Benjamin Caldwell
2013-Apr-24 00:00 UTC
[R] help with execution of 'embarrassingly parallel' problem using foreach, doParallel on a windows system
Dear R helpers, I have what another member on this forum described as an embarrassingly parallel problem. I am trying to fit models on subsets of some data based on unique combinations of two id factors in the dataset. Total number of combinations is 30^5, and this takes a long time. So, I would like fit models for each of the datasets produced by subsetting on the unique combinations, splitting up the matrix of combinations into pieces based on how many cores I have available to me (e.g. eight cores, eight chunks). I spent much of the day today trying to wrap myself around an expedient way to do this on a windows system in R (seems like the 'best' way to do this on systems that support forking is much more settled), and picked foreach and doParallel based on the package documentation for foreach; I'm open to other suggestions. Having tried it out though, it doesn't seem to be doing anything to speed up the task - indeed, it takes more time! Also, compiling the functions results in the 'winner' in terms of the serial and (I hope) parallel implementations being reversed. Most importantly, what have I done wrong here and how can I make this work? What's the interaction of compile and foreach I'm seeing? How can I tell whether multi-threading is occurring? Suggestions for another approach? Example: ############################################################################################### require(foreach) require(doParallel) require(compile) require(compiler) cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-1) registerDoParallel(cl) # foreach(i=1:100) %dopar% sqrt(i) d <- sort(rep(letters[1:24], 5)) e <- rep(1:24, 5) <- rnorm(n=length(e),mean=e, sd=4) f <- 3+ (e*^2 g <- sort(rep(1:6, 20)) one <- data.frame(d,e,f,g) names(one) <- c('block1', 'ind', 'res','block2') one[1:50,] two <- expand.grid(one[,1], one[,4]) #actually is expand.grid(unique(one[,1]), unique(one[,4])) str(two) names(two) <- c('block1', 'block2') fitting <- function(ndx.grd=two,dt.grd=one,ind.vr='ind',rsp.vr='res') { ind.start<-10^8 item.out <- matrix(NA, ncol=3) for(i in 1:length(ndx.grd[,1])){ tmp1 <- as.character(ndx.grd[i,1]) tmp2 <- as.character(ndx.grd[i,2]) wk.grd <- dt.grd[as.character(dt.grd[,1])==tmp1 & as.character(dt.grd[,4])==tmp2,] # browser() try(ind.out <- summary(lm(ind~res, data=wk.grd))$sigma, silent=TRUE) if(ind.out < ind.start) { item.out[,1] <- tmp1 item.out[,2] <- tmp2 item.out[,3] <- ind.out } } return(item.out) } fitting.c<-cmpfun(fitting) #compiled Rprof('myFunction.out', memory.profiling=T) y <- fitting.c() Rprof(NULL) summaryRprof('myFunction.out', memory='both') system.time(fitting.c()) Rprof('myFunction.out', memory.profiling=T) y <- foreach(icount(length(two))) %dopar% fitting.c() Rprof(NULL) summaryRprof('myFunction.out', memory='both') system.time(foreach(icount(length(two))) %dopar% fitting.c()) #uncompiled Rprof('myFunction.out', memory.profiling=T) y <- fitting() Rprof(NULL) summaryRprof('myFunction.out', memory='both') system.time(fitting()) Rprof('myFunction.out', memory.profiling=T) y <- foreach(icount(length(two))) %dopar% fitting() Rprof(NULL) summaryRprof('myFunction.out', memory='both') system.time(foreach(icount(length(two))) %dopar% fitting()) ############################################################################################### * * *Ben Caldwell* [[alternative HTML version deleted]]