Dear all, This is my first post to the mailing list. I asked this question a little while ago on stackoverflow but did not get an answer. Please allow me to ask again. I have R set up on both Windows7 and kUbuntu12 machines. On Windows, I happen to have both MikTeX and TeXlive available (and both work). How could I instruct R to call TeXlive instead of MikTeX? Both MikTeX and TeXlive are on my Windows PATH. This is what I get now: Sys.which("pdflatex") pdflatex "C:\\PROGRA~2\\MIKTEX~1.9\\miktex\\bin\\pdflatex.exe" I tried to set pdflatex via Sys.setenv Sys.setenv(pdflatex="C:/texlive/2012/bin/win32") but it doesn't seem to work in that Sys.which("pdflatex") returns MikTeX again: (I also tried with PDFLATEX or "PDFLATEX" in the above) The closest I've got to setting the path to pdflatex is by clearing the PATH and including TeXlive thus: Sys.setenv("PATH" = "C:/texlive/2012/bin/win32") This radical move apparently gives me the desired path: Sys.which("pdflatex") pdflatex "C:\\texlive\\2012\\bin\\win32\\pdflatex.exe" but R still cannot find the TeXlive executables. For instance, running texi2dvi: tools::texi2pdf(Out) Error in texi2dvi(file = file, pdf = TRUE, clean = clean, quiet quiet, : pdflatex is not available For information, my PATH shows (edited): Sys.getenv("PATH") [1] "C:\\ ... ;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MiKTeX 2.9\\miktex\\bin\\;C:\\texlive\\2012\\bin\\win32;..." Changing the order of MikTeX and TeXlive in the PATH did not help R pick up TeXlive. Suggestions will be appreciated, Patrick. For reference, my question on stackoverflow: