"Vallejo, Roger" <Roger.Vallejo at ARS.USDA.GOV> asked:
> I would like to know if we can estimate Rg between two binary traits
> (disease status: alive vs. dead) with the R package.
> My data: we have 100 full-sib (FS) families,
> and two random samples (each with n= 200 FS fish) from each FS family
> were evaluated for disease resistance to two different bacterial
> diseases, separately. Both traits are not recorded in the same
> individual; both traits are recorded in different full-sibs from a FS
> family.
Yes. Check out http://glmm.wikidot.com/ and the R-sig-mixed-models list.
MCMCglmm is the package most explicitly for multivariate
genetic analysis, but given you have only full sibs, there are a quite a
few choices.