Hi all,
I'm encountering a problem I do not understand on my data:
library (lattice)
Mpool1 <- Table[Table$Subarea %in% c("52E9", "51E9"),]
Mpool2 <- Table[Table$Subarea %in% c("53F0", "52F0"),]
Mpool3 <- Table[Table$Subarea %in% c("51F0", "50F0"),]
Mpool4 <- Table[Table$Subarea %in% c("51F1", "52F1"),]
Mpool <- list(Mpool1, Mpool2, Mpool3, Mpool4)
histogram(~ Mpool[[2]]$LngtClas | Mpool[[2]]$SpCode, type = "count",
= "lightgrey", xlab= "LngtClas", main = paste("Length
distribution per
species for Mpool", "2", sep = "_"))
#### This part works perfectly and I obtain the graph reprensenting
Mpool2 length class count per species.
#### Now when I want to automatize this with a "for" loop nothing is
for (i in c(2)){
histogram(~ Mpool[[i]]$LngtClas | Mpool[[i]]$SpCode, type = "count",
= "lightgrey", xlab= "LngtClas", main = paste("Length
distribution per
species for Mpool", i, sep = "_"))
print (i)
### Running this loop I obtained windows filled grey (no plot drawn at
all) but the print (i) print a "2" as expected. I really dont
what's wrong with the loop. There is no error message and no
notification in R. You can find enclosed my data in txt file.
Thank you very much for any help,
Xochitl C.
<>< <>< <>< <><
Xochitl CORMON
+33 (0)3 21 99 56 84
Doctorante en sciences halieutiques
PhD student in fishery sciences
<>< <>< <>< <><
Centre Manche Mer du Nord
150 quai Gambetta
62200 Boulogne-sur-Mer
<>< <>< <>< <><
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