Hi, I am running some rather complex mixtures of beta regressions using the betamix() command from the betareg package (V. 3.0-4). If I am doing exploratory regressions with only one random starting value (nstart=1) I obtain results which converge after about 100 iterations. However, if I run regressions with nstart=100 random starting values I obtain solutions amended with a warning that no convergence resulted after 200 iterations. I conclude that 1) the initial regression converges to a local optimum, 2) the likelihood function is flat. However, at least in theory the EM algorithm should converge to an optimum. Thus, I am wondering about the meaning of the warning: does it mean "no convergence at all, i.e. after 5000 iterations of the BFGS algorithm" or convergence but after more than 200 iterations? Moreover, is there a way out the flat trap? I have started to experiment with the SANN algorithm within the betamix() function but it is slow (as expected)... Thanks for any hints Chris -- View this message in context: r.789695.n4.nabble.com/convergence-warning-in-betamix-tp4693249.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.