two groups are actually equal
9:22AM 1 Calculate mileage at each 'faildate'
7:59AM 1 Diethelm Wuertz (founder 'Rmetrics')
6:05AM 0 Calendar embedded for event scheduling
4:58AM 2 Calendar embedded for event scheduling
Tuesday August 9 2016
11:35PM 1 R Server - Resource Manager
8:05PM 0 R on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows 10
7:57PM 2 Continuation-parsing / trampoline / infinite recursion problem
6:04PM 0 Residual plots and residual deviance in the SURVEY package when only 'working deviance' available
3:49PM 4 BaseX
2:42PM 0 BaseX
1:30PM 2 Error while fitting gumbel copula
12:39PM 2 BaseX
5:38AM 0 foreach {parallel} nested with for loop to update data.frame column
Monday August 8 2016
10:19PM 0 Visualising multiple temporal periods each with an associated value
8:29PM 0 Revolutions blog: July 2016 roundup
7:17PM 0 interaction between clusterMap(), read.csv() and try() - try does not catch error
6:49PM 2 Help with big data and parallel computing: 500, 000 x 4 linear models
5:16PM 3 Extracting dates to create a new variable
4:07PM 2 interaction between clusterMap(), read.csv() and try() - try does not catch error
3:42PM 0 How to create marginal effects tables in R?
3:09PM 0 Update to the xtractomatic package
2:52PM 0 New package uaparserjs 0.1.0 - Slice up browser user agent strings
1:53PM 0 No "number of days" format for 'difftime'?
12:56PM 0 New package: ggghost 0.1.0 - Capture the spirit of your ggplot2 calls
12:12PM 2 No "number of days" format for 'difftime'?
11:19AM 0 No "number of days" format for 'difftime'?
10:48AM 2 No "number of days" format for 'difftime'?
9:56AM 0 No "number of days" format for 'difftime'?
9:37AM 3 No "number of days" format for 'difftime'?
8:12AM 2 Visualising multiple temporal periods each with an associated value
8:08AM 0 pgmm - how to properly specify lag term?
7:48AM 1 changing x and y ranges in a PCA plot created by library(labdsv)
1:42AM 1 open a zip file
Sunday August 7 2016
11:22PM 0 R help
10:21PM 3 Conditionally remove rows with logic
6:10PM 0 Creating Dummy Var in R for regression?
4:13PM 1 metaprop
2:49PM 1 SAS file
9:34AM 2 changing x and y ranges in a PCA plot created by library(labdsv)
Friday August 5 2016
11:31PM 2 Creating Dummy Var in R for regression?
10:23PM 0 Creating Dummy Var in R for regression?
9:18PM 0 adding a date column with dplyr
9:00PM 2 Creating Dummy Var in R for regression?
8:49PM 0 Creating Dummy Var in R for regression?
8:34PM 0 RGL library loading issues
8:11PM 0 Jackknife for scacofIndDiff ? Parallel?
6:50PM 2 Creating Dummy Var in R for regression?
5:04PM 2 RGL library loading issues
4:51PM 2 adding a date column with dplyr
4:07PM 1 makePSOCKcluster launches different version of R
3:52PM 0 Graphical output of density for the function gammamixEM (package mixtools)
3:17PM 0 R help
2:07PM 4 R help
12:28PM 0 Segmentation Fault on Unix box with nloptr, works on Windows
10:10AM 1 SAS file
9:43AM 2 Freq in dataframe
9:00AM 1 Three way correspondence analyses?
4:52AM 1 Fwd: pubmed.mineR
1:40AM 0 Fwd: only plot borders of a region in a scatter plot
12:23AM 0 foreach {parallel} nested with for loop to update data.frame column
Thursday August 4 2016
11:29PM 0 foreach {parallel} nested with for loop to update data.frame column
8:56PM 1 Error code 100 when using the function “fitdist” from the fitdistrplus package
8:35PM 0 difftime in years
8:08PM 2 Fwd: only plot borders of a region in a scatter plot
8:00PM 1 Odds ratios in logistic regression models with interaction
6:05PM 2 difftime in years
3:46PM 0 Fwd: only plot borders of a region in a scatter plot
3:45PM 0 Error code 100 when using the function “fitdist” from the fitdistrplus package
3:09PM 2 Fwd: only plot borders of a region in a scatter plot
3:03PM 0 Fwd: only plot borders of a region in a scatter plot
2:24PM 0 Odds ratios in logistic regression models with interaction
1:25PM 0 Three way correspondence analyses?
1:12PM 0 Odds ratios in logistic regression models with interaction
1:09PM 1 Help with the RMD Output & rCharts Package
12:32PM 0 Odds ratios in logistic regression models with interaction
9:08AM 0 ggplot2 - unexpected beahviour with facet_grid
8:51AM 3 Fwd: only plot borders of a region in a scatter plot
8:37AM 1 cpquery problem
1:48AM 0 [FORGED] Plotting in LaTeX with ggplot2 in R and using tikzdevice
1:32AM 1 foreach {parallel} nested with for loop to update data.frame column
Wednesday August 3 2016
11:42PM 2 Error code 100 when using the function “fitdist” from the fitdistrplus package
10:21PM 0 It is possible to use "input parameters" with "standard error" in fitting function nls
9:20PM 4 Plotting in LaTeX with ggplot2 in R and using tikzdevice
7:37PM 0 Effect of an optimized BLAS library on lm() function
7:20PM 0 plot many dfs in ggplot
7:09PM 2 plot many dfs in ggplot
7:07PM 1 Martingale residuals warning
7:06PM 0 plot many dfs in ggplot
7:03PM 0 how to plot annual values directly
5:58PM 0 plot many dfs in ggplot (and other ggplot questions)
3:39PM 2 plot many dfs in ggplot
3:27PM 2 how to plot annual values directly
2:31PM 0 Predicted values VS residuals
2:26PM 0 (no subject)
1:08PM 2 Odds ratios in logistic regression models with interaction
12:14PM 0 Multiple plot in a page
12:01PM 2 Multiple plot in a page
11:05AM 0 p.adjust not working correctly?
10:20AM 0 plot many dfs in ggplot
10:16AM 0 how to plot annual values directly
8:57AM 3 It is possible to use "input parameters" with "standard error" in fitting function nls
8:55AM 0 Multiple plot in a page
5:44AM 3 Multiple plot in a page
Tuesday August 2 2016
7:58PM 3 Three way correspondence analyses?
7:39PM 0 generate a vector of random numbers within confines of certain parameters
7:36PM 2 p.adjust not working correctly?
6:56PM 4 generate a vector of random numbers within confines of certain parameters
6:50PM 3 plot many dfs in ggplot
6:10PM 3 how to plot annual values directly
5:02PM 0 Anderson Darling Goodness of fit test
5:01PM 0 Anderson Darling Goodness of fit test
4:46PM 3 Regression expression to delete one or more spaces at end of string
4:37PM 4 Anderson Darling Goodness of fit test
4:06PM 1 What is "args" in this function?
3:51PM 0 Fuzzy_partition with fuzzy_trapezoid
3:41PM 0 questions about co-linearity in logistic regression from Stefano Sofia
3:14PM 2 Fuzzy_partition with fuzzy_trapezoid
1:53PM 0 Read output:
9:11AM 1 DEA -- Extract the Frontier and ggplot2
8:05AM 0 DEA -- Extract the Frontier and ggplot2
6:30AM 4 Read output:
3:02AM 1 Colour gradients in ggtern
Monday August 1 2016
10:35PM 0 new version of package water: Actual Evapotranspiration with Energy Balance Models
8:02PM 2 Fwd: Help: malloc/free deadlock in unsafe signal handler 'Rf_onsigusr1'
5:46PM 1 about netcdf files
5:35PM 0 about netcdf files
4:41PM 0 what happened to inside-r? [possibly OT]
4:01PM 0 Ways to understand C code (like debug function)
3:04PM 3 what happened to inside-r? [possibly OT]
2:06PM 1 Climate data in R
1:55PM 0 type of objects in last session
1:47PM 0 type of objects in last session
1:28PM 3 type of objects in last session
9:35AM 0 cpquery problem
9:27AM 1 Repeat matrices
7:08AM 2 funnel plot asymmetry
6:05AM 0 Fwd: Help: malloc/free deadlock in unsafe signal handler 'Rf_onsigusr1'