On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 6:47 PM, Noah Silverman <noahsilverman at
ucla.edu> wrote:> Hello,
> I coming across a strange problem doing math on an xts object.
> If I have an xts object of stock prices (perhaps 5 minute bars of open,
high, low,close) and want to do some math, the results fail.
> For example:
> d$close[10] - d$open[10] works perfectly
> d$close[10] - d$open[9] fails. I just get an answer of "numeric(0)
Index: numeric(0)".
> My guess is that xts is breaking because the two items in my equation have
different time stamps. However, the actual data is correct, and the xts matrix
looks correct.
Nothing is broken or strange. xts' behavior is consistent with zoo,
ts, etc. What's strange is expecting a time-series class to do
operations independent of time.
> Note: It works if I do things the loooong way around.
> as.numeric(d$close[10]) - as.numeric( d$open[9] )
> But, that is horrendously slow.
> Suggestions?
Use lag.
Joshua Ulrich | about.me/joshuaulrich
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