Displaying 20 results from an estimated 74 matches for "sweaveopt".
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2009 Jul 23
SweaveOpts(eval=false) not working - CORRECTION
...ou please refer
>> me to a mora appropriate?
>> My question:
>> I am using sweave (in LyX with beamer) for a lecture and I would like
>> to evaluate the R code chunks for the handout, but not for the
>> presentation.
>> I thought that I can use \SweaveOpts(eval=FALSE) to set this option
>> for all code chunks, but it is still evaluating them and showing the
>> output. If I set this option separately for each chunk(i.e.
>> <<eval=FALSE>>=), it is, as expected, not evaluating.
>> Am I doing something wrong...
2010 Nov 25
\Sweaveopts error
I have a file 4lmetc.Rnw, intended for inclusion in a LaTeX document,
that starts:
\SweaveOpts{engine=R, keep.source=TRUE}
\SweaveOpts{eps=FALSE, prefix.string=snArt/4lmetc}
The attempt to process the file through Sweave generates the error:
> Sweave("4lmetc")
Writing to file 4lmetc.tex
Processing code chunks ...
1 : keep.source term verbatim
Error in file(srcfile$filename,...
2009 Jan 20
Sweave: conflict between setwd and \SweaveOpts{prefix.string=}
I think there is a conflict between setwd() and
\SweaveOpts{prefix.string=}. In the same document, those both command
get Sweave confuse the files and directories. See:
say my .Rnw document is in File1
If one inserts some setwd() for another file:
then the command \SweaveOpts{prefix.string=graphics/Rplots} will search
the "graphics&...
2011 Apr 14
trouble with \SweaveOpts{grdevice=...}
Dear all
I've just tried the brand new 'grdevice' option in Sweave but couldn't
make it work. When I declare
trying to plot something simple
<<fig=T, echo=T>>=
plot(1:10,1:10,main='Some title')
would result in an Sweave error:
18:16:47.299: 1 : term verbatim
18:16:47.308: 2 : echo term verbatim pdf pdf
18:16:47.391: Error in dev(...
2010 Dec 10
Sweave: Setting options with SweaveOpts{} when using driver=RweaveHTML
When using Sweave in connection with the driver RweaveLatex(), global options can be set with \SweaveOpts{}, e.g.
Does anybody know if it is possible to set global options in the same way when using Sweave with the driver RweaveHTML().
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jun 25
Setting default plot size in Sweave
Dear Colleagues:
I have used
\SweaveOpts{prefix.string=plot, eps = FALSE, pdf = TRUE}
\SweaveOpts{width=5, height=4}
But the figure still has a width of 80% of the text width, the default
set up by Sweave, which issues a LateX command in Sweave.sty of
\setkeys{Gin}{.8\textwidth}. Sweave.sty has a c...
2011 Mar 07
Sweave with scan()-ed data
\section{sem package: Second-order CFA, Thurstone data}
\frametitle{sem package: Second-order CFA, Thurstone data}
Data on 9 ability variables:
2012 Jan 19
cacheSweave questions (usage and forward compatibility)
Hello all,
I would like to ask several questions regarding cacheSweave:
1) Is there a way to set "cache=true" globally? (I tried it
using \SweaveOpts but it didn't seem to work)
2) Is there a way to "flush" specific cache once it is created? (other
then erasing the entire cache directory)? Changing the code in the code
chunk seems to do it, but I am not sure to what extent. For example - if I
add at the end of the code chunk a...
2010 Nov 07
Sweave: option keep.source=TRUE and package cacheSweave
...When I use the cacheSweave package together with the Sweave option
keep.source = TRUE, all the LaTeX code before the Sweave code chunk is
included in the TeX file to be compiled. For example, with the
following Sweave file
% Sweave options
\SweaveOpts{keep.source=TRUE, strip.white=TRUE, eps=FALSE, pdf=TRUE}
<<optionsR, results=hide>>=
library(MASS) ## just an example
I get the following TeX file:
2009 Aug 07
xtable, sweave and resizebox
does anyone know to rezize a table produzed by xtable? The size of my table
is too big and I would like to resize it like using resizebox but it gives
an erros when I try using it
using it its fine
xtable(stats0,caption='Número de transacções dos artigos frequentes e
but the size is too big
so I try
2009 Apr 14
using Sweave, how to save a plot in a given size
I'm trying to realise a repport with R and Latex (TeXnicCenter and Miktex for Windows) using Sweave().
I'd like to save my plots in a given size. How can I do that ? The code is :
\SweaveOpts{prefix.string = figs/plot, eps = FALSE, pdf = TRUE}
<<partI, echo=FALSE ,fig=TRUE, include=FALSE>>=
When I use par(pin=c(width,height)), I get the plot with the right size but saved in a too big pdf page (7in x 7in, the default...
2008 Nov 22
declaring constants in an Sweave / LaTeX document
I would like to set a variable to hold, say, the size of my plots in a
Sweave document. i.e. something like the following in my '.Rnw' file:
smallPlotSize = 4
<<fig1, echo=false, results=hide, height=smallPlotSize, width=smallPlotSize,
dat <- read.table("
2009 Sep 03
Sweavelistingutil: Encoding problems
| \documentclass[a4paper]{scrartcl}
| \usepackage{scrpage2}
| \usepackage[english,danish]{babel}
| \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
| \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
And the "R-settings" looks like this (basically copied from the viginette):
| %\usepackage[noae]{Sweave}
| \SweaveOpts{keep.source=TRUE}
| % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| <<SweaveListingsPreparations, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
| require(SweaveListingUtils)
| SweaveListingoptions(intermediate = FALSE)
| SweaveListingPreparations(ae = FALSE)
| setToBeD...
2015 Jun 09
Tablas con tabular en latex
...weave) a través del paquete tables. He mirado que este tema esta activo
en las listas pero no logro localizar las respuestas antes dadas, por eso
lanzo esta consulta.
Mi fichero .rnw tiene el siguiente aspecto:
\subsection*{Llamadas por dia}
tabular(FECHA_LLAMADA ~ 1, data...
2009 Jun 19
Changes to Rd handling in R-devel
I've just committed some fairly big changes to R-devel.
- There's a new tag \Sexpr which allows R code to be embedded within
the Rd file, similar to Sweave, \RdOpts
corresponds to \SweaveOpts.
- The parser now mainly issues warnings, rather than errors, in case
of syntax errors. It throws away a few tokens and tries to restart.
This should let you see most of your errors in one pass, rather than one
at a time. (Don't ignore the warnings -- you've lost some of your file...
2009 Apr 13
I want to use Sweave, but only sometimes
Here's why I think this must be possible. In this list, I saw one of
you explain this approach to working with figures in Sweave docs:
Instead of using the automatic figure inclusion approach like this:
<<testfn2, fig=true>>=
curve(sin, from = 1, to = 55)
Do this instead:
<<testfn2, fig=true, include=false>>=
curve(sin, from = 1, to = 55)
\caption{My Figure}
As long as the figures are saved in the directory foo, then LaTeX will
find them, I think (hope!). Then if...
2010 Oct 05
SweaveInput + keep.source = TRUE trouble
...devel.tex &&
R CMD Sweave baseline.Rnw &&
mv baseline.tex baseline.2.11.tex &&
diff -u baseline.2.11.tex baseline.devel.tex
--- baseline.2.11.tex 2010-10-05 11:33:49.000000000 +0200
+++ baseline.devel.tex 2010-10-05 11:33:49.000000000 +0200
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
\verb+\SweaveOpts{keep.source = TRUE}+
-> 12
+> line 54
[1] 12
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
line 63 chunk option keep.source = TRUE
-> 14
+> line 67
[1] 14
I used yesterday...
2012 Aug 20
Changing line length in Sweave output works for numeric, but not for character vectors
...This works great for me for numeric output, but not for character vectors that I have to print. The following is some sample code that illustrates my problem.
Is there a different way to format character vectors that are stored in R?
Yours, Simon Kiss
<<echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
<<echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
<<echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
<<echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
test<-c('The government should do more t...
2009 Jul 13
SweaveListingUtils question
...some technical reason, I would like to stick on this notation.
Any help appreciated,
kind regards,
%%%% begin example
% choose language and char set
\SweaveOpts{prefix.string=Routput/parcel, keep.source=TRUE}
\begin{Scode}{results=tex, echo=FALSE}
SweaveListingoptions(intermediate = FALSE)
\frametitle{Your title}
2019 Jun 18
making a vignette optional
I had added a vignette to the coxme package and all worked well locally, but it failed at
CRAN.???? The issue is that the vignette involves using coxme for pedigree data, it
doesn't work without the kinship2 package, and I hadn't put in the necessary "if
(require(...." logic.
The question is, how do I make the entire vignette conditional? If the package isn't