Hi All, has anyone run into maximum depth of nested JSON arrays in either rjson or RJSONIO ? I seem to be able to get up to 10 depth levels without problem, but crossing over to 11 either causes an error or fails to load the nodes properly. with RJSONIO I tried: a = fromJSON('data/myJSON.json', depth=1000) but I still get this error: Error in fromJSON(content, handler, default.size, depth, allowComments, : Invalid JSON Node The JSON file loads correctly until I add this node at the 10th level of an existing node (note all of my nodes have this exact format: "node3": {...}, "node4":{ "nodeName":"nodeName4", "nodeType":"object", "nodeDeps":["nodeNames"], "nodeDefaults":["NULL"], "nodeDef":{ "node4":{ "nodeName":"nodeName5", "nodeType":"object", "nodeDeps":["nodeNames"], "nodeDefaults":["NULL"], "nodeDef":["a=1"], "nodeOutput":["a"], "nodeX":1, "nodeY":1 } }, "node5":{...} Where {..} denotes a node structure which has a JSON array at the field nodeDef, i.e. [item, item, item] Theo -- Theodore Van Rooy http://greentheo.scroggles.com [[alternative HTML version deleted]]