Hello Everyone, I am a MS students in the Department of Statistics, Biostatistics & Informatics, in University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Recently, I am doing thesis on "D-optimal Designs for Regression models in Biostatistics". In my thesis work, I am having problem with a particular program where I need to replace each element of a vector one by one by every element of another seq (which is of higher length than that of the vector), and then calculated a quantity from each of the resulting vector and compare them. I have written the following program, but I think it is not running correctly, Can anyone please correct this Please! dopt<-function(beta) { set.covar<-seq(-1,1,0.001) n<-length(set.covar) xi<-sample(set.covar,5) ## start of information loop infor<-function(xi) { mu<-exp(t(xi)*beta)/(1+exp(t(xi)*beta)) mui<-mu%*%t(1-mu) xmui<-mui%*%t(xi) info<-xmui%*%xi } ## end of information loop info<-infor(xi) ##start of loop to replace every element of x (i loop) for(i in 1:5) { ## start of a loop to replace each element of xi with every element of set.covar (j loop) for(j in 1:n) { x<-xi xi<-replace(x,i,set.covar[j]) infoi<-infor(xi) info<-ifelse(infoi>info,c(infoi,return(xi)),c(info,return(x))) } ## end of j loop } ## end of i loop } ## end of mainloop (dopt) Please help me with the loop. With best regards, Farzana. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]