1. Astricon is a conference and exhibition of "Asterisk" not
2. bkw__ has the right to free speech and his opinon of how
or not Mark Spencer and Digum is or is not.
3. Corydon-w is dening bkw__'s right to free speech.
4. Mark Spencer and other Digium employees have no right to ask
someone to leave because of a shirt that is within the limits of the
dress code of the resturant.
5. CtRiX has the right to free speech and his opinon of both company's
6. Corydon-w is dening CtRiX's right to free speech.
I would expect a public apology from Mark Spencer/Digium for asking
bkw__ to leave the resturant.
I would expect a public apology from Corydon-w to both bkw__ and CtRiX
for kicking them off the irc server.
I would expect both bkw__ and CtRiX's irc access to be returned immediatly.
If Corydon-w has moderator access to the irc channel - then a warning to
the user is a must. A user cannot be simply kicked because he is saying
this or that. If that topic was not appropriate, then the warning should
have silenced the issue. Now we have a good chunk of the asterisk
comminuty aware of the events that took place. This makes everyone
involved look worse.
If I do not see an apology from Mark Spencer and Digium on this list,
then I will not be purchasing any more Digium products nor will I
publicly contribute any of my conceptual idea's or source code on how to
make asterisk better.
This is an open source project, and as such anyone can take and modify
or integrate their software and/or hardware with it.
Anyone disagreeing with my view on this can take it up with me directly
Unmetered Pipe wrote:
> I don't mean to be a troll in any way shape or form. I was on IRC last
> night and I observed the following convo. below. What do you guys make
> of it ?
> [02:14] <bkw__> Let me tell you how chidlish digium and Mark Spencer
> is. I walk into a restaurant with them all here at Astricon wearing
> my sangoma shirt and he asked me to leave.
> [02:15] <Dovid> u serious ?
> [02:15] *** mog (i=ejabberd@c-71-207-215-93.hsd1.al.comcast.net
> <mailto:i=ejabberd@c-71-207-215-93.hsd1.al.comcast.net>) left ()
> [02:15] <bkw__> yes
> [02:15] <Adam12> Wow, I didn't think Mark Spencer owned a
restaurant! :)
> [02:15] <Dovid> btw how old is mark ? he looks like a kid
> [02:15] <bkw__> 28
> [02:15] <Dovid> damn
> [02:16] <Dovid> filthy rich boy
> [02:16] <Dovid> i knes he wasnt over 30
> [02:16] <CtRiX> bkw_, trolling again :-)
> [02:16] <Inez> I must try with 1.4
> [02:16] *** Corydon-w sets channel #asterisk mode +b
> *!n=*@ <mailto:*%21n=*@>
> [02:16] *** bkw__ was kicked from #asterisk by Corydon-w (troll)
> [02:16] <Dovid> he asked u to leave cause u were wearin the
> competitors shirt ? u know u didnt have to leave. i woulda rubbed it
> in his face.
> [02:16] <Dovid> lol
> [02:17] *** xin01oz quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
> [02:17] <Dovid> Corydon: can I PM u ?
> [02:17] <CtRiX> another demo of how the truth may hurt
> [02:17] <mishehu> Corydon-w: uhm, flex that muscle
> [02:17] <@Corydon-w> Nope
> [02:17] <[TK]D-Fender> Dovid : Careful... "The Man" is
listening ;)
> [02:17] <Dovid> i know - i want to ask a question but not here
> [02:17] *** [Outcast] quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
> [02:17] <Dovid> to be fare to him i want to ask in PM
> [02:17] <mishehu> Dovid: I've had sat there and told him how
great I
> think the competitor's product is
> [02:18] <mishehu> that's rude as hell what he did.
> [02:18] <Dovid> who ?
> [02:18] <mishehu> Dovid: about bkw and the digium crew
> [02:18] <CtRiX> another demo of how sangoma is stealing someone's
> business wirh better products
> [02:18] <Dovid> what bkw did or mark ?
> [02:19] <mishehu> Dovid: commenting about what I would have done if I
> was bkw_.
> [02:19] *** Corydon-w sets channel #asterisk mode +b
> *!n=*@aretha.navynet.il <mailto:*%21n=*@aretha.navynet.il>
> [02:19] *** CtRiX was kicked from #asterisk by Corydon-w (trolling)
> [02:19] <[TK]D-Fender> *sigh*
> [02:19] *** Adam12 (n=adam@d150-182-137.home.cgocable.net
> <mailto:n=adam@d150-182-137.home.cgocable.net>) left ("So Long,
> Thanks for All the Fish!")
> [02:20] * Druken kicks [TK]D-Fender
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