R help - Sep 2016

Friday September 30 2016
11:53PM 1 OPeNDAP access / OPeNDAP subsetting with R
11:21PM 0 OPeNDAP access / OPeNDAP subsetting with R
8:41PM 0 Optimization issue - Solution converges for any initial value
4:56PM 1 Elegant way to get specific dates within prespecified period
4:40PM 0 How to test a difference in ratios of count data in R
4:38PM 0 Elegant way to get specific dates within prespecified period
2:36PM 1 How to implement "zero-overhead" code re-use (a la Python, Perl, etc.) in R?
2:26PM 0 isssues with predict.coxph, offset, type = "expected", and newdata?
4:37AM 0 Closed list?
3:57AM 2 Closed list?
2:22AM 0 remove a "corrupted file" after using download.file() with R on Windows 7
12:58AM 0 How to integrate UMLS to opennlp or NLP package in R
Thursday September 29 2016
9:09PM 2 Opening or activating a URL to access data, alternative to browseURL
8:59PM 0 Opening or activating a URL to access data, alternative to browseURL
8:53PM 0 Closed list?
7:53PM 1 Optimization issue - Solution converges for any initial value
7:35PM 0 remove a "corrupted file" after using download.file() with R on Windows 7
7:29PM 2 Opening or activating a URL to access data, alternative to browseURL
7:16PM 0 Bootstrapping in R
7:06PM 0 How to test a difference in ratios of count data in R
6:38PM 3 Closed list?
6:16PM 2 Bootstrapping in R
4:51PM 0 plotting varclus( ) results
3:12PM 1 using read.csv2()
1:38PM 1 Efficient means to link two data frames
9:41AM 0 using read.csv2()
9:40AM 0 using read.csv2()
8:59AM 5 using read.csv2()
4:32AM 4 remove a "corrupted file" after using download.file() with R on Windows 7
Wednesday September 28 2016
8:54PM 2 How to test a difference in ratios of count data in R
6:53PM 0 Faster Subsetting
5:07PM 0 Faster Subsetting
5:00PM 0 Faster Subsetting
4:49PM 0 How to test a difference in ratios of count data in R
4:28PM 0 Faster Subsetting
4:26PM 4 Faster Subsetting
4:09PM 9 Faster Subsetting
3:02PM 1 Putting a bunch of Excel files as data.frames into a list fails
3:30AM 2 OPeNDAP access / OPeNDAP subsetting with R
3:11AM 1 Error in gam() object 'scat' no found
3:03AM 3 How to test a difference in ratios of count data in R
1:23AM 0 Fw: R problem
Tuesday September 27 2016
8:47PM 0 OPeNDAP access / OPeNDAP subsetting with R
7:44PM 2 OPeNDAP access / OPeNDAP subsetting with R
5:51PM 0 OPeNDAP access / OPeNDAP subsetting with R
4:45PM 1 Writing data onto xlsx file without cell formatting
4:06PM 2 OPeNDAP access / OPeNDAP subsetting with R
3:37PM 0 Researches about using R in economic educational purposes - ask for help / cooperation.
3:05PM 1 Testing significance of individual regression slopes
2:18PM 2 Fw: R problem
2:01PM 0 Statistical Computing & Graphics Student Paper Competition 2017
10:48AM 0 ggplot grouped barchart based on marginal proportions
8:45AM 2 R-package (“SeCuredSurv”)
6:36AM 0 Writing data onto xlsx file without cell formatting
4:50AM 1 Error in gam() object 'scat' no found
Monday September 26 2016
11:04PM 0 ggplot grouped barchart based on marginal proportions
10:09PM 0 Writing data onto xlsx file without cell formatting
9:56PM 5 Writing data onto xlsx file without cell formatting
9:18PM 0 Using lapply in R data table
8:27PM 2 Using lapply in R data table
7:07PM 0 Using lapply in R data table
6:48PM 2 Using lapply in R data table
6:37PM 0 Using lapply in R data table
5:59PM 2 Using lapply in R data table
5:05PM 0 Using lapply in R data table
4:41PM 0 curve() doesn't seem to use the whole range of x? And Error: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
4:41PM 2 curve() doesn't seem to use the whole range of x? And Error: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
3:28PM 2 Using lapply in R data table
3:15PM 0 Problem in "cannot allocate vector of size"
11:46AM 2 src/Makevars ignored ?
10:29AM 1 32 and 64 bit R
1:43AM 2 Produce multiple line graphs
Sunday September 25 2016
9:18PM 1 Add annotation text outside of an xyplot (lattice package)
8:47PM 0 how to remove all messages when loading a library ?
8:39PM 0 BCa confidence bands around fitted curves MARS regression
8:34PM 0 Add annotation text outside of an xyplot (lattice package)
7:22PM 3 how to remove all messages when loading a library ?
7:19PM 3 BCa confidence bands around fitted curves MARS regression
6:44PM 2 Add annotation text outside of an xyplot (lattice package)
6:23PM 0 curve() doesn't seem to use the whole range of x? And Error: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
5:21PM 2 curve() doesn't seem to use the whole range of x? And Error: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
4:37PM 0 curve() doesn't seem to use the whole range of x? And Error: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
4:32PM 0 Add annotation text outside of an xyplot (lattice package)
4:24PM 3 curve() doesn't seem to use the whole range of x? And Error: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
4:04PM 0 curve() doesn't seem to use the whole range of x? And Error: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
3:52PM 2 curve() doesn't seem to use the whole range of x? And Error: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
3:36PM 0 curve() doesn't seem to use the whole range of x? And Error: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
3:30PM 2 curve() doesn't seem to use the whole range of x? And Error: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
1:34PM 0 package Rdice released
1:21PM 0 Svyglm Error in Survey Package
1:10PM 0 curve() doesn't seem to use the whole range of x? And Error: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
1:01PM 3 curve() doesn't seem to use the whole range of x? And Error: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
11:51AM 2 How to add overall xlabel and ylabel?
Saturday September 24 2016
6:49PM 2 Query regarding Approximate/Fuzzy matching & String Extraction(numeric) in R
3:04PM 2 Add annotation text outside of an xyplot (lattice package)
2:17PM 0 Cumulative Incident Function does not go to end of dataset
6:49AM 0 Add annotation text outside of an xyplot (lattice package)
3:58AM 2 Cumulative Incident Function does not go to end of dataset
3:01AM 4 Svyglm Error in Survey Package
Friday September 23 2016
6:42PM 2 R freezing issue when checking to see if variable belongs to two different vectors
4:34PM 0 how to pass multiple pattern varibles to grep()
4:25PM 0 Replacing value with "1"
2:07PM 2 How to construct a double-entry with variables from a dataset
9:25AM 1 R_LIBS_SITE in Renviron ignored (?)
9:15AM 1 R Help: System Identification for First order delay and dead time with TF model
6:19AM 2 Replacing value with "1"
3:13AM 0 Replacing value with "1"
2:27AM 3 Replacing value with "1"
Thursday September 22 2016
10:40PM 0 MLE Estimation in Extreme Value Approach to VaR (using Frechet distribution)
10:35PM 0 [R-pkg-devel] doc url to vignette
9:02PM 3 how to pass multiple pattern varibles to grep()
8:23PM 1 Help with PCA data file prep and R code
7:24PM 0 Memory not release when an environment is created
7:01PM 2 Memory not release when an environment is created
6:29PM 0 Memory not release when an environment is created
4:45PM 0 Memory not release when an environment is created
3:41PM 5 Memory not release when an environment is created
3:01PM 1 Variable String formation
2:04PM 4 Add annotation text outside of an xyplot (lattice package)
1:25PM 0 mgcv: bam(), error in models with random intercepts and random slopes
8:45AM 1 `head` doesn't show all columns for an empty data.frame
2:20AM 1 Establishing dates in Time Series Data
Wednesday September 21 2016
8:33PM 1 Problem Mixstock in R
7:18PM 0 Problem Mixstock in R
4:07PM 0 "invalid argument to unary operator" while selecting rows by name
3:26PM 2 if/else help
3:25PM 0 Help with PCA data file prep and R code
2:47PM 0 if/else help
2:45PM 2 "invalid argument to unary operator" while selecting rows by name
2:34PM 0 Why removing the (Intercept) from lm is done by adding -1?
2:19PM 2 Why removing the (Intercept) from lm is done by adding -1?
8:26AM 0 "invalid argument to unary operator" while selecting rows by name
7:51AM 2 "invalid argument to unary operator" while selecting rows by name
7:49AM 1 "invalid argument to unary operator" while selecting rows by name
5:28AM 3 Help with PCA data file prep and R code
12:30AM 3 Query on the R of free soft version 3
Tuesday September 20 2016
11:22PM 0 about data problem
11:18PM 2 about data problem
11:09PM 0 about data problem
11:06PM 3 about data problem
10:56PM 0 about data problem
10:42PM 3 about data problem
10:30PM 0 about data problem
10:11PM 2 about data problem
10:09PM 0 about data problem
10:00PM 2 about data problem
9:55PM 0 about data problem
9:46PM 2 about data problem
7:31PM 4 if/else help
6:13PM 2 "invalid argument to unary operator" while selecting rows by name
5:52PM 0 "invalid argument to unary operator" while selecting rows by name
5:08PM 0 "invalid argument to unary operator" while selecting rows by name
4:23PM 0 Run a fixed effect regression and a logit regression on a national survey that need to be "weighted"
4:22PM 3 mgcv: bam(), error in models with random intercepts and random slopes
1:58PM 1 Issue on LGP solving
12:42PM 4 "invalid argument to unary operator" while selecting rows by name
11:54AM 0 Issue on LGP solving
10:04AM 2 Run a fixed effect regression and a logit regression on a national survey that need to be "weighted"
8:34AM 2 lm model with many categorical variables
8:00AM 2 Using lm's subset parameter results in Error in xj[i] : invalid subscript type 'list'
6:12AM 2 Issue on LGP solving
3:37AM 3 Return the indices of rows of a data frame
Monday September 19 2016
11:38PM 2 Where is R installed on my Linux?
8:34PM 2 Errors in Raster to Point
3:50PM 4 Overlapping axis numbering and labels when using par(new=TRUE)?
12:31PM 1 What are the red line and cut line in lm's Residuals vs Fitted plot?
12:25PM 3 add outlier in data set
12:19PM 0 separate commands by semicolon
12:15PM 1 Density plot error
12:15PM 0 add outlier in data set
12:09PM 2 add outlier in data set
11:59AM 2 separate commands by semicolon
11:56AM 0 Reg : :How to plot and present the multiple values whenever user placed mouse on point it using plotly and ggplot2
11:53AM 0 Problem pyears and left truncated data
11:41AM 0 What are the red line and cut line in lm's Residuals vs Fitted plot?
10:39AM 1 help
8:53AM 2 Problem Mixstock in R
Sunday September 18 2016
7:39PM 0 How are interaction terms computed in lm's result / problems with interaction terms in lm?
7:18PM 2 How are interaction terms computed in lm's result / problems with interaction terms in lm?
6:05PM 1 ggplot2 lost label
6:01PM 0 How are interaction terms computed in lm's result / problems with interaction terms in lm?
5:41PM 2 How are interaction terms computed in lm's result / problems with interaction terms in lm?
4:20PM 1 Accelerating binRead
3:26PM 2 How to plot the regression line of multivariable linear model?
3:02PM 0 Accelerating binRead
2:25PM 3 What are the red line and cut line in lm's Residuals vs Fitted plot?
2:05PM 2 Accelerating binRead
9:02AM 0 Accelerating binRead
Saturday September 17 2016
11:33PM 0 Help modifying "aheatmap" or find a new heatmap package
9:34PM 0 separate commands by semicolon
9:12PM 2 separate commands by semicolon
6:45PM 3 Accelerating binRead
6:38PM 0 Accelerating binRead
3:28PM 0 separate commands by semicolon
3:04PM 4 Accelerating binRead
3:00PM 0 Accelerating binRead
2:28PM 0 Portfolio Optimization
2:10PM 0 Accelerating binRead
12:05PM 4 Accelerating binRead
Friday September 16 2016
10:43PM 2 ggplot2: geom_segment does not produce the color I desire?
6:10PM 2 Help modifying "aheatmap" or find a new heatmap package
5:59PM 0 Help modifying "aheatmap" or find a new heatmap package
5:28PM 1 NaN Log-lik value in EM algorithm (fitting Gamma mixture model)
5:24PM 1 Request for R code
4:33PM 0 glmnet vignette question
4:21PM 0 Fwd: stfrtime function not returning proper results through sqldf package in R
4:10PM 2 glmnet vignette question
3:38PM 1 stfrtime function not returning proper results through sqldf package in R
2:48PM 0 stfrtime function not returning proper results through sqldf package in R
2:15PM 2 stfrtime function not returning proper results through sqldf package in R
1:45PM 0 brms error
1:23PM 0 stfrtime function not returning proper results through sqldf package in R
12:44PM 3 stfrtime function not returning proper results through sqldf package in R
12:08PM 2 Query to find minimum value in a matrix in R
11:48AM 0 stfrtime function not returning proper results through sqldf package in R
9:54AM 2 stfrtime function not returning proper results through sqldf package in R
8:44AM 0 apply weight to a data frame
7:26AM 0 stfrtime function not returning proper results through sqldf package in R
6:02AM 0 stfrtime function not returning proper results through sqldf package in R
4:35AM 4 stfrtime function not returning proper results through sqldf package in R
4:33AM 0 Visualizing and clustering one half of a symmetric matrix
2:38AM 2 Visualizing and clustering one half of a symmetric matrix
2:32AM 0 NaN Log-lik value in EM algorithm (fitting Gamma mixture model)
Thursday September 15 2016
10:04PM 2 NaN Log-lik value in EM algorithm (fitting Gamma mixture model)
8:44PM 1 box type in Hmisc xYplot
8:32PM 0 box type in Hmisc xYplot
8:28PM 0 dplyr or plyr or both?
8:02PM 2 separate commands by semicolon
7:59PM 3 box type in Hmisc xYplot
7:28PM 0 separate commands by semicolon
7:17PM 2 dplyr or plyr or both?
7:08PM 2 separate commands by semicolon
5:08PM 0 dplyr or plyr or both?
4:40PM 2 apply weight to a data frame
4:17PM 3 Better use of regex
2:20PM 0 dplyr or plyr or both?
2:09PM 5 dplyr or plyr or both?
12:04PM 0 why data.frame, mutate package and not lists
1:25AM 0 Data Visualisation, Predictive Modelling Courses: Syd/Melb/Canb/Adel in September
12:04AM 0 NaN Log-lik value in EM algorithm (fitting Gamma mixture model)
Wednesday September 14 2016
8:46PM 2 NaN Log-lik value in EM algorithm (fitting Gamma mixture model)
8:41PM 0 Need help with renaming sub-directories and its files after attribute vales from a shapefile
7:33PM 1 Creating dataframe with subtotals by all fields and totals of subtotals
6:40PM 0 why data.frame, mutate package and not lists
6:15PM 5 why data.frame, mutate package and not lists
5:06PM 0 gsub: replacing slashes in a string
4:59PM 0 gsub: replacing slashes in a string
4:25PM 5 gsub: replacing slashes in a string
3:34PM 0 why data.frame, mutate package and not lists
3:17PM 0 Cross-classified multilevel binary logistic regression model with random effects at level 2
1:41PM 0 Maximum # of DLLs reached, or, how to clean up after yourself?
1:05PM 2 Cross-classified multilevel binary logistic regression model with random effects at level 2
1:01PM 3 why data.frame, mutate package and not lists
8:56AM 0 Course: Data exploration, regression, GLM & GAM with introduction to R
8:49AM 2 Maximum # of DLLs reached, or, how to clean up after yourself?
5:57AM 0 Upgrade R 3.2 to 3.3 using tar.gz file on Ubuntu 16.04
5:54AM 2 gene name problem in Excel, and an R analogue
Tuesday September 13 2016
6:23PM 0 Maximum # of DLLs reached, or, how to clean up after yourself?
5:32PM 0 Drill down reports in R
4:11PM 0 Drill down reports in R
3:43PM 2 Upgrade R 3.2 to 3.3 using tar.gz file on Ubuntu 16.04
3:03PM 3 Drill down reports in R
2:59PM 0 syntax to connect to linked SQL server using RODBC
2:55PM 0 Error with permutest on dbrda object in vegan
2:49PM 1 How to read a grib2 file
2:48PM 0 Drill down reports in R
2:20PM 1 Minimum Binding Box in 3D
2:02PM 2 syntax to connect to linked SQL server using RODBC
1:44PM 0 Upgrade R 3.2 to 3.3 using tar.gz file on Ubuntu 16.04
1:30PM 1 Arules Package: Rules subset with 'empty' left hand side (lhs)
1:05PM 2 Maximum # of DLLs reached, or, how to clean up after yourself?
1:00PM 4 Upgrade R 3.2 to 3.3 using tar.gz file on Ubuntu 16.04
12:12PM 0 More tube-like lines3D?
11:26AM 0 How to read a grib2 file
10:46AM 4 Drill down reports in R
9:58AM 2 More tube-like lines3D?
9:10AM 0 Arules Package: Rules subset with 'empty' left hand side (lhs)
7:37AM 1 Is this kind of removing of elements from data.frame (in)efficient?
12:18AM 1 Fitting Mixture distributions
Monday September 12 2016
11:40PM 0 Fitting Mixture distributions
10:56PM 2 How to read a grib2 file
9:14PM 1 Hausman Test
2:39PM 2 Arules Package: Rules subset with 'empty' left hand side (lhs)
2:32PM 1 (d,p,r,q) for all distributions, but no m?
2:19PM 0 (no subject)
2:14PM 0 commercial license
1:00PM 0 Where are the PCA outputs?
12:56PM 2 Where are the PCA outputs?
10:33AM 0 Help with strftime error "character string is not in a standard unambiguous format"
9:36AM 1 Help with strftime error "character string is not in a standard unambiguous format"
7:39AM 2 commercial license
5:57AM 7 Help with strftime error "character string is not in a standard unambiguous format"
Saturday September 10 2016
7:23PM 3 using a regular expression
1:51PM 1 Architect from Open Analytics
8:33AM 0 How to read a grib2 file
6:27AM 1 understanding with
5:29AM 0 Apply a multi-variable function to a vector
1:55AM 1 GGplot annotate by facet
Friday September 9 2016
9:49PM 0 understanding with
9:11PM 2 How to read a grib2 file
7:50PM 1 Apply a multi-variable function to a vector
7:44PM 5 Apply a multi-variable function to a vector
1:31PM 0 Matching/checking for occurence when values are double?
1:30PM 1 digital online identifier (doi) CRAN manual?
12:53PM 2 Matching/checking for occurence when values are double?
12:47PM 0 Matching/checking for occurence when values are double?
12:11PM 1 Comparison conditionals when extracting from data.frame not working reliably
12:01PM 3 Matching/checking for occurence when values are double?
4:46AM 3 understanding with
4:14AM 0 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
3:29AM 0 Have help list filters changed recently
12:35AM 3 Have help list filters changed recently
Thursday September 8 2016
11:07PM 0 with and evaluation
10:57PM 4 with and evaluation
8:27PM 0 Revolutions blog: August 2016 roundup
4:56PM 0 stripless package version 1.0-2 now on CRAN
2:48PM 0 Fwd: hello i have a question on music analysis and mathematical synthesis related to r code
2:25PM 2 Resample with replacement to produce many rarefaction curves with same number of samples
2:15PM 1 R-specific Software Requirement Specification
1:53PM 0 R-specific Software Requirement Specification
1:41PM 0 get start and end date of ISO weeks giving a date as input
1:19PM 2 R-specific Software Requirement Specification
12:51PM 2 get start and end date of ISO weeks giving a date as input
12:50PM 1 CopyDetect Packgace
12:48PM 0 Is there t.test with null hypothesis?
12:46PM 0 Resample with replacement to produce many rarefaction curves with same number of samples
12:43PM 2 How to interpret lm's coefficients?
12:38PM 2 Fitting Mixture distributions
12:06PM 3 Is there t.test with null hypothesis?
11:20AM 0 get start and end date of ISO weeks giving a date as input
10:13AM 3 get start and end date of ISO weeks giving a date as input
6:47AM 0 Fitting Mixture distributions
5:57AM 3 hello i have a question on music analysis and mathematical synthesis related to r code
1:03AM 0 Cannot convert from unsigned int to double
Wednesday September 7 2016
10:51PM 2 Fitting Mixture distributions
10:45PM 0 fPortfolio dont work in R 3.3.1
8:27PM 1 Resample with replacement to produce many rarefaction curves with same number of samples
6:41PM 0 Dynamic forecast
4:46PM 0 R-specific Software Requirement Specification
3:56PM 0 R-specific Software Requirement Specification
3:35PM 6 R-specific Software Requirement Specification
3:17PM 0 Resample with replacement to produce many rarefaction curves with same number of samples
2:45PM 1 Help with a code in R
2:39PM 0 how to manage missing values correctly when importing a data frame
2:26PM 2 how to manage missing values correctly when importing a data frame
2:06PM 0 The R Journal, Volume 8, Issue 1
2:05PM 1 Using apply on a three dimensional matrix and passing multiple arguments to user defined function
2:00PM 0 Help with a code in R
1:34PM 2 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
1:23PM 0 building R from source on gnu version >=5.4
1:17PM 0 Using apply on a three dimensional matrix and passing multiple arguments to user defined function
1:11PM 0 how to manage missing values correctly when importing a data frame
12:40PM 0 diffobj released to CRAN
12:29PM 0 finegray function in the survival package
11:09AM 3 how to manage missing values correctly when importing a data frame
11:01AM 0 Books on R
10:05AM 0 Resolution parameter in Louvain community detection
8:17AM 3 building R from source on gnu version >=5.4
7:57AM 0 fPortfolio dont work in R 3.3.1
7:09AM 0 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
7:04AM 0 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
5:44AM 3 fPortfolio dont work in R 3.3.1
4:33AM 3 Using apply on a three dimensional matrix and passing multiple arguments to user defined function
4:06AM 0 Run an external software in R
4:00AM 0 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
3:59AM 0 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
3:56AM 2 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
1:44AM 1 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
1:20AM 4 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
1:13AM 4 Run an external software in R
12:57AM 0 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
12:18AM 0 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
12:01AM 2 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
Tuesday September 6 2016
10:59PM 3 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
10:07PM 4 Resample with replacement to produce many rarefaction curves with same number of samples
10:06PM 0 Resample with replacement to produce many rarefaction curves with same number of samples
10:05PM 1 Resample with replacement to produce many rarefaction curves with same number of samples
8:52PM 2 Help with a code in R
8:12PM 1 how to transform db query result into a set of timeseries
7:51PM 1 Pass an optional argument from Fortran subroutine to a R wrapper
6:06PM 0 Lahman package v. 5.0.0 released to CRAN
5:54PM 0 statquotes package released to CRAN
3:11PM 0 graph together 4 series after HP filter
2:35PM 0 R-square prob is not calculated by randomization in lmPerm::lmp
2:31PM 0 Factor analysis and time as an offset variable
1:56PM 0 Conditional gap time frailty cox model for recurrent events
1:40PM 1 graph together 4 series after HP filter
1:33PM 0 (no subject)
1:09PM 0 outliers in Box Plot
1:08PM 2 Factor analysis and time as an offset variable
9:54AM 1 Iteration over variables
9:00AM 0 save R object into a remote directory
7:52AM 4 save R object into a remote directory
6:56AM 3 (no subject)
6:52AM 2 R-square prob is not calculated by randomization in lmPerm::lmp
6:31AM 0 Help with a code in R
2:21AM 0 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
12:17AM 0 finegray function in survival package
Monday September 5 2016
9:28PM 0 evaluating expressions as R console
8:28PM 1 how to transform db query result into a set of timeseries ?
7:11PM 2 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
6:25PM 4 Help with a code in R
4:56PM 0 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
4:01PM 1 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
3:39PM 0 evaluating expressions as R console
3:37PM 0 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
2:51PM 0 Seasonal package: "Error in x[[2]] : subscript out of bounds"
2:33PM 0 evaluating expressions as R console
1:35PM 1 sim() not working in example given in lava() documentation - please help.
1:01PM 0 sim() not working in example given in lava() documentation - please help.
12:19PM 2 sim() not working in example given in lava() documentation - please help.
11:51AM 2 substring simultaneous conditions
11:38AM 1 outliers in Box Plot
10:11AM 0 Fwd: Splines
9:42AM 1 conditional gap time frailty cox model for recurrent events
9:38AM 0 Fwd: problem writing .bil files in netcdf
5:41AM 5 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
4:30AM 0 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
4:06AM 2 element wise pattern recognition and string substitution
Sunday September 4 2016
11:47PM 4 evaluating expressions as R console
11:13PM 1 Treating a vector of characters as object names to create list
10:07PM 0 Treating a vector of characters as object names to create list
9:57PM 3 Treating a vector of characters as object names to create list
5:40PM 1 Problem with adding a row in a data table
4:30PM 0 Problem with adding a row in a data table
2:10PM 1 Creating a loop with code from the mblm package
1:22PM 3 Problem with adding a row in a data table
11:51AM 0 Need advice on linear programming in R
11:38AM 0 Error in reading subset of data from CSV file
11:38AM 0 impossible # of errors in a simple code
11:29AM 3 Error in reading subset of data from CSV file
11:17AM 0 Error in reading subset of data from CSV file
10:13AM 2 Error in reading subset of data from CSV file
10:10AM 0 Error in reading subset of data from CSV file
8:55AM 0 Creating a loop with code from the mblm package
8:12AM 2 Splines
7:54AM 2 Error in reading subset of data from CSV file
3:05AM 3 impossible # of errors in a simple code
1:43AM 2 Creating a loop with code from the mblm package
1:06AM 0 svytable: How do i create a table informing a third variable?
Saturday September 3 2016
5:41PM 1 Improve code efficient with do.call, rbind and split contruction
7:56AM 0 readBin documentation error
1:24AM 2 readBin documentation error
1:08AM 2 svytable: How do i create a table informing a third variable?
Friday September 2 2016
11:24PM 0 svytable: How do i create a table informing a third variable?
8:48PM 0 Improve code efficient with do.call, rbind and split contruction
7:04PM 2 svytable: How do i create a table informing a third variable?
6:50PM 2 Improve code efficient with do.call, rbind and split contruction
5:51PM 0 Improve code efficient with do.call, rbind and split contruction
5:02PM 4 Improve code efficient with do.call, rbind and split contruction
2:10PM 0 Off topic, but hopefully not totally irrelevant: on MS Excel and genomics
11:10AM 0 workflow getting UTF-8 csv in and out of R on Mac (spreadsheet editor)
11:03AM 3 workflow getting UTF-8 csv in and out of R on Mac (spreadsheet editor)
11:01AM 0 robumeta package - error
10:31AM 0 readBin documentation error
2:41AM 1 plot.drm in "drc" package
Thursday September 1 2016
10:30PM 0 Need advice on linear programming in R
8:41PM 0 Adding multiple polygons to a Leaflet map
7:47PM 2 readBin documentation error
7:00PM 0 Extract baseline from prop.odds function in timereg package
4:52PM 2 robumeta package - error
3:50PM 1 Same code on Mac?
3:34PM 0 Same code on Mac?
3:09PM 3 Off topic, but hopefully not totally irrelevant: on MS Excel and genomics
2:44PM 0 Same code on Mac?
1:45PM 0 How can I add text in plot and x axis of figures created in ggplot2?
12:10PM 2 problem writing .bil files in netcdf
11:01AM 0 Looping through different groups of variables in models
10:24AM 1 Error while running Vegas function in cpvSNP package
8:24AM 0 Need advice on linear programming in R
8:14AM 1 GLM output problem
3:34AM 2 Need advice on linear programming in R