I think this is more a question for something like Cross Validated but you
may well get a hint or two here. Unfortunately while I vaguely see what the
reviewer is getting at I certainly don't know enough to help.
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
-----Original Message-----
From: mohamed.lajnef at inserm.fr
Sent: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 14:38:10 +0100
To: jrkrideau at inbox.com
Subject: Re: [R] reviewer comment
Thanks John for your reply.
the reviewer comment:
asymmetric distribution could affect Principal
Component Analysis results, symmetry of distribution should be
tested. Authors should also indicate if outliers were observed and
consequently excluded because they could affect factors
My question: what does it mean asymmetry distribution could affect PCA ? and a
lso outliers could affect factors?
sorry for this not R-help question.
Best regards
Le 15/03/13 14:05, John Kane a ?crit :
No idea of what sentence. R-help strips any html and only provides a text mess
age so all formatting has been lost. I think the question is not really an R-h
elp question but if you resubmit the post you need to show the sentence in ques
tion in another way.
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
-----Original Message-----
From: [1]mohamed.lajnef at inserm.fr
Sent: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 11:26:45 +0100
To: [2]r-help at r-project.org
Subject: [R] reviewer comment
Could someone explain me this sentence reviewer below in blod underlined,
Authors should try to be more detailed in the description of analyses:
some of the details reported in the "Principal components analysis"
paragraph (Results) should be moved here.
Because a highly_/*asymmetric distribution could affect Principal
Component Analysis results, symmetry of distribution should be
tested. Authors should also indicate if outliers were observed and
consequently excluded because they could affect factors*/_
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Mohamed Lajnef,IE INSERM U955 eq 15#
P?le de Psychiatrie #
40, rue Mesly #
94010 CRETEIL Cedex FRANCE #
[3]Mohamed.lajnef at inserm.fr #
tel : 01 49 81 32 79 #
Sec : 01 49 81 32 90 #
fax : 01 49 81 30 99 #
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Mohamed Lajnef,IE INSERM U955 eq 15#
P?le de Psychiatrie #
40, rue Mesly #
94010 CRETEIL Cedex FRANCE #
[8]Mohamed.lajnef at inserm.fr #
tel : 01 49 81 32 79 #
Sec : 01 49 81 32 90 #
fax : 01 49 81 30 99 #
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