Hi: If you want testFun to know about b, then you would have to do
b<-list(...)$b inside
TestFun itself. But the dot dot dot argument is not really for that
The use of dotdotdot is for the case where a function INSIDE testFun has a
formal argument named say b. Then you can pass the ... at the top level and
the function inside will receive the ... but automatically slurp the b out
of the dot dot dot and know about it. Below is an example of the use I'm
talking about. It was created by a mentoR when I was trying to understand
the dotdotdot concept.
hope it helps you.
Note that f does not directly know about x and g does. That is g knows
about x even though f does
not know and g got it from f.
g <- function(x, ...) { cat("g: exists('x') = ",
exists("x"), "\n");
list(...) }
f <- function(...) { cat("f: exists('x') = ",
exists("x"), "\n"); g(...) }
f(x = 3, y = 4)
f: exists('x') = FALSE
g: exists('x') = TRUE
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 5:21 AM, Feng Li <m@feng.li> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Why does not the three-dot accept arguments from the parent environment?
> I am just confused with this error, can someone give me a hint?
> > rm(list=ls())
> > testFun <- function(a, ...)
> + {
> + if(a){
> + print(a)
> + }else
> + {
> + print(b)
> + }
> + }
> >
> > myTask <- function(a)
> + {
> + b <- 3
> + testFun(a, b = b)
> + }
> > myTask(FALSE)
> Error in print(b) : object 'b' not found
> Thanks in advance!
> Feng
> --
> Feng Li
> Department of Statistics
> Stockholm University
> SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
> http://feng.li/
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