R help - Dec 2014

Wednesday December 31 2014
11:29PM 5 Can not save files
11:24PM 3 rounding down with as.integer
5:39PM 0 Fwd: which is faster "for" or "apply"
5:21PM 0 Help with finding tutors for Linux, R, Perl, Python MATLAB and/or Cytoscape for yeast microarray analysis, next generation sequencing and constructing gene interaction networks
4:51PM 0 Fwd: which is faster "for" or "apply"
4:24PM 4 Fwd: which is faster "for" or "apply"
4:24PM 0 Saving an edited R function - RStudio and R
3:37PM 0 Fwd: which is faster "for" or "apply"
1:58PM 3 Moving average
1:38PM 2 Fwd: which is faster "for" or "apply"
11:58AM 0 Memory usage problem while using nlm function
10:30AM 0 R-Hierarchical binomial proportion modelling
9:57AM 0 Problem in R2WinBUGS
8:45AM 0 rle with data.table - is it possible?
8:22AM 0 Fwd: which is faster "for" or "apply"
7:40AM 3 which is faster "for" or "apply"
7:27AM 2 Problem in R2WinBUGS
6:08AM 0 Moving average
2:15AM 1 simplify code for dummy coding of factors
12:16AM 0 simplify code for dummy coding of factors
Tuesday December 30 2014
11:05PM 5 simplify code for dummy coding of factors
8:01PM 0 R example codes for direct standardization of rates (Reference: Thoma's Lumley's survey package)
7:59PM 0 Interesting article on R
7:55PM 2 R example codes for direct standardization of rates (Reference: Thoma's Lumley's survey package)
7:24PM 1 Three-way mosaic residual plot with survey data
6:08PM 1 Chaining multiple replacement functions in R
5:49PM 0 Include zero density on unsampled species
2:45PM 1 FW: R demos or tutorials
2:27PM 3 rle with data.table - is it possible?
11:43AM 0 Chaining multiple replacement functions in R
8:43AM 1 to create a fuction for removing outlier
12:29AM 0 Memory hungry routines
Monday December 29 2014
9:41PM 2 Chaining multiple replacement functions in R
9:05PM 1 online classes/certifications?
7:46PM 1 Installation Help
7:39PM 0 fuction to find outlier
6:52PM 4 Memory hungry routines
6:02PM 1 Difference between eigs() and eigen()
5:04PM 1 Add labels to my geom_hlines...
4:53PM 0 attribute and main value
4:17PM 2 attribute and main value
4:05PM 0 attribute and main value
3:32PM 2 attribute and main value
3:07PM 0 RAxML using R
2:23PM 2 RAxML using R
1:30PM 0 Some questions on R
1:09PM 1 half-logistic distribution
12:37PM 2 fuction to find outlier
11:18AM 0 RAxML using R
Sunday December 28 2014
11:09PM 2 RAxML using R
9:52PM 0 Changing UTC time to a time zone different from system time zone
4:12PM 2 Question
2:56PM 3 Moving average
2:17PM 2 Changing UTC time to a time zone different from system time zone
Saturday December 27 2014
8:07PM 1 Function bug when sourcing
2:30PM 1 predict.lqm
2:12AM 0 ggmap (or ggplot2 with mapping question)
1:50AM 0 ANOVA test
12:51AM 2 ggmap (or ggplot2 with mapping question)
12:16AM 0 ggmap (or ggplot2 with mapping question)
Friday December 26 2014
11:26PM 3 ggmap (or ggplot2 with mapping question)
9:16PM 1 Selecting values based on two criteria
8:38PM 0 Saving only few columns to database - RODBC doesnt work
3:23PM 0 ANOVA test
2:38PM 4 ANOVA test
6:56AM 0 Question
4:30AM 1 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
1:34AM 0 debugging R code and dealing with dependencies
Thursday December 25 2014
11:19PM 0 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
10:45PM 2 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
8:59PM 0 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
8:41PM 3 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
8:31PM 0 debugging R code and dealing with dependencies
6:57PM 0 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
2:26PM 1 tcltk
11:02AM 4 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
10:51AM 0 help
9:23AM 0 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
9:04AM 4 debugging R code and dealing with dependencies
8:59AM 2 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
7:15AM 0 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
6:38AM 0 wiki link on main page is down?
5:27AM 3 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
4:45AM 0 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
4:19AM 2 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
2:49AM 0 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
Wednesday December 24 2014
10:09PM 1 Getting HR from Cox model in R
9:59PM 0 Help with finding R tutors for microarray analysis, next generation sequencing and constructing gene interaction networks needed
8:44PM 1 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
8:39PM 2 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
8:06PM 0 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
7:49PM 0 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
7:30PM 5 ave(x, y, FUN=length) produces character output when x is character
12:20PM 0 plot=FALSE in heatmap.2
11:23AM 0 gam mgcv family=scat
2:14AM 0 Calculating shortest path length among multiple graphs
12:31AM 0 issue on installation of RCurl on Debian Wheezy
Tuesday December 23 2014
10:57PM 2 Carrying a value down a data.frame conditionally
9:38PM 4 issue on installation of RCurl on Debian Wheezy
9:28PM 1 nlme package: changing reference for varIdent parameter estimates in summary.gls
9:13PM 0 Unable to install ggplot2; using R 3.1.2 and RStudio 0.98.1091 in Linux Mint 17.1
8:20PM 2 Unable to install ggplot2; using R 3.1.2 and RStudio 0.98.1091 in Linux Mint 17.1
5:21PM 0 Getting HR from Cox model in R
2:25PM 0 Cox model with multiple events - PH assumption
9:42AM 2 Getting HR from Cox model in R
9:05AM 0 Do NOT use ifelse() if you can use if(.) else . [was "Checking .."]
8:24AM 0 number of individuals where X=0 during all periods (longitudinal data)
7:46AM 1 R2WinBUGS
Monday December 22 2014
11:08PM 0 Automating regression
10:53PM 3 Automating regression
8:52PM 0 R: VaR and ES in R
8:14PM 1 Help re. Fitting non-linear dynamic model to time series data
6:54PM 0 number of individuals where X=0 during all periods (longitudinal data)
6:26PM 0 Cox model with multiple events - Proportional Hazards Assumption
1:45PM 4 number of individuals where X=0 during all periods (longitudinal data)
1:17PM 1 VaR and ES through MonteCarlo method
Sunday December 21 2014
9:22PM 0 Bca confidence intervals for Pearson coefficient, thanks.
8:02PM 2 Bca confidence intervals for Pearson coefficient, thanks.
7:25PM 2 6 regions around a point
5:32PM 0 Subject: short-sale constraint with nonpositive-definite matrix in portfolio optimization
3:35PM 0 how update to latest version of R on mac
1:59PM 1 How to create a time series object with time only (no date)
9:21AM 2 how update to latest version of R on mac
8:26AM 0 non negativity constraints if else function
8:03AM 0 mediation analysis in R using the method described by Lange T., et al. in the paper "A simple unified approach for estimating natural direct and direct effects
5:59AM 1 MLE
5:09AM 2 How to create a time series object with time only (no date)
4:33AM 0 Bca confidence intervals for Pearson coefficient, thanks.
2:22AM 0 where are the NEWS for R <3.0.0?
1:14AM 1 Add encoded special characters (greek characters) as text to plot
1:06AM 0 how update to latest version of R on mac
Saturday December 20 2014
8:36PM 2 Bca confidence intervals for Pearson coefficient, thanks.
8:29PM 0 list of lists, is this element empty
6:57PM 3 list of lists, is this element empty
4:20PM 0 list of lists, is this element empty
3:58PM 7 list of lists, is this element empty
3:29PM 0 Specifying plot area in dotchart2
2:41PM 0 How to make Pivot table with two variables in R?
4:45AM 3 How to make Pivot table with two variables in R?
4:26AM 3 non negativity constraints if else function
3:21AM 0 short-sale constraint with nonpositive-definite matrix in portfolio optimization
Friday December 19 2014
10:48PM 2 where are the NEWS for R <3.0.0?
9:56PM 3 how update to latest version of R on mac
5:57PM 1 where is XMLRPC for R>3.0 for Windows machines
5:35PM 0 Calculating mean, median, minimum, and maximum
4:48PM 2 Calculating mean, median, minimum, and maximum
4:24PM 1 We won an award, and didn't even notice...
4:22PM 0 Your pardon: An article possibly of interest to statisticians
4:08PM 0 Calculating mean, median, minimum, and maximum
3:10PM 0 where is XMLRPC for R>3.0 for Windows machines
1:52PM 1 Make 2nd col of 2-col df into header row of same df then adjust col1 data display
1:44PM 0 Make 2nd col of 2-col df into header row of same df then adjust col1 data display
1:02PM 2 where is XMLRPC for R>3.0 for Windows machines
12:58PM 0 exclude missing co-variable data in cox model
11:17AM 2 Cox model -missing data.
10:21AM 0 Cox model -missing data.
10:12AM 3 Cox model -missing data.
10:01AM 1 R - Aggregate 3-Hourly Block Data into Weekly (Melt)
8:37AM 0 R - Aggregate 3-Hourly Block Data into Weekly (Melt)
5:35AM 0 Make 2nd col of 2-col df into header row of same df then adjust col1 data display
4:21AM 0 Make 2nd col of 2-col df into header row of same df then adjust col1 data display
12:09AM 1 Hash, variable names restriction
Thursday December 18 2014
8:43PM 0 Add encoded special characters (greek characters) as text to plot
8:35PM 0 Calculating mean, median, minimum, and maximum
8:09PM 1 How to pass variable column name into R function
6:36PM 0 Your pardon: An article possibly of interest to statisticians
5:48PM 2 Add encoded special characters (greek characters) as text to plot
4:59PM 0 Add encoded special characters (greek characters) as text to plot
4:02PM 0 Make 2nd col of 2-col df into header row of same df then adjust col1 data display
3:59PM 0 Make 2nd col of 2-col df into header row of same df then adjust col1 data display
3:30PM 1 number of fuctions in a R-package
3:16PM 1 combinations between two vectors
3:12PM 3 R - Aggregate 3-Hourly Block Data into Weekly (Melt)
3:06PM 0 combinations between two vectors
2:56PM 3 combinations between two vectors
2:38PM 0 exclude missing co-variable data in cox model
2:10PM 1 Maximum likelihood with analytical Hessian and
1:49PM 1 Fitting Structural Equation Model with sem package and Summary issues
1:41PM 0 pairing columns based on a value
1:09PM 1 Make 2nd col of 2-col df into header row of same df then adjust col1 data display
10:28AM 0 Make 2nd col of 2-col df into header row of same df then adjust col1 data display
9:23AM 2 Problems with spatial data for Masterthesis
4:22AM 0 how to make this get command work?
3:24AM 2 how to make this get command work?
3:15AM 10 Make 2nd col of 2-col df into header row of same df then adjust col1 data display
2:35AM 1 setBreakpoint No source refs found
2:25AM 3 Add encoded special characters (greek characters) as text to plot
Wednesday December 17 2014
10:27PM 2 Help: The Difference Between Workspace, Script, and History
9:08PM 1 Question about CHAID
9:03PM 1 lme4 2 factor factorial model with random factors
8:46PM 0 Maximum likelihood with analytical Hessian and
8:14PM 3 pairing columns based on a value
12:24PM 2 dotplot legend
11:46AM 0 Help specifying a non-linear model in nlsLM()
10:46AM 0 Extract values from multiple lists
6:55AM 3 Stop R from changing matrix to numeric
1:59AM 0 Forecast with data Georeferenced
12:46AM 2 Extract values from multiple lists
Tuesday December 16 2014
8:42PM 0 Extract values from multiple lists
5:06PM 3 Extract values from multiple lists
4:04PM 0 GenMatch providing different results
2:52PM 0 bad label change in step() from lmerTest package
2:26PM 1 Help specifying a non-linear model in nlsLM()
2:26PM 0 The R Foundation - New board
1:29PM 0 issues with corner.label() from plotrix
11:25AM 1 Help sought with 1. converting factor to numeric; 2. creating new dataframe
10:18AM 0 - PLS-Package - PLSR loadings
7:47AM 0 Network graph google maps‏
Monday December 15 2014
7:38PM 0 circlize package: different font size for axis labels
6:47PM 0 No visible bindings and assignement to the global environment
5:44PM 1 Why would something work in R but not Rscript?
5:28PM 2 No visible bindings and assignement to the global environment
5:08PM 0 How do I interpret linear mixed model contrast estimates from multcomp::glht()?
4:41PM 4 circlize package: different font size for axis labels
4:06PM 1 create matrices with constraint
4:02PM 3 dotplot axes labelling
3:26PM 0 New to R
3:23PM 0 create matrices with constraint
1:18PM 1 keep only the first value of a numeric sequence
12:18PM 0 keep only the first value of a numeric sequence
11:12AM 2 New to R
10:33AM 2 keep only the first value of a numeric sequence
5:33AM 0 Comparing Latin characters with and without accents?
Sunday December 14 2014
8:30PM 1 extract objects from R output
7:51PM 0 Using PBMROC software in R
6:24PM 0 ASA Stat. Computing & Stat. Graphics Student Paper Competition 2015
4:48PM 0 create matrices with constraint
2:30PM 4 Checking if a logical variable exists
1:43PM 0 Checking if a logical variable exists
1:07PM 3 Checking if a logical variable exists
12:54PM 0 Two-tailed exact binomial test with binom.test and sum(dbinom(...))
8:13AM 0 abline function : plot.new has not been called yet
7:05AM 2 abline function : plot.new has not been called yet
1:40AM 1 How to tell g++ where Rcpp.h is located?
12:13AM 1 sort by decreasing columns?
Saturday December 13 2014
9:22PM 1 Assistance converting to R a python function that extracts from an XML file
9:06PM 0 Assistance converting to R a python function that extracts from an XML file
8:36PM 3 Assistance converting to R a python function that extracts from an XML file
7:08PM 3 Two-tailed exact binomial test with binom.test and sum(dbinom(...))
12:14AM 1 Missing Data Imputation for Complex Survey Data
Friday December 12 2014
9:46PM 1 Invisible Printing
9:43PM 3 Getting a Error: unexpected symbol in:
8:00PM 1 R-intro question
7:45PM 1 create matrices with constraint
7:40PM 1 Is there a plotmath symbol \mapsto?
6:17PM 0 create matrices with constraint
5:00PM 5 create matrices with constraint
2:22PM 0 Is there a plotmath symbol \mapsto?
1:32PM 0 Is there a plotmath symbol \mapsto?
1:05PM 0 How to pass a nested random effect with frailty in coxph()
10:02AM 1 R and tcltk, problem to get the value entered
9:15AM 1 x axis position and ggplot2
3:38AM 2 Is there a plotmath symbol \mapsto?
12:38AM 1 make matrices as many as possible with a constraint
Thursday December 11 2014
7:16PM 1 Unmarked
5:05PM 2 Working with data frames
4:06PM 0 Working with data frames
3:54PM 2 Create previous dates from date with consideration of leap year
3:40PM 0 Using gregexpr and regmatches but getting Iconv error
1:28PM 0 How to pass a nested random effect with frailty in coxph() - survival package?
1:00PM 4 Working with data frames
10:12AM 0 to calculate c(rep("1", 43), rep("2",43),...., rep("10",43))
8:29AM 0 AR(1) with an error term arima.sim parameter question
7:09AM 2 AR(1) with an error term arima.sim parameter question
1:57AM 0 x axis position and ggplot2
Wednesday December 10 2014
9:48PM 0 NA problem in rbind of an apply summary
9:34PM 2 NA problem in rbind of an apply summary
9:19PM 0 Angle brackets ?plotmath
9:04PM 0 AR(1) with an error term arima.sim parameter question
9:03PM 0 maximum number of dlls issue
7:42PM 1 DIF
4:43PM 6 x axis position and ggplot2
2:37PM 0 DIF
7:21AM 2 AR(1) with an error term arima.sim parameter question
5:51AM 0 rtmvnorm {tmvtnorm} seems broken
3:49AM 2 Angle brackets ?plotmath
12:14AM 0 Printing/Generating/Outputting a Table (Not Latex)
Tuesday December 9 2014
11:11PM 0 Printing/Generating/Outputting a Table (Not Latex)
9:36PM 2 DIF
9:20PM 0 DIF
9:02PM 4 Printing/Generating/Outputting a Table (Not Latex)
8:47PM 0 Printing/Generating/Outputting a Table (Not Latex)
8:36PM 3 Printing/Generating/Outputting a Table (Not Latex)
8:24PM 0 Printing/Generating/Outputting a Table (Not Latex)
8:11PM 2 Printing/Generating/Outputting a Table (Not Latex)
8:07PM 0 waller test
7:28PM 2 add symbol above letter in R
6:15PM 0 Printing/Generating/Outputting a Table (Not Latex)
5:28PM 0 Inconsistency of S4 dispatch behavior for R6 classes
4:43PM 2 Printing/Generating/Outputting a Table (Not Latex)
11:33AM 1 Validation data critically small with GSIF
8:22AM 2 DIF
4:13AM 0 Printing/Generating/Outputting a Table (Not Latex)
2:31AM 2 Printing/Generating/Outputting a Table (Not Latex)
Monday December 8 2014
10:21PM 1 combining two distributions
10:16PM 0 Finding unique elements faster
9:15PM 1 Extract random effect variances from lmer (lme4) model
9:13PM 0 String manipulation
8:35PM 0 MLE with parameters restricted to a defined range using bbmle
8:21PM 4 Finding unique elements faster
8:04PM 3 MLE with parameters restricted to a defined range using bbmle
7:09PM 0 My code needs improvement
6:45PM 0 combining two distributions
6:12PM 0 Revolutions blog: November 2014 Roundup
5:08PM 2 String manipulation
4:42PM 2 Merging two data.frames
1:31PM 0 how to label countries in a map created with mapCountryData
11:52AM 2 combining two distributions
11:25AM 1 Making random values which are binary numbers
11:00AM 1 RODBC Error
9:51AM 0 vectorization of rolling function
8:25AM 0 vectorization of rolling function
8:18AM 3 data frame cumulative row sum
6:25AM 1 metafor - code for analysing geometric means
4:38AM 0 How to plot bootstrap distribution in rms package?
4:28AM 1 date time problem
2:05AM 0 neighborhood competition index in r package
Sunday December 7 2014
9:52PM 2 neighborhood competition index in r package
8:59PM 0 date time problem
8:13PM 0 Condensing data.frame
7:25PM 3 date time problem
6:15PM 0 bad STATA dataset import, how to change value labels
4:56PM 2 Condensing data.frame
4:42PM 0 Condensing data.frame
2:21PM 2 Condensing data.frame
10:17AM 0 Which is the final model for a Boosted Regression Trees (GBM)?
3:56AM 0 need help with withRestarts ?
3:41AM 0 Scatter plot for repeated measures
2:37AM 2 bad STATA dataset import, how to change value labels
2:14AM 0 bad STATA dataset import, how to change value labels
1:22AM 0 need help with withRestarts ?
Saturday December 6 2014
11:54PM 2 bad STATA dataset import, how to change value labels
10:53PM 2 need help with withRestarts ?
9:30PM 2 vectorization of rolling function
7:30PM 0 backslash quirk in paste
7:00PM 4 backslash quirk in paste
4:48PM 0 Difference in cummulative variance depending on print command
11:12AM 0 (no subject)
8:24AM 2 Scatter plot for repeated measures
6:12AM 0 How to build a vignette?
5:47AM 2 How to build a vignette?
3:12AM 0 How to build a vignette?
12:15AM 1 Deducer future?
Friday December 5 2014
10:56PM 0 Deducer future?
9:12PM 2 How to build a vignette?
8:27PM 0 Deducer future?
8:11PM 5 Deducer future?
7:24PM 3 recoding genetic information using gsub
5:54PM 0 Deducer future?
5:34PM 2 Deducer future?
5:12PM 1 Subsetting R 3.1.2
4:12PM 1 RCurl much faster than base R
3:35PM 3 Rename multiple files in a directory and write renamed files back to directory
3:16PM 2 Factors and NaN
2:44PM 1 function to avoid <<-
2:20PM 0 Run script automatically on several input files in the directory and produce separate outputs?
1:40PM 4 Run script automatically on several input files in the directory and produce separate outputs?
12:28PM 2 Difference in cummulative variance depending on print command
9:06AM 0 Put 2 ablines in an "empty plot"
8:30AM 3 Put 2 ablines in an "empty plot"
7:24AM 1 I am trying to use assign and paste to assign value to existing variable
5:48AM 0 using inspect with a TermDocumentMatrix to convert to a data frame
5:17AM 0 Rename multiple files in a directory and write renamed files back to directory
5:01AM 0 building generic regression tool - error invalid type (list) for variable
4:54AM 2 Rename multiple files in a directory and write renamed files back to directory
4:16AM 0 Rename multiple files in a directory and write renamed files back to directory
3:53AM 2 using inspect with a TermDocumentMatrix to convert to a data frame
3:44AM 2 Rename multiple files in a directory and write renamed files back to directory
2:55AM 1 Plot gamma distribution with relative frequency histogram
Thursday December 4 2014
10:23PM 1 2 ablines dans 1 même plot "vide"
8:19PM 0 Question
6:20PM 0 Getting the most recent dates in a new column from dates in four columns using the dplyr package (mutate verb)
2:47PM 0 8 statistics course; January - June 2015
2:09PM 1 outputs of a function
2:04PM 1 lmom package - Resending the email
12:40PM 1 Using "line" (Tukey's robust line) on 3 observations?
12:16PM 0 change x-axis labels in dlnm's slices figures
11:11AM 0 Error loading workspace
10:09AM 0 outputs of a function
5:12AM 0 R Arimax Function
4:12AM 0 R Arimax Function
3:43AM 3 Getting the most recent dates in a new column from dates in four columns using the dplyr package (mutate verb)
1:48AM 0 Getting the most recent dates in a new column from dates in four columns using the dplyr package (mutate verb)
Wednesday December 3 2014
10:51PM 1 RcppArmadillo compilation errors (Scientific Linux 6.5)
10:10PM 3 Getting the most recent dates in a new column from dates in four columns using the dplyr package (mutate verb)
9:14PM 2 combining unequal dataframes based on a common grouping factor
7:11PM 0 Problem with
6:35PM 0 extract AICc from model in glmulti object
6:29PM 1 coerce data to numeric
1:13PM 0 non-finite initial optimization function; was "help"
1:02PM 0 Substitute initial guesses of parameters in a function
12:38PM 0 ASA John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award - 2015
12:37PM 2 Substitute initial guesses of parameters in a function
12:17PM 0 Version 1.4.0 of the 'apcluster' package
11:40AM 3 Problem with
10:58AM 0 Question on LIMMA analysis with covariates and some missing data
9:57AM 0 lmom package - Resending the email
9:45AM 2 lmom package - Resending the email
9:03AM 2 lmom package
8:26AM 2 How to have NLME return when convergence not reached
Tuesday December 2 2014
11:27PM 1 Add group name in barchart
11:03PM 0 Profiling a C/C++ library from R
10:22PM 1 if else for cumulative sum error
10:03PM 0 How to have NLME return when convergence not reached
9:59PM 2 How to have NLME return when convergence not reached
9:49PM 0 How to have NLME return when convergence not reached
9:43PM 3 Profiling a C/C++ library from R
9:30PM 0 How to have NLME return when convergence not reached
8:57PM 4 How to have NLME return when convergence not reached
8:49PM 0 if else for cumulative sum error
8:26PM 2 if else for cumulative sum error
8:04PM 0 FW: R Statistics
7:40PM 0 function to avoid <<-
7:32PM 2 FW: R Statistics
7:01PM 1 Regarding new version of R library
6:34PM 0 How to fill rainbow colors under curves in R
6:22PM 0 if else for cumulative sum error
6:08PM 3 if else for cumulative sum error
5:10PM 1 R installation
4:59PM 2 function to avoid <<-
4:47PM 0 function to avoid <<-
4:32PM 2 function to avoid <<-
4:14PM 0 move date-values from one line to several lines
3:38PM 0 help
3:29PM 2 move date-values from one line to several lines
3:17PM 0 function to avoid <<-
12:57PM 0 Two wireframe plots (lattice) aside (grid.arrange) without outer box
12:28PM 2 Sorting method used by order()
12:17PM 0 Sorting method used by order()
11:33AM 2 Sorting method used by order()
10:33AM 1 specifying a structural equation model with sem
9:16AM 1 Passing data to t.test in loop
8:28AM 2 function to avoid <<-
6:55AM 1 multivariate normal distribution
1:51AM 1 hierarchical model with heteroscedastic variances
Monday December 1 2014
11:01PM 0 SPI script
6:05PM 0 New book using R
5:46PM 0 Creating submatrices from a dataframe, depending on factors in sample names
4:47PM 2 Creating submatrices from a dataframe, depending on factors in sample names
4:37PM 2 R source scripts
2:47PM 0 please please unsubscribe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2:31PM 3 please please unsubscribe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2:24PM 0 mixtools
2:15PM 0 please please unsubscribe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9:26AM 1 rgl WebGL export
9:00AM 1 Cycling and different xerror values in cp of rpart, which result should I trust?...
8:32AM 0 HELP
2:42AM 0 R dplyr solution vs. Base R solution for the slect column total
2:37AM 4 please please unsubscribe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2:15AM 0 R dplyr solution vs. Base R solution for the slect column total
2:09AM 1 using win task to run Rscript somepackages can't work in script mode
1:45AM 5 R dplyr solution vs. Base R solution for the slect column total