the "image" function should do it, something like this: image( x, y,
outer(x,y,u), col=[some vector of colors] ) You can add a "breaks"
parameter but you need one more break than you have colors (include the start
and end point). Or just let it be automatic.I have used colorpanel() from the
gplots library to generate graduated color shades. This is based on actual code
I'm using for one of my heatmaps: library(gplots) # for colorpanelz <-
outer(x,y,u)image( x, y, z,
breaks=quantile(z,seq(0,1,by=0.1)) )box() # for appearancespar(new=TRUE) # you
want the lines on top of the colors, so do the contour plot secondcontour(...)
It will produce ten colors with steelblue for the highest value and white for
the lowest value, and one shade for each decile. You can omit the
"breaks" term. > I have drawn indifference curves using the
program below (Contour Plot)>
> u <- function(x, y) x^0.5 + y^0.5
> x <- seq(0, 1000, by=1)
> y <- seq(0, 1000, by=1)
> a <- c(10, 20, 30)
> contour(x, y, outer(x, y, u),levels=a,col="blue")
> Now can any body please tell me how to draw Heat maps
> and that too on the same indifference curve plot (contour)
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