HI, I have the price and volume data from own product and competitor's product: Year_Month Volume own product's price Volume competitor's price 1 201011 17583 469.03 NA NA 2 201012 33899 489.25 NA NA 3 201101 31306 488.42 NA NA 4 201102 21272 479.07 173 550 5 201103 24145 462.99 2684 548 6 201104 20763 433.87 4787 475 7 201105 25337 410.22 9805 430 8 201106 21793 422.52 14096 388 9 201107 26081 417.76 17452 383 10 201108 21933 420.86 22432 373 11 201109 21560 396.53 17678 353 12 201110 28538 360.49 17864 349 13 201111 20995 346.47 11857 340 14 201112 42961 353.49 35938 332 15 201201 26378 341.49 20544 330 16 201202 21531 350.82 16259 339 17 201203 19386 365.95 14361 348 18 201204 20441 347.06 12255 357 because competitor's product was launched at 201102. so I am having missing data before that time for competitor's product and volume after I merge all data together. my aim to set up the model based on the data. because I have so less data points. I don't want to delete those rows with NA records. but How should I handle this case? I am thinking to use mean imputation. but is it suitable for this case? Thank you so much for your reply. Kind regards, Tammy [[alternative HTML version deleted]]